Immigrant Caravans are back on Fox!!!! Economy must be good.

That must be sad for your personal employment outlook. However, there is 2Xs more job openings (10.3M) than people looking (5.7M).
Very VERY few of those jobs are looking to fill the position with an illiterate, unskilled person who has no idea how a flush toilet works. The women can always be prostitutes.
Well… suddenly immigrant caravans are back on Fox which tells you the economy must be really good.

Thank you for re-affirming my belief that you are an idiot, a partisan hack, a gaslighting troll, or all three.

'Illegal caravans' never stopped - steady streams of illegals have been coming for the last 2 years, counting for the record-setting 5 MILLION illegals that Biden has aided and abetted criminally entering into the US during that time.

The only thing that appears to have changed is that now its being reported the Mexican military is escorting bus-loads of illegals to the border and dumping them out.
It is expected that the invading army will number 13 million by the end of fuckwad Biden's term. They aren't all from South of the border either they are here from every squalor ridden parking lot in the world.
It is expected that the invading army will number 13 million by the end of fuckwad Biden's term. They aren't all from South of the border either they are here from every squalor ridden parking lot in the world.
So much for Davey Crocket and the Alamo huh? Wiping out history by demofks never ends.
It is expected that the invading army will number 13 million by the end of fuckwad Biden's term. They aren't all from South of the border either they are here from every squalor ridden parking lot in the world.

Our own government has already confirmed as well that terrorists on the Watch List have attempted entering the US, some are believed to have made it in.

If we have another terrorist attack from within tbe US and it is determined they illegally crossed into the US through Biden's Open Border, can we put Biden, Mayorkas, and the other traitors who had a hand in this in Gitmo for the rest of tbrir lives?
sure, tell us how.
1. Change amnesty laws.

2. ICE should hit farm fields and construction sites etc, arrest illegals and fine employers so heavily, it is more expensive to employ illegals then it is Americans.

3. Revamp our VISA system. Slightly over half of all illegals in the country arrived legally and overstayed their VISAs.

4. Have the fed submit a list of all known fake social security numbers, go to their job site or homes and arrest them. They are in the system. We know where they are.

Do you have any suggestions or do you think we should point fingers at the other party and scream WALL?
1. Change amnesty laws.

2. ICE should hit farm fields and construction sites etc, arrest illegals and fine employers so heavily, it is more expensive to employ illegals then it is Americans.

3. Revamp our VISA system. Slightly over half of all illegals in the country arrived legally and overstayed their VISAs.

4. Have the fed submit a list of all known fake social security numbers, go to their job site or homes and arrest them. They are in the system. We know where they are.

Do you have any suggestions or do you think we should point fingers at the other party and scream WALL?
You didn't tell us how to implement all of that. I agree with every bullet, but you didn't say how we get the elites to use it.
Uh... are you stoopid or somethin'? Let me hightlight your claim and the portion of the graph it refers to. Trump was down not up.. Biden up not down. Boy you fucked that up.

View attachment 738115
Covid shutdowns (thanks to Dem governors contInually extending them) caused the fall, and businesses finally having to reopen caused the upturn. Nothing to do with Trump or Biden. Boy did you fuck that up royally.
You didn't tell us how to implement all of that. I agree with every bullet, but you didn't say how we get the elites to use it.
We can't get them to do it, if all voters do is point fingers at the other party. The voters empower the disregard and the elites make a fortune off cheap labor.
1. Change amnesty laws.

2. ICE should hit farm fields and construction sites etc, arrest illegals and fine employers so heavily, it is more expensive to employ illegals then it is Americans.

3. Revamp our VISA system. Slightly over half of all illegals in the country arrived legally and overstayed their VISAs.

4. Have the fed submit a list of all known fake social security numbers, go to their job site or homes and arrest them. They are in the system. We know where they are.

Do you have any suggestions or do you think we should point fingers at the other party and scream WALL?
Any capable American with their own weapon should go to the border and repel the invasion. The police and military should conduct sweeps in the interior and have deportation round ups.
Uh... are you stoopid or somethin'? Let me hightlight your claim and the portion of the graph it refers to. Trump was down not up.. Biden up not down. Boy you fucked that up.
Trump's policies were working great until Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic hit.
You can't count what happened during covid as a policy outcome.

The bigger point is that the more cheap labor that dems let in, the fewer jobs and fewer raises American workers get.
Wait. I thought we couldn’t get labor and the unemployment rate was at, or near, our all time low 3.7%.
You Dimtards are always bleating about prosecuting companies that hire illegals.

call your handlers and get your talking points figured out, Tardgator.
1. Change amnesty laws.

Sorry, but illegals distespected our country and broke our laws to come here, as opposed to those who have folliwed the existing process and waited years to become a US citizen.

I am compmetely against rewarding 6-7 million criminals with amnesty / citizenship.

We have existing Immigration Laws Democrats are just as guilty of violating because it takes too long to follow the process to ac omplish their agenda.

Having control of both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, Democrats could have passed bew Immigration Laws ... but they failed / refused to do so because biolating the Uzs Constitution and existing laws, as Biden has proved, was much easier and faster.

Even Obama admitted publicly tbat he did not have the Constitutional autjority to affect US Immigration pivy by himself ... before he rammed UN-Constitutional DACA into existence through his own.personal EO.

I am completely against granting citizenship to any illegal into the US or still flowing illegally into the US. Granting citizenship to illegals still flowing into this country before the border is REALLY closed and illegal immigration is stopped is like being in a boat with a large hole in it and wanting to bail the water out of it with a small dixie cup before you have plugged the leak.

IF citizenship was / is to be granted to illegals currently in this country they should NEVER be given (rewarded) the right to vote. No one invited 'you' here, 'you' criminally 'broke into' this country,so you should never have the right to have acsay howvit should be run.

-- If THOSE illegals want the right to vote they should have the option of voluntarily leaving the US, applying for citizenship, and going through tbe existing process like so many others have done.

Close / secure the border 1st

Stop all illegal entry into the US

Enforce all existing laws until a new immigration process can be passed through the legislative procesS, if one is desired

You didn't tell us how to implement all of that. I agree with every bullet, but you didn't say how we get the elites to use it.

Again, their intent is good, but they have no specific details on how to get what they claim they want accomplished ... so the outcome is shit.

Democrats demand to be judged on their INTENT, not on their RESULTS.
Sorry, but illegals distespected our country and broke our laws to come here, as opposed to those who have folliwed the existing process and waited years to become a US citizen.

Many are seeking amnesty, which is in itself an existing process, and this didn't break our laws.

I am compmetely against rewarding 6-7 million criminals with amnesty / citizenship.

I would be ok with providing an expedited path to citizenship for what we're once called dreamers, but only if they had no criminal history...but that is just me.

We have existing Immigration Laws Democrats are just as guilty of violating because it takes too long to follow the process to ac omplish their agenda.

It's the immigration laws that make it so difficult to control the border and neither Dems or Repubs have tried to change them.

Having control of both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, Democrats could have passed bew Immigration Laws ... but they failed / refused to do so because biolating the Uzs Constitution and existing laws, as Biden has proved, was much easier and faster.

Which amnesty laws and VISA program laws have Repubs changed when they had control of government multiple times over the last couple decades?

I heard a rumor once that somebody had an idea called "extreme vetting" but I am unable to find where such a program was even attempted. Maybe I heard wrong?

Even Obama admitted publicly tbat he did not have the Constitutional autjority to affect US Immigration pivy by himself ... before he rammed UN-Constitutional DACA into existence through his own.personal EO.

He was right that he didn't have the authority but for a while SCOTUS agreed with him. That is why Congress needs to fix the laws.

I am completely against granting citizenship to any illegal into the US or still flowing illegally into the US. Granting citizenship to illegals still flowing into this country before the border is REALLY closed and illegal immigration is stopped is like being in a boat with a large hole in it and wanting to bail the water out of it with a small dixie cup before you have plugged the leak.

I have already expressed the same thought process but again, I would be ok with DACA/dreamers. I just think it is to harsh to uproot young people who have essentially lived here their entire life through no fault of their long as they hadn't committed crimes.

IF citizenship was / is to be granted to illegals currently in this country they should NEVER be given (rewarded) the right to vote. No one invited 'you' here, 'you' criminally 'broke into' this country,so you should never have the right to have acsay howvit should be run.

All citizens have a right to vote...unless in jail or not if age of course.

-- If THOSE illegals want the right to vote they should have the option of voluntarily leaving the US, applying for citizenship, and going through tbe existing process like so many others have done.

Close / secure the border 1st

Stop all illegal entry into the US

I'm of the opinion that you can't stop illegal immigration as long as employers hire them.

Enforce all existing laws until a new immigration process can be passed through the legislative procesS, if one is desired

Amnesty is the law. You can't block the law before it's changed. When will Congress do that?
Many are seeking amnesty, which is in itself an existing process, and this didn't break our laws.

Illegally crossing our borders, illegally entering our country, seeking amnesty from Democrats who have as little respect for the onstitution, US immigration laws, and our sovereignty as they do is most definitely illegal.

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