Immigration Gone Wild:


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May 22, 2012
Obama’s ICE releases Illegal aliens from jail, awards $220.5 million contract to answer USCIS phones​

By Marinka Peschmann
March 13, 2013

While Obama’s Immigration Custom Enforcement (ICE) was releasing thousands of illegal aliens from jail supposedly because of the sequester budget cuts, Obama’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) was awarding a $220.5 million contract to answer phones.

On March 7, HP Enterprise Services announced it won a $220.5 million five-year “task order” from Obama’s USCIS “to manage call centers for those applying for citizenship or who need immigration assistance for the USCIS National Customer Service Center.”

According to the press release:

“Immigration services is commonly the first experience a potential new citizen has in dealing with the U.S. government, so agents must be informed, professional and expedient,” said Marilyn Crouther, the senior vice president, general manager, U.S. Public Sector, HP Enterprise Services.”​

Recall how days earlier, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was in damage control mode over the administration’s decision to release illegal aliens onto the streets of America in Arizona, California, Georgia and Texas because of budget cuts from the sequester. Napolitano “acknowledged” regretting the manner in which the detainees were released. ICE and USCIS fall under the DHS umbrella.

As the Associated Press reported, “The Homeland Security Department released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March… The newly disclosed figures, cited in internal budget documents reviewed by the AP, are significantly higher than the “few hundred” illegal immigrants the Obama administration acknowledged this week had been released under the budget-savings process.

The government documents show that Immigrations and Customs Enforcement released roughly 1,000 illegal immigrants from its jails around the U.S. each week since at least Feb. 15. The agency’s field offices have reported more than 2,000 immigrants released before intense criticism this week led to a temporary shutdown of the plan, according to the documents.”

Providing funds for phone calls as opposed to keeping law breakers off the street is in sync with operations at America’s immigration agencies. Illegal aliens no longer have to worry about deportation thanks to Obama’s amnesty by memos but legal immigrants do.

Most Americans do not realize they have been funding along with legal immigrants an anti-legal immigration, lawless USCIS that has been bedeviled by mindboggling incompetence for decades. The basic task of providing accurate information over the phone to legal immigrants has been a challenge for this federal agency. In fact, the incompetence has been so vast it earned its very own Government Accountably Office (GAO) report.

As I reported in Crime & Incompetence, Guide to America’s Immigration Crisis, in 2005, the GAO report entitled “Immigration Services: Better Contracting Practices Needed at Call Centers,” documented the ongoing travesty that is what the politicians call legal immigration. Contractors contracted by the USCIS “failed to meet 4 out of 7 measures” that included “how quickly calls were answered and the accuracy of information provided.”

Read more:
Obama?s ICE releases Illegal aliens from jail, awards $220.5 million contract to answer USCIS phones

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