Impeaching President Trump Over Capitol Incident Is A Scandal!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
This is just stupid and another waste of our time and money.

As you all know, there were BLM and Antifa activists there to stir the pot. The Democrats are scared to death that Trump will come back and complete the exposè of the criminal activities of the far-left.

CONFIRMED: Activist Interviewed by CNN Who Stormed Capitol Building Is Radical Leftist from Utah Who Threatened on Video to “Rip Trump from White House”
5 days ago [1/7/2021]

Last night CNN interviewed John Sullivan from Utah after the shooting death of Ashli Babbit by Capitol Hill police.

John Sullivan, a noted leftist leader from Utah, stormed the US Capitol with Trump supporters and others on Wednesday.

In August John Sullivan threatened to rip President Trump from the White House during violence in Washington DC. Sullivan was flown to DC for the protests.

From our earlier report:
Yesterday Sullivan stormed the US Capitol.

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The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
It's not about how long, but where. Some were more upset about 4 dying in a foreign hotspot, than 5 at the Capitol. The myopia is mind boggling.
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
It's not about how long, but where. Some were more upset about 4 dying in a foreign hotspot, than 5 at the Capitol. The myopia is mind boggling.
Yes, there was NOTHING political about investigating Benghazi ten times.
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
The concept of two warring parties is mostly theater for the benefit of politicans and the super rich, connected and special interest.
The thing is here there is no evidence that Trump incited anything. Theya re literally trying to say that his challenge of the election is somehow inciting violence. AKA go against us it is illegal! It's ridiclous and every house member who voted for it should be outed to the people. In fact judging by that standard how many celebrities, politicans , civil leaders are guilty of inciting violence this summer? How many mayors and governors should be charged with dereliction of duty?
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
The concept of two warring parties is mostly theater for the benefit of politicans and the super rich, connected and special interest.
The thing is here there is no evidence that Trump incited anything. Theya re literally trying to say that his challenge of the election is somehow inciting violence. AKA go against us it is illegal! It's ridiclous and every house member who voted for it should be outed to the people. In fact judging by that standard how many celebrities, politicans , civil leaders are guilty of inciting violence this summer? How many mayors and governors should be charged with dereliction of duty?

How many instigated a seditious attack on the capitol while congress was conducting our business?
Trump attempted a coup where people died. You think he should be allowed to just get away with it?
Who shot the veteran climbing through the widow? A Trump supporter?

How many died at the BLM riots?

That veteran was trying to break down a door with a crowd that had erected a hangman's scaffold, complete with a noose on the capital lawn, and then stormed the capitol building shouting "Hang Mike Pence". Pence and virtually all of congress were behind the door she was trying to break through. I'm not sure why the body count wasn't much higher.
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
In the land of the blind...the one eyed man is king!

Now take that next step Jim...

...Trump was never supposed to win...

...why else would the full brunt of media, news, social media and politicians be brought to bear to destroy him?

Open your other eye Brother...and see the truth. Even the imperfect vessel of Trump its better than every other CURRENT alternative. The fix is in. Even Bernie and AOC bend to the will of the establishment.
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
In the land of the blind...the one eyed man is king!

Now take that next step Jim...

...Trump was never supposed to win...

...why else would the full brunt of media, news, social media and politicians be brought to bear to destroy him?

Open your other eye Brother...and see the truth. Even the imperfect vessel of Trump its better than every other CURRENT alternative. The fix is in. Even Bernie and AOC bend to the will of the establishment.

Trump is an idiot. That's why most don't like him.
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
It's not about how long, but where. Some were more upset about 4 dying in a foreign hotspot, than 5 at the Capitol. The myopia is mind boggling.
Yes, there was NOTHING political about investigating Benghazi ten times.

How many Americans died in Benghazi?

How many Americans died during the Capitol invasion?

See the difference?
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
It's not about how long, but where. Some were more upset about 4 dying in a foreign hotspot, than 5 at the Capitol. The myopia is mind boggling.
Yes, there was NOTHING political about investigating Benghazi ten times.

How many Americans died in Benghazi?

How many Americans died during the Capitol invasion?

See the difference?
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
It's not about how long, but where. Some were more upset about 4 dying in a foreign hotspot, than 5 at the Capitol. The myopia is mind boggling.
Yes, there was NOTHING political about investigating Benghazi ten times.

How many Americans died in Benghazi?

How many Americans died during the Capitol invasion?

See the difference?

Four people died at Benghazi after being abandoned by the Ohbummer administration. Two people died at the Capitol one of which was murdered by the Capitol Police, who in turn lost another (possibly) officer after allegedly being struck in the head by a fire extinguisher but was well enough to go back to his office. Dying of medical issues doesn't count. Who is the officer charged with the protestor's murder?
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
It's not about how long, but where. Some were more upset about 4 dying in a foreign hotspot, than 5 at the Capitol. The myopia is mind boggling.
Yes, there was NOTHING political about investigating Benghazi ten times.

How many Americans died in Benghazi?

How many Americans died during the Capitol invasion?

See the difference?

Four people died at Benghazi after being abandoned by the Ohbummer administration. Two people died at the Capitol one of which was murdered by the Capitol Police, who in turn lost another (possibly) officer after allegedly being struck in the head by a fire extinguisher but was well enough to go back to his office. Dying of medical issues doesn't count. Who is the officer charged with the protestor's murder?
Of course they count! None of them would be dead if they hadn't been there up to hijinx.
The apparent imminent impeachment effort against President Trump is all about politics not only from the Democrats side but surprisingly also from the Republican side. Republican powers to be are besides themselves that Donald Trump currently has political war chests of over $200 million dollars and with his popularity and ruthlessness Donald could be incredibly destructive in Republican leadership's effort to retake power in Washington. If President Trump is impeached he cannot run for the Presidency again so his interest in politics will wane and thus his destructive effect in the Republican Party will wane. When you see heavy weight Republican establishment figures like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and Pat Toomey say so clearly that the case for impeachment lies when a minimally competent review of the facts would indicate an impeachment effort would be an affront to America's legal tool of "impeachment", impeachment is all about permanently sidelining Donald Trump. America should not see this happen because although President Trump from a character standpoint is woefully unfit to be President and is a cancer on our society as he spews and grows hate in America our Democratic system should not be subverted to get rid of him because if it can be subverted to get rid of one person who else could the powers that be in America use it to get rid of could it be subverted to get rid of a person(s) that believes that the globalization economic model is evil true true evil as it is responsible for destroying countless lives.

The powers that be in America are blowing what happened this past Wednesday out of proportion it was not an armed insurrection there was no intent to overthrow America's government it was a group of citizens holding beliefs shared by many Americans that the past election was inundated with fraud that it was a fixed election and what their intention was in entering the Capitol on Wednesday was to stop the Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote count so as to provide an opportunity for Congress to certify Donald Trump as having won the election who they believe did in fact win the election absent the fraud that took place. It was "civil disobedience" that took place and yes prosecutions should take place as the rule of law must be respected but the rioting that took place on January 6th is America's natural democracy at work there is no reason for alarm with those citizens actions there should be alarm with Security authorities incompetency beyond words in not having security precautions in place to protect the Capitol and the people that work there. What also really needs to stop in the media and government forums is all the hype about the rioters intrusion of the Capitol at the "US attorney of D.C." press conference today the U.S. attorney was behaving like there was a coup attempt in America and he has all these staffing groups working on tracking down and bringing charges against the actors. It is really misplaced such government officials throwing around repeatedly the word "sedition" with the rioters behavior; sure technically many of the rioters probably committed seditious acts because they through the use of force opposed federal lawful authority but that is not want the American people's view of sedition is their view is sedition refers to behavior in the category of overthrowing the government. Government officials need to remember that if they go on a sedition round up rampage on this Capitol incident they should have done it on many of the Black Lives Matter rioting like the violent attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon - it is an unfair America when there are two standards that are applied such unfairness should be rejected.

You know this so called insurrection that took place on January 6th if you check the security records the intrusion of the Capitol lasted less than two-a half hours and we want to impeach a President because at worst he was responsible for essentially two and a half hours of trespass, misdemeanor assault and vandalism it is a national embarrassment such an impeachment effort. Hell House and Senate debates where a Party's speakers let their tempers override their brains have probably lead to what could be labeled seditious behavior lasting longer than two and a half hours! This citizen has written before that the mind boggling egregious failure in Capitol Security authorities carrying out their duty for January 6th could raise suspicion that this whole Capitol intrusion incident was a set-up to provide the basis to impeach President Donald Trump and thereby get him permanently out of American politics. One other observation about that January 6th incident adds to that suspicion; members of Congress when they are in the Capitol routinely have a cadre of their staffers around them watching them interact is like watching a NFL coach on the sidelines during a game interreacting with players and staff; during this January 6th intrusion where by God were all the Congressional staffers the American public should have seen videos and heard stories of staffers being accosted, apprehended and assaulted by the rioters and protesters. Were the Congressional staffers tipped off that there was likely going to be a riot at the Capitol and the rioters would intrude the Capitol so for your own safety stay away from the Capitol, if there was this broad Congressional staffer warning that went out it would add to the evidence that mischief went on with this Jan. 6th incident, it was a set-up!
It's not about how long, but where. Some were more upset about 4 dying in a foreign hotspot, than 5 at the Capitol. The myopia is mind boggling.
Yes, there was NOTHING political about investigating Benghazi ten times.

How many Americans died in Benghazi?

How many Americans died during the Capitol invasion?

See the difference?

Four people died at Benghazi after being abandoned by the Ohbummer administration. Two people died at the Capitol one of which was murdered by the Capitol Police, who in turn lost another (possibly) officer after allegedly being struck in the head by a fire extinguisher but was well enough to go back to his office. Dying of medical issues doesn't count. Who is the officer charged with the protestor's murder?
Of course they count! None of them would be dead if they hadn't been there up to hijinx.

They could have been calmly walking down the street and dropped dead of a heart attack (even though they will be listed as COVID). No news source has yet even claimed their deaths were related to the assault on the Capitol.

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