Impostor impersonating Putin sets three milestones for treason in plain sight


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Nobody was able to recognize the impostor from his face or his voice, although eyes wide open is not a requirement.
But what really proves that most russians were reduced to cattle is the failure to recognize traitor "Putin" from his deeds.

Impostor impersonating Putin sets three milestones for treason in plain sight
"Putin" is the first president ever
to sell as partner a government (Ukraine), that claims that it will militarily retake part of its territory (Crimea).
"Putin" is the first president ever to ignore the right to self-determination (separation from the new nazi regime, Ukraine), and eventually join his own country (Russia), expressed in a democratic referendum by people with the same ethnicity as his own people (russians).
"Putin" is the first president ever to sell as partner a government (Ukraine), that implements the genocide of millions simply because they have the same ethnicity as his own people (russians).

Ukraine gov - the basic facts expose a nazi puppet regime
IV Reich lead by Adolf Hitler s great nephew Ukraine gov - the basic facts expose a nazi puppet regime

2015 Jan: The traitors are AGAIN about to sign a "ceasefire"...
Illuminati Theater Lukashenko and Putin all illuminati Minsk table ceasefire
... to save the nazi forces in disarray:
Battle of Armageddon - Ongoing since 24 March 1999 Ukraine vs Novorussia FULL STORY ONLY here
Nazi agent Lukashenko, Belarus PM, is assigned the role of openly telling to the audience the symbolism of its location, on VestiTV:
"Before Merkel the last German leader who was in Belarus was Hitler, and before Hollande - Napoleon."
Jun 25, 2014 - Napoleon and Hitler failed. But this time the basic fact is unprecedented:
Russia under "point of no return" military attack and not lead by patriots but by traitors.
History of End Times Russia under unprecedented attack ruled by traitors.

Whoever fails to recognize treason has failed, no matter how much of the rest he did get.
Forget about what "Putin" says and look at what the impostor impersonating murdered Putin DOES:
Vladimir Putin and family murdered and replaced by impostors Recognize traitor impersonating murdered Putin by his deeds



Humans reduced to beasts fattenable for slaughter Human cattle Impostor impersonating Putin sets three milestones for treason in plain sight

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