in 1950, 50% of Americans served or had a family member who served in the military. today it's 16%

Anyone ever considered that the population of the US has doubled since 1950? We don't NEED a military with half of 320 million people serving.

That is not what the thread title is suggesting. If one person had served in my family, that would be 100% that served or had someone serve in the military. In fact, it is 100%, as five of us have served. The actual percentage that served could also be much less than 50% if one member of a family of 12 has served.
I know we need a military just in case, but we've gone way overboard on it. Now it's all war, all the time. War is a business and business is good. Link below from a WW1 General who said war is a racket.

War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler, 1935

So exactly what do you suggest we eliminate? I always ask that question and no one can give me a straight answer or if they do, they learn why their suggestion is based on false assumptions.

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