Richard Dreyfuss.........Baddddddd!

I'm on another forum where the word "tranny" is forbidden.
Candy is too scared to even answer my question about having a problem with the trans cult

But Candy supports a party that has effectively prohibited all speech that is frowned upon by her party if they deem it offensive. Meanwhile, the same party allows students to chant "gas the Jews" or to destroy all Jews chanting "From the river to the sea" with impunity, saying you can't assume that is offensive without understanding the context of the speech. I reckon the context of such speech must be in the same book that defines what a woman is.

Can anyone ever imagine a college allowing students to chant, "gas the Blacks" or "gas the gays"? Of course not, the students would all have been expelled on the spot. But when it is spoken against dirty Jews, they need indefinite investigations, almost as long as investigations in Hunter Biden and with equally no accountability.

Candy's soul was sold to the DNC long ago for next to nothing.

May the Left be tortured in ever lasting flame
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“It’s about the fact that 50 years ago, without telling anybody, they took civics out of the curriculum of all public schools in America, which means we have no knowledge of who the hell we are
It's rare to have anything come out of hollywood that actually makes sense DG

The respected actor and geezer appeared at a screening of the classic blockbuster, "Jaws," followed by an informal Q&A. He got his teat in a ringer for some remarks, the details of which are not entirely clear. What do you think...?

"Instead [of relating humorous or interesting anecdotes about the filming of Jaws], the Oscar winner went on a free-form rant that, according to social media posts from those in attendance, began while he was speaking about Barbra Streisand and moved into his bigoted perspective on trans youth, the Academy Awards’ inclusion rules and then on to trans kids affirming their gender." (Highlighting mine).

One wonders if it would be a "bigoted perspective" for him to opine that one's gender is immutable? Since when are biological facts - undisputed facts at that - bigoted?

In another appearance, he was quoted as saying,

“It’s about the fact that 50 years ago, without telling anybody, they took civics out of the curriculum of all public schools in America, which means we have no knowledge of who the hell we are. And if we don’t get it back soon, we’re all going to die. Make sure your kids are not the last generation of Americans. And you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Is it possible, just possible, that Dreyfuss is the ideological opposite of that Bob DeNiro jack-off? One can only hope.
The left wants to convince everyone that being normal is homophobic and racist, or some such rubbish.

Dreyfus has always been the type to say it like it is. Seems this tendency has prevented him from getting parts where he could be the good guy. He only gets the opportunity to play a criminal.

I just remember his portrayal in Jaws, and it was on the same level as another Oscar winner who got eaten by a shark in the final scene.
Stop projecting. Your accusations are idiotic. Are you interested in making the country better or you want some phony fight that you initiated?

That doesn't respond to a single point I was making.

What a useless fluff response.
old-man-yells-at-cloud-yelling (1).gif
I failed to mention that Dreyfuss is one of my all time favorite actors. I never saw him do anything but crush a part. DeNiro, on the other hand, plays the same ass-hole in every role. Why he is considered a great actor is a mystery. He is a glorified Character Actor.

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