In Between Trials

The home invasion victims say it was Okafor's shaved left eyebrow and Bernard's cornrows that helped identify them as the gunmen who burst into the Ocoee home with guns last year, robbing them and tying them up.
"Bessman Okafor with the shaved eyebrows, 100 percent sure," said Brienna Campos.

Months later, Okafor, who was on home confinement, killed Alex Zaldivar and Brienna Campos and Remington Campos were seriously wounded inside the home they shared when he shot them so they couldn't testify in the home invasion trial.

The trial for that is in 2014.

But the preacher says he can get him off on the home invasion because the victims couldn't identify him on the home invasion which he went back and shot them so they couldn't ID him for the home invasion.


OCALA, Fla., September 17, 2013 — George Zimmerman’s highly controversial prosecutor, Angela Corey, is now under state investigation for firing Ben Kruidbos, the Jacksonville Times-Union reports.

“Kruidbos received a letter from the Florida Commission on Ethics earlier this week saying the investigation was occurring,” the T-U’s Larry Hannan wrote last week. “Investigator Specialist Kathleen Mann, who sent the letter, declined to comment on the investigation when contacted by the Times-Union on Friday.”

Read more: Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey now under state investigation | Washington Times Communities

I hope she loses her job, and millions of bucks. :thup:


So that is moving right along.

The thug's thug mom trial is still upcoming.

Catalina Ruffin-Sinclair says she wants to trade in her public defender for a private attorney. That move pushed the start of her witness tampering trial back to the end of February.

Ruffin-Sinclair is accused of offering a bribe to Alex Zaldivar and his two roommates days before they were set to testify against her son Bessman Okafor.

Days after the alleged bribe was rejected, Alex was killed.

Alex's father said he isn't sure if he will get to testify in her case, but knows exactly what he'd like to say.

"I'm going to take her son away from her. And as soon as he is executed, I'm going to (expletive) on his grave," Rafael Zaldivar.

Zaldivar said he is in court because his son cannot be. He has been outspoken that he wants Okafor and others charged with murder in his son’s killing to get the death penalty.

He said nothing can bring his son back, but from the alleged witness tampering to his son's death, he thinks things could have been handled differently.
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OCALA, Fla., September 17, 2013 — George Zimmerman’s highly controversial prosecutor, Angela Corey, is now under state investigation for firing Ben Kruidbos, the Jacksonville Times-Union reports.

“Kruidbos received a letter from the Florida Commission on Ethics earlier this week saying the investigation was occurring,” the T-U’s Larry Hannan wrote last week. “Investigator Specialist Kathleen Mann, who sent the letter, declined to comment on the investigation when contacted by the Times-Union on Friday.”

Read more: Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey now under state investigation | Washington Times Communities

I hope she loses her job, and millions of bucks. :thup:


So that is moving right along.


yes and then zimmerman gets to take a crack at the state

after this is settled


speaking of zimmerman has anyone heard anything about the

the fbi "investigation" or the civil lawsuit the martin family said they

planned to do

Did you see this?

Medical Examiner in Zimmerman Trial Sues For $100 Million, Says Prosecutors Threw the Case | Your Black World

Don't get the morons over here in this thread, we'll have to wipe them out.

On second thought, okay, we can have some fun with that.
I have absolutely no control over the morons. They seem to find their way to each and every thread in the Politics forum and elsewhere.

Regarding the new lawsuit, I've seen only what you typed here. I'll have to have a credible link. I can't just up and believe anything ole thing you say! ;)

Maybe he can get Mark O'Mara to represent him. :eusa_angel:

That clueless 'expert' SHOULD have been fired...even before the trial ended. I kid you not, he was THE most incompetent professional witness I have EVER seen in a court room...and I've seen a bunchuvem! He spent a large part of his time on the stand trying to explain to a brilliant attorney the difference between opinion and fact. It was not the Prosecution side that made him look like a fool. Mark O'Mara unintentionally did that by asking such probing questions. :lol:

Then the expert hired by the Defense tore the ME a new asshole.

Shhh! That was sarcasm
Yes, I know. Mine bordered on it, but there's too much truth in it to be REAL sarcasm. I call it pseudo-sarcasm!

Now, now, have I ever lied to you? :)

Medical Examiner Shiping Bao: State Prosecutors Threw Zimmerman Case | News One

Does this sound familiar?

Willie Gary
North Brevard County Branch NAACP - Unit # 5123
President: Mr. William Gary

Famed Attorney Willie E. Gary Caught Stealing $51.5 Million From Clients

THE SCAM. Gary and his team of lawyers march on the premises like a scene cut straight from the Malcom X story. Unsuspecting employees have no idea that this show has been orchestrated to weaken their senses and to stir their emotions into signing their life away following theatrics filled with civil rights jargon that would raise Martin Luther King from his grave.

Jesse and Willie:

Willie on What's Right and Wrong:

Willie Gary?s Law Firm Ordered to Pay $12.5 Million to LFG National Capital

Prominent Trial Lawyer Loses Child Support Fight
A Fulton County judge has ordered prominent trial lawyer Willie E. Gary to pay his former paramour $6 million in child support payments

[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] sorry! We'll put a mention if there's real news.
The Shipping Saga:


He's an ME. What's to prepare?

Read your fn report on the stand.

Zimmerman trial medical examiner: Prosecutors, police threw the case | theGrio | Page 2

Bao alleges prosecutors failed to adequately prepare him for his testimony, which sometimes seemed rambling, and for which he relied on handwritten notes on the stand. He said he had given his deposition in November 2012 but was not allowed access to it until July 2013, just four days before he testified at Zimmerman’s trial.

One more bump for [MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION].
Watching the "hiccup girl" trial now.

LMAO @ her habit of holding her hands behind her back like she's cuffed whenever she walks thru the courtroom.

Who doe she think she's fooling? The only time they let her get up is when the jury is out of the room. :lol:
HOLY CRAP!! This is amazing.

The M.E. in this case has an understandable accent, and is testifying without pre-written answers. :eek:

I didn't think that was possible in the State of Florida. :eusa_whistle:

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