In Calling For Biden To Cancel His Campaign, Democrats And Co. Show Their Moral Bankruptcy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

In Calling For Biden To Cancel His Campaign,

Democrats And Co. Show Their Moral Bankruptcy

It is not Trump who represents a threat to our country but those who seek to supplant the choice of the people and the Constitution.
11 Jul 2024 ~~ By Margot Cleveland

Since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate two weeks ago, the country has witnessed a crazed spectacle as the Biden administration, the left, and the press scrambled to control the narrative. For the first time in at least a decade, however, there was no agreed-upon solution to the problem of Biden.
There was nonetheless one unified message: Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. Yet the fallout from Biden’s dementia-laced performance reveals that the true existential threat to America comes from Trump’s enemies, not the former president.
Anti-Democracy Democrats_
Consider, for instance, the calls for Joe Biden to step down as the Democrat candidate for president, which began even before the first lady helped her husband down the steps of the CNN stage in Atlanta. Those urging the president to abandon his reelection campaign frame the issue at hand as Biden’s inability to effectively campaign and defeat Trump in November. They raise no concerns over Biden’s continued service as commander-in-chief, however.
Corrupt Media
The press’s response to Biden’s crumbling on the Atlanta stage is equally appalling — not because they ignored what every American saw but because they pretended the president and his handlers deceived them about Biden’s condition. And make no mistake: The media haven’t found journalism. Rather, the legacy press’s current harsh coverage of Biden serves only to force Democrats to replace him on the ticket before it is too late.
Bad Bureaucrats
Democrats are not the only ones partnering with the press to obstruct the will of the American people: The hordes of bureaucrats controlling the three branches of government are equally complicit.
In New York, we saw a conflicted state court judge enter ruling upon ruling against Donald Trump, leading to his conviction on trumped-up criminal charges — charges that allow Democrats to now brand the Republican as a convicted felon. And that is only one of the many cases targeting the former president to keep him out of the White House. Prosecuting political enemies is the stuff of banana republics, not our great republic.
It is not Trump who represents an existential threat to our country but those who seek to supplant the choice of the people and the Constitution and rule the country according to their own predilections. In other words, it’s Democrats, the corrupt media, and the vast bureaucratic apparatus controlling our elections.

Democrats and everyone who observed Biden knew that he was already in deep cognitive decline in 2020 and before.
If now claim that Joe Biden is not well enough in mind to head the ballot but is good enough to run the Executive Branch of the U.S. government, including the nuclear football, who is really in control.
Many even some Democrats and Media are calling for Biden to drop out of the race. Almost none are calling for him to resign. That is telling the American voter a lot.
If Joe is too old, feeble and senile to CAMPAIGN, then he’s too old, feeble and senile to be President, ergo he MUST RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!
Say “Hello, Madam President Harris” and pass the popcorn.
Why spend hundred of trillionss of dollars fighting and competing with The United States when you can spend a few billion dollars bribing The Democrat Socialist of America Party Crime Families (Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Soros, etc…) to bribe and influence The Democrat Socialist of America Party Organized Crime Syndicate (unions, the press, government bureaucrats, social cause lackeys, etc…) to carry out your will against The United States. They all steal from the Ameican taxpayer.
Eventually, The Democrat Neo-Marxists may force another Civil War. Will Democrats happily receive military assistance from Russia, and/or China to fight Freedom loving American taxpayer citizens?

In Calling For Biden To Cancel His Campaign,

Democrats And Co. Show Their Moral Bankruptcy

It is not Trump who represents a threat to our country but those who seek to supplant the choice of the people and the Constitution.
11 Jul 2024 ~~ By Margot Cleveland

Since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate two weeks ago, the country has witnessed a crazed spectacle as the Biden administration, the left, and the press scrambled to control the narrative. For the first time in at least a decade, however, there was no agreed-upon solution to the problem of Biden.
There was nonetheless one unified message: Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. Yet the fallout from Biden’s dementia-laced performance reveals that the true existential threat to America comes from Trump’s enemies, not the former president.
Anti-Democracy Democrats_
Consider, for instance, the calls for Joe Biden to step down as the Democrat candidate for president, which began even before the first lady helped her husband down the steps of the CNN stage in Atlanta. Those urging the president to abandon his reelection campaign frame the issue at hand as Biden’s inability to effectively campaign and defeat Trump in November. They raise no concerns over Biden’s continued service as commander-in-chief, however.
Corrupt Media
The press’s response to Biden’s crumbling on the Atlanta stage is equally appalling — not because they ignored what every American saw but because they pretended the president and his handlers deceived them about Biden’s condition. And make no mistake: The media haven’t found journalism. Rather, the legacy press’s current harsh coverage of Biden serves only to force Democrats to replace him on the ticket before it is too late.
Bad Bureaucrats
Democrats are not the only ones partnering with the press to obstruct the will of the American people: The hordes of bureaucrats controlling the three branches of government are equally complicit.
In New York, we saw a conflicted state court judge enter ruling upon ruling against Donald Trump, leading to his conviction on trumped-up criminal charges — charges that allow Democrats to now brand the Republican as a convicted felon. And that is only one of the many cases targeting the former president to keep him out of the White House. Prosecuting political enemies is the stuff of banana republics, not our great republic.
It is not Trump who represents an existential threat to our country but those who seek to supplant the choice of the people and the Constitution and rule the country according to their own predilections. In other words, it’s Democrats, the corrupt media, and the vast bureaucratic apparatus controlling our elections.

Democrats and everyone who observed Biden knew that he was already in deep cognitive decline in 2020 and before.
If now claim that Joe Biden is not well enough in mind to head the ballot but is good enough to run the Executive Branch of the U.S. government, including the nuclear football, who is really in control.
Many even some Democrats and Media are calling for Biden to drop out of the race. Almost none are calling for him to resign. That is telling the American voter a lot.
If Joe is too old, feeble and senile to CAMPAIGN, then he’s too old, feeble and senile to be President, ergo he MUST RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!
Say “Hello, Madam President Harris” and pass the popcorn.
Why spend hundred of trillionss of dollars fighting and competing with The United States when you can spend a few billion dollars bribing The Democrat Socialist of America Party Crime Families (Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Soros, etc…) to bribe and influence The Democrat Socialist of America Party Organized Crime Syndicate (unions, the press, government bureaucrats, social cause lackeys, etc…) to carry out your will against The United States. They all steal from the Ameican taxpayer.
Eventually, The Democrat Neo-Marxists may force another Civil War. Will Democrats happily receive military assistance from Russia, and/or China to fight Freedom loving American taxpayer citizens?

They want an American Republic "with Democratic Party characteristics"
It's just the opposite isn't it? Democrats show their moral worth when they put the welfare of the Country ahead of their loyalty to a doddering old man in mental decline.
They only want him out because Trump showed America what Biden really is. If that debate had never happened then they would still be covering for joe and talking about what a great president he is right now.

So they are trying to scapegoat joe in an attempt to avoid everyone realizing it was them that kept an incompetent bafoon in office 4 years and covered it up so the American people didn't see.

If democrats have only one thing by the shovel full it's a sense of self preservation and a desire to create the illusion they are doing something.

In Calling For Biden To Cancel His Campaign,

Democrats And Co. Show Their Moral Bankruptcy

It is not Trump who represents a threat to our country but those who seek to supplant the choice of the people and the Constitution.
11 Jul 2024 ~~ By Margot Cleveland

Since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate two weeks ago, the country has witnessed a crazed spectacle as the Biden administration, the left, and the press scrambled to control the narrative. For the first time in at least a decade, however, there was no agreed-upon solution to the problem of Biden.
There was nonetheless one unified message: Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. Yet the fallout from Biden’s dementia-laced performance reveals that the true existential threat to America comes from Trump’s enemies, not the former president.
Anti-Democracy Democrats_
Consider, for instance, the calls for Joe Biden to step down as the Democrat candidate for president, which began even before the first lady helped her husband down the steps of the CNN stage in Atlanta. Those urging the president to abandon his reelection campaign frame the issue at hand as Biden’s inability to effectively campaign and defeat Trump in November. They raise no concerns over Biden’s continued service as commander-in-chief, however.
Corrupt Media
The press’s response to Biden’s crumbling on the Atlanta stage is equally appalling — not because they ignored what every American saw but because they pretended the president and his handlers deceived them about Biden’s condition. And make no mistake: The media haven’t found journalism. Rather, the legacy press’s current harsh coverage of Biden serves only to force Democrats to replace him on the ticket before it is too late.
Bad Bureaucrats
Democrats are not the only ones partnering with the press to obstruct the will of the American people: The hordes of bureaucrats controlling the three branches of government are equally complicit.
In New York, we saw a conflicted state court judge enter ruling upon ruling against Donald Trump, leading to his conviction on trumped-up criminal charges — charges that allow Democrats to now brand the Republican as a convicted felon. And that is only one of the many cases targeting the former president to keep him out of the White House. Prosecuting political enemies is the stuff of banana republics, not our great republic.
It is not Trump who represents an existential threat to our country but those who seek to supplant the choice of the people and the Constitution and rule the country according to their own predilections. In other words, it’s Democrats, the corrupt media, and the vast bureaucratic apparatus controlling our elections.

Democrats and everyone who observed Biden knew that he was already in deep cognitive decline in 2020 and before.
If now claim that Joe Biden is not well enough in mind to head the ballot but is good enough to run the Executive Branch of the U.S. government, including the nuclear football, who is really in control.
Many even some Democrats and Media are calling for Biden to drop out of the race. Almost none are calling for him to resign. That is telling the American voter a lot.
If Joe is too old, feeble and senile to CAMPAIGN, then he’s too old, feeble and senile to be President, ergo he MUST RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!
Say “Hello, Madam President Harris” and pass the popcorn.
Why spend hundred of trillionss of dollars fighting and competing with The United States when you can spend a few billion dollars bribing The Democrat Socialist of America Party Crime Families (Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Soros, etc…) to bribe and influence The Democrat Socialist of America Party Organized Crime Syndicate (unions, the press, government bureaucrats, social cause lackeys, etc…) to carry out your will against The United States. They all steal from the Ameican taxpayer.
Eventually, The Democrat Neo-Marxists may force another Civil War. Will Democrats happily receive military assistance from Russia, and/or China to fight Freedom loving American taxpayer citizens?

In Calling For Biden To Cancel His Campaign,

Democrats And Co. Show Their Moral Bankruptcy

It is not Trump who represents a threat to our country but those who seek to supplant the choice of the people and the Constitution.
11 Jul 2024 ~~ By Margot Cleveland

Since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate two weeks ago, the country has witnessed a crazed spectacle as the Biden administration, the left, and the press scrambled to control the narrative. For the first time in at least a decade, however, there was no agreed-upon solution to the problem of Biden.
There was nonetheless one unified message: Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. Yet the fallout from Biden’s dementia-laced performance reveals that the true existential threat to America comes from Trump’s enemies, not the former president.
Anti-Democracy Democrats_
Consider, for instance, the calls for Joe Biden to step down as the Democrat candidate for president, which began even before the first lady helped her husband down the steps of the CNN stage in Atlanta. Those urging the president to abandon his reelection campaign frame the issue at hand as Biden’s inability to effectively campaign and defeat Trump in November. They raise no concerns over Biden’s continued service as commander-in-chief, however.
Corrupt Media
The press’s response to Biden’s crumbling on the Atlanta stage is equally appalling — not because they ignored what every American saw but because they pretended the president and his handlers deceived them about Biden’s condition. And make no mistake: The media haven’t found journalism. Rather, the legacy press’s current harsh coverage of Biden serves only to force Democrats to replace him on the ticket before it is too late.
Bad Bureaucrats
Democrats are not the only ones partnering with the press to obstruct the will of the American people: The hordes of bureaucrats controlling the three branches of government are equally complicit.
In New York, we saw a conflicted state court judge enter ruling upon ruling against Donald Trump, leading to his conviction on trumped-up criminal charges — charges that allow Democrats to now brand the Republican as a convicted felon. And that is only one of the many cases targeting the former president to keep him out of the White House. Prosecuting political enemies is the stuff of banana republics, not our great republic.
It is not Trump who represents an existential threat to our country but those who seek to supplant the choice of the people and the Constitution and rule the country according to their own predilections. In other words, it’s Democrats, the corrupt media, and the vast bureaucratic apparatus controlling our elections.

Democrats and everyone who observed Biden knew that he was already in deep cognitive decline in 2020 and before.
If now claim that Joe Biden is not well enough in mind to head the ballot but is good enough to run the Executive Branch of the U.S. government, including the nuclear football, who is really in control.
Many even some Democrats and Media are calling for Biden to drop out of the race. Almost none are calling for him to resign. That is telling the American voter a lot.
If Joe is too old, feeble and senile to CAMPAIGN, then he’s too old, feeble and senile to be President, ergo he MUST RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!
Say “Hello, Madam President Harris” and pass the popcorn.
Why spend hundred of trillionss of dollars fighting and competing with The United States when you can spend a few billion dollars bribing The Democrat Socialist of America Party Crime Families (Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Soros, etc…) to bribe and influence The Democrat Socialist of America Party Organized Crime Syndicate (unions, the press, government bureaucrats, social cause lackeys, etc…) to carry out your will against The United States. They all steal from the Ameican taxpayer.
Eventually, The Democrat Neo-Marxists may force another Civil War. Will Democrats happily receive military assistance from Russia, and/or China to fight Freedom loving American taxpayer citizens?

The American people are aghast! People in the middle of the spectrum from moderate Dems, Independents, and GOP, are now looking at things differently.......FINALLY. They realize that not every major media person might not have known of the Biden decline, but surely 60 to 70% did. Same goes for Democratic lawmakers in DC. Not a one of them told the truth.....not one! Biden had to OUT himself before the media and Dems would admit it.

Now many intelligent individuals who reside in the center are asking themselves---------->If they all got together and lied about this for such an extended period of time and were able to cover it up, what else have they lied about?

This is exactly why the Left is so shrill and coming apart at the seams. It is not only the GOP scrutinizing them, but regular middle of the road citizens asking questions also, for which the Left has no answers. And trust me, the country wants answers! And when media tries to sugarcoat it all, to many citizens are going to be skeptical to make it worth their while. Media and Leftist GASLIGHTING has finally been laid bare for the country to see, and the middle of the road voter, is NOT liking what they are seeing! And just think---------->all of this came to light because the Left HATES Trump so much. He is helping the country, just as a candidate-)

Moral Bankruptcy​

Good descriptor for the Left.

Democrats and everyone who observed Biden knew that he was already in deep cognitive decline in 2020 and before.
Believe me, even those who did not watch the debate have seen it by now because of all of the brouhaha over it and the talk everywhere of throwing Biden aside.
They only want him out because Trump showed America what Biden really is. If that debate had never happened then they would still be covering for joe and talking about what a great president he is right now.

So they are trying to scapegoat joe in an attempt to avoid everyone realizing it was them that kept an incompetent bafoon in office 4 years and covered it up so the American people didn't see.

If democrats have only one thing by the shovel full it's a sense of self preservation and a desire to create the illusion they are doing something.
Democrat Neo-Marxists live off Fear mongering, raising taxes, lies and insider trading. It's all about the money and power...

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