In Defense Of Looting


When the Democrats and their liberal news outlets actually give these idiots a platform to promote looting you know we have to smash this Communist movement led by Joe Biden.

Yeah these bastards have to go down in flames

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Led by Joe Biden?


Biden isn't even a figurehead at this point like the meat puppet faggot was. His handlers can't keep him contained tight enough.

All of this shit is being led by sociopath media billionaires like Soros, Bezos and Bloomberg.

Bezos mught be having second thoughts after his little monsters built a fucking model of a guillotine in front of one of his houses though.

I remain convinced that at some point these little commie parasites are going to get out of control to the point where the democrook political whores end up being victims themselves.


When the Democrats and their liberal news outlets actually give these idiots a platform to promote looting you know we have to smash this Communist movement led by Joe Biden.

NAILS IT. Make no mistake Ricky that this is an all-out war for our country and we are up against nothing less than psychotics attacking us from the government level right down to full fledged psychoses meted by extreme idiots at the street level. The Bolsheviks are out to create total chaos, confusion and mayhem, and in the melee, try to blame Trump for it as they try to slip their befuddled leader Trojan horse by the American people under our door, obtuse and thick enough to say anything, stand for anything, the ideal puppet, until they regain power.

Almost as dangerous to watch out for are the faux republicans and conservatives who say they are for conservative values and the GOP while absent-mindedly cavorting with these idiots. Not only are these weak-minded simps easy prey to be taken over to the other side without their even realizing it, but like the McCains, Romneys and Flakes of the world, make a good conservative noise on the surface while in action and deed are actually kissing up to and befriending the very dregs who threaten our republic.

Beating these vermin in November isn't the goal but merely the beginning of the process. If conservatives don't unite and get serious now as our cities burn and realize what we face, we never will and we are merely pushing back the inevitable. Progressive-socialism and anarchy must be defeated and stamped out in every form no matter where we see it while we still have a country left worth defending.
I remain convinced that at some point these little commie parasites are going to get out of control to the point where the democrook political whores end up being victims themselves.

The problem with true anarchists, Pete, is that they believe in true anarchy! They are out to destroy the whole system, and that includes BOTH sides, they do not differentiate good from bad, they want to destroy it all.
The problem with true anarchists, Pete, is that they believe in true anarchy! They are out to destroy the whole system, and that includes BOTH sides, they do not differentiate good from bad, they want to destroy it all.

As far as being destructive I fully agree, there is no argument that their goal is the dissolution of the US and The COTUS. There isn't a government on earth that they don't want to undermine.

However, THEY ARE NOT "ANARCHISTS". They could not be anything further from "ANARCHISTS". Just because they're bent on destroying governments does not mean the objective is anything beyond subjugation of all nations and people to a global collectivist state. A state that strictly governs every aspect of human life down to the calories you're rationed and the watts of electricity you're allowed to enjoy.

The pieces of shit in the streets are nothing more than drones. Ants literally have more awareness of their objectives in life than liberals do.

A real "Anarchist" believes that human beings can live without government, period. That means NO TAXES, NO AUTHORITY, no public schools, roads, fire depts, police, military, courts, welfare, jails, social security, medicare, medicaid, or utilities. These parasites demand all this shit in addition to housing, food, clothing, cell phones, internet, vehicles, fuel, and all the convenience of modern life without any effort on their own behalf to earn it. There isn't a fucking one of them venturing out into the wilds and living off the land away from the oppression of government. If anything they demand government prevents other people from trekking out into wild lands and establishing self sufficient homesteads in order to avoid government and authority. They demonize people who keep their kids out of public schools.

They are not "Anarchists", they're the worst sort of STATISTS ever to exist in George Orwell's nightmares.


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