In Fact, GOP Favorability Ratings By GOP: Was Worsening Before Their Debates(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Astonishing though the Summer - Fall GOP Debates have turned out to be: For any not trusting too much in polls, it was actually predictable! Republican elected officials did not do well in the debates. The Republican favorability ratings, among Republicans, were already turning sour in July. That was showcased, in the debates, by RNC itself(?)! Probably Trump, among them all, could spot the various ratings disasters, before they were put on the screens of all the viewers of America.

GOP’s Favorability Rating Takes a Negative Turn

The surge of Trump and Carson is not without a basis, however tiny that may be.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Moses creates opening Commandment in Genesis 1:28, be fruitful, multiply, fill all the earth, subdue it!. Then Moses draws on his Imperialist Educated background, (Acts 7:22), to explain what deity does, (Deuteronomy 23:19-20). "And Screw 'Em," as in foreign relations matters(?)! A Moses Atrocity is created(?)!)
Astonishing though the Summer - Fall GOP Debates have turned out to be: For any not trusting too much in polls, it was actually predictable! Republican elected officials did not do well in the debates.
This idiot cites a poll taken in July to comment on Republican debates which started in August.

I have to believe average Democrat voters are not that stupid. If they are, and I am certainly not saying they are, the party is in worse shape than their supporters.
To validate the prediction, and show how efficacious it was: Then the prediction had to be shown. Everything else is already known, or shown.

To be clear, to the Republican front-runner apparent, for the White House: Apparently now the Republican standard is "Actually, Black Lives Do Not Matter At All, and A Good Whipping is what they seem to need!"

That takes the brand even further downhill, than it was headed already. Boehner famously catered to the tiny minority in his party, and now no one in his party even likes even any of their elected officials. Governor Jindal was so badly regarded that Louisiana has started to trend Blue again.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Yellow Hair at Little Big Horn, not too keen on prediction matters, either(?)!)
To validate the prediction, and show how efficacious it was: Then the prediction had to be shown. Everything else is already known, or shown.

To be clear, to the Republican front-runner apparent, for the White House: Apparently now the Republican standard is "Actually, Black Lives Do Not Matter At All, and A Good Whipping is what they seem to need!"

That takes the brand even further downhill, than it was headed already. Boehner famously catered to the tiny minority in his party, and now no one in his party even likes even any of their elected officials. Governor Jindal was so badly regarded that Louisiana has started to trend Blue again.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Yellow Hair at Little Big Horn, not too keen on prediction matters, either(?)!)

Holy shit dude... I had to go read the poll again to try to figure out how you pulled racism into this...

I guess some people /do/ only view the world through race colored glasses...
Republicans "Angry" with the government tend to be for Trump. Following recent polls, that probably explains most of them. Overall that is likely nowhere near a governing majority. The showcasing has been of Republican elected officials, not able to create interest in their campaigns, by their own party--now shown trending downward since after the Midterms.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Message of Lincoln still seems to remain--If maybe not ship some newly freed off to Africa, (at Great Expense), then there is the possibility of Costa Rica!)
Trump is on Public Record in Support of beating up black protestors.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations not always too fond of false gods of Many White Eyes--themselves!)
To validate the prediction, and show how efficacious it was: Then the prediction had to be shown. Everything else is already known, or shown.

To be clear, to the Republican front-runner apparent, for the White House: Apparently now the Republican standard is "Actually, Black Lives Do Not Matter At All, and A Good Whipping is what they seem to need!"

That takes the brand even further downhill, than it was headed already. Boehner famously catered to the tiny minority in his party, and now no one in his party even likes even any of their elected officials. Governor Jindal was so badly regarded that Louisiana has started to trend Blue again.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Yellow Hair at Little Big Horn, not too keen on prediction matters, either(?)!)
Stop cowering behind words of which you little understanding. For you to use a word like 'efficacious', your conclusion would necessarily need to produce the desired result. You have failed rather miserably in view of the obvious fact that reality dictates that Democrats have been truly flat-footed and all the juggernauts of 2016 are clearly Republicans.

Where Hillary was once invincible, her conduct and history leave her in the trash heap of American history.
The prediction was efficacious since it was validated, as in an expectation came true. The GOP elected leaders find no traction in the polling of their own party. In July that would have been thought interesting, given the recent Midterms. Now it is efficacious, spot right-on!

Secretary Clinton's polling has been on the upswing. Senator Sanders has been able to create coattails, going into the General. Following the summer polling, the clue was that people with a negative view of the emails needed assurance that nothing glaringly criminal, or terrorist, had occurred. Then the eleven hour Committee Hearing appearance, helped to validate that. The hearings have so far likely helped to create a coattails effect.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations, even, understand a Tie 'N Tails effect even now!)
"GOP favorability ratings by GOP"? What does that mean? Try the favorability ratings of the democrat debates on a good day.
Keep a spinning if you helps you all feel a little better about how your Two Old fogies are falling and they can't get up. I saw a poll tonight where 72% of the people give Obama a failing grade on keeping us safe from ISIS and Terrorist.

so that should make your party a real winner eh? :ack-1::alcoholic::alcoholic:

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