In Pennsylvania, a batch of 600,000 votes went 99.5% for Biden

For all the dumb asses, litigation takes time. You want these cases brought to trial in 3 days and if not.....


Fucking idiots.
What "hotel ballroom meeting?" I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

Do you really believe I'm going to post the contents of 250 affidavits in this forum?
Robert Mueller posted his evidence online. You would think Giuliani would do the same. Except that would mean people could see them, and prove whether or not the people lied on them.
You concede....hurry up.
They MUST get Trump to concede or the fraud will not work. They were hoping that a complete oversell of the bullshit results would pressure Trump to give it up.


They are so goddamn pissed.

Watch what happens when the AP is proven to be irrelevant on the topic of election "calling" and the Biden Bots go ape shit.

I am just Biden my time (pun intended)
What "hotel ballroom meeting?" I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

Do you really believe I'm going to post the contents of 250 affidavits in this forum?
Robert Mueller posted his evidence online. You would think Giuliani would do the same. Except that would mean people could see them, and prove whether or not the people lied on them.
And, how many YEARS (not days) did it take for Mueller to post his evidence? You fucking idiot.
With all these allegations of voter fraud, why didn't anybody take out their cellphone to document it?
Plenty of people did and there are clips all around.

But it's somewhat difficult to get video evidence since recording is not allowed near the ballots for obvious reasons. Then other avenues of evidence must be used.

The ballots are in secret envelopes, in outer envelopes (for mail-in ballots) So documenting any fraud there would be perfectly legal.
It's in-person ballots that you can't take video of. So strangely you've shown that it's harder to catch in-person voter fraud, than mail-in ballot fraud.
It got tossed from court.

Repeating baseless accusations that have been tossed from court does not make it true.
"It" got tossed from court. What is "it"? Can you be factual and specific?
Or is that too restrictive for you?
With all these allegations of voter fraud, why didn't anybody take out their cellphone to document it?
Plenty of people did and there are clips all around.

But it's somewhat difficult to get video evidence since recording is not allowed near the ballots for obvious reasons. Then other avenues of evidence must be used.

The ballots are in secret envelopes, in outer envelopes (for mail-in ballots) So documenting any fraud there would be perfectly legal.
It's in-person ballots that you can't take video of. So strangely you've shown that it's harder to catch in-person voter fraud, than mail-in ballot fraud.

The ballot must come out of the envelope, but either way democrats aren't going to let cameras anywhere near those mail in ballots.
In Pennsylvania, in the middle of the night, after they stopped counting votes and sent everyone home, they found a batch of 600,000 votes, and 99.5% of them were for Biden.

I think I'm detecting just a wee little bit of fraud here.

The mainstream media hasn't reported this, as far as I'm aware.

Nope. Nothing to see here folks. This is not the voting fraud you are looking for. Move along. Move along.

Oh good grief, this was what was STATED at the Gettysburg meeting.
Where are these 600,000 votes? Who found them?
Why didn't they do what anyone would do and whip out their cell phone and takes pics/videos and alert the media?
What comes out of Rudy's pie hole is bullshit.
Who the fuck knows, there is no sourcing, it's just some paper they are holding up.
At any hearing, the panel is allowed to see the physical evidence being presented. They weren't just waving cookie recipes around in the air. Glad to educate you on how a hearing works.

That was a Republican presser at a hotel, not any kind of actual formal government hearing.

They could say or wave anything they wanted to without anyone examining any of their statements or wipe-ass pieces of paper.

This is one of those things you ought to look up before opening your dummy mouth about educating someone.
"They could say or wave anything they wanted to without anyone examining any of their statements or wipe-ass pieces of paper."

C'mon now, they would never resort to such a cheesy stunt.

For all the dumb asses, litigation takes time. You want these cases brought to trial in 3 days and if not.....


Fucking idiots.

34 judges have thrown these respective cases out for lack of evidence and/or the cases were deemed frivolous.
You know more about this than 34 judges?
For all the dumb asses, litigation takes time. You want these cases brought to trial in 3 days and if not.....


Fucking idiots.

34 judges have thrown these respective cases out for lack of evidence and/or the cases were deemed frivolous.
You know more about this than 34 judges?
Link(s)? Show me what cases they were and give me the opinions of the Court and reasoning for dismissing.

It's what you're asking me to do. You do it.

The Trump Campaign Can’t Find a Judge Who Will Ignore Facts — but It’s Trying
Biden did get 278 million votes and T only 7 million
Biden got 80.1 million votes
Trump got 73.8 million votes
Nearly 6.3 million more voters, voted for Biden, and nearly 8.3 million more people voted against a second term for Trump when you include the independent voters.

Which is not surprising, at all. Considering about 3 million more votes went to Hillary in 2016, and another 4 million or so, voted independent.... not for Trump.

YOU are trying to steal the election from the American people, who made their voice loud and clear, by casting their votes against Trump, part deux.

If there is actual proof that there was a real spike as these dudes claim, and there is no explanation for it, then it needs to be investigated with recounts....we do have paper ballots, for all votes in Pennsylvania...
Why didn't they do what anyone would do and whip out their cell phone and takes pics/videos and alert the media?

Ooooooooh.....triggered.....I like it.
A Pootney meltdown.
You cannot prove what you said, if you're referring to Pennsylvania.

Philadelphia Court Decision: Poll Watchers Now Allowed Within 6 Feet Of Ballot Counting At Pennsylvania Convention Center

Now would you like to post a link to where poll watchers were kept 75 feet away from the counters?
Or just continue to be a lying piece of shit?
Nobody was under oath, there was no testimony. Just bizarre rantings from face drip and others who spew all this bile but won't bring any of it into a court of law. You should question that.
I do question it... But I don't out right throw it out either. You're absolutely right, they were not under oath. But the whole idea is to go to Trial. If they recant before the court nothing happens. If they stay with their current story... You should question that.

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