In Photos: Firefithers stuggle to save the homeland

You that somehow its all going to be the Jews fault anyway. Something along the lines of, "Well, we Palestinians wouldn't HAVE to start the fires if you would just get all the filthy Jews off Palestinian land".
You talked about discrimination on another thread, but here you are projecting discrimination onto others ...... and discriminating yourself.

Ah, no. I'm calling out the discriminatory behaviours of Team Palestine.
You that somehow its all going to be the Jews fault anyway. Something along the lines of, "Well, we Palestinians wouldn't HAVE to start the fires if you would just get all the filthy Jews off Palestinian land".
You talked about discrimination on another thread, but here you are projecting discrimination onto others ...... and discriminating yourself.

Ah, no. I'm calling out the discriminatory behaviours of Team Palestine.
No. what you are doing is making a fool of yourself. You put all Jews in the same basket and insinuate that the world of Jewry is responsible for anything and everything the government of Israel does ....... and you assume that no one else (including yourself) understands the difference between Jews - Israelis - Zionists. Furthermore, you degrade Jews and even yourself by calling Jews "FILTHY".

If you cannot control your prejudices maybe you ought not contribute to threads dealing with such subjects.
No. what you are doing is making a fool of yourself. You put all Jews in the same basket and insinuate that the world of Jewry is responsible for anything and everything the government of Israel does ....... and you assume that no one else (including yourself) understands the difference between Jews - Israelis - Zionists. Furthermore, you degrade Jews and even yourself by calling Jews "FILTHY".

If you cannot control your prejudices maybe you ought not contribute to threads dealing with such subjects.

Um. Ah. Okay. What that was was sarcasm. I was posting the common response we get here when someone tries to justify "resistance".

Although, I am DYING to hear your definition of Zionists. But I ask everyone that.

And you do know that Abbas was the one that called Jews "filthy", yes?

I hope the fires reach the homes of those that set them and their whole families are burnt to death before their eyes.

Hey. That is NOT cool. Let's not wish a horrible death by fire (especially of innocents) on anyone.

If they set the fires they are far from innocent, and I believe in the maxim AN EYE FOR AN EYE in its literal sense. You would not like my punishment for child rapists as they die either way, and they choose the method.
I wonder why the arab muslims are setting the fires in the first place, same thing every year and then they moan about the damage they do to their own property.

You that somehow its all going to be the Jews fault anyway. Something along the lines of, "Well, we Palestinians wouldn't HAVE to start the fires if you would just get all the filthy Jews off Palestinian land".

And all these bastions of international laws suddenly go silent and cant be found when it is pointed out that international law works in the Jews favour as well. And they want to deny the Jews their rights under international law.

It was never arab muslim land apart from a 22 year period prior to 1099
You that somehow its all going to be the Jews fault anyway. Something along the lines of, "Well, we Palestinians wouldn't HAVE to start the fires if you would just get all the filthy Jews off Palestinian land".
You talked about discrimination on another thread, but here you are projecting discrimination onto others ...... and discriminating yourself.

Repeating the arab muslim mantra in context is not discrimination, IT IS BEING TRUTHFUL as this is just one of your mantra's used all the time. When will you accept the international law of 1922 that granted the land to the Jews ?
You that somehow its all going to be the Jews fault anyway. Something along the lines of, "Well, we Palestinians wouldn't HAVE to start the fires if you would just get all the filthy Jews off Palestinian land".
You talked about discrimination on another thread, but here you are projecting discrimination onto others ...... and discriminating yourself.

Ah, no. I'm calling out the discriminatory behaviours of Team Palestine.
No. what you are doing is making a fool of yourself. You put all Jews in the same basket and insinuate that the world of Jewry is responsible for anything and everything the government of Israel does ....... and you assume that no one else (including yourself) understands the difference between Jews - Israelis - Zionists. Furthermore, you degrade Jews and even yourself by calling Jews "FILTHY".

If you cannot control your prejudices maybe you ought not contribute to threads dealing with such subjects.

Try reading it again as this was a quote much used by arab muslims and islamonazi propagandists. Try getting your facts right
good news for western nc.....rain is expected beginning monday.....that will make a great difference in the fires....

that is my hope for israel as well.....
..... I am DYING to hear your definition of Zionists.
My definition is unimportant. What is important is that Israel is not following the definition as it was presented and approved of by the UN. Israel is in direct breach of several international laws.

And you do know that Abbas was the one that called Jews "filthy", yes?
Again with the rhetoric already. This guy said, "All Israelis into the sea!" That guy said, "Filthy Jew!" You think maybe we should let people say such things and not kill them?
..... I am DYING to hear your definition of Zionists.
My definition is unimportant. What is important is that Israel is not following the definition as it was presented and approved of by the UN. Israel is in direct breach of several international laws.

And you do know that Abbas was the one that called Jews "filthy", yes?
Again with the rhetoric already. This guy said, "All Israelis into the sea!" That guy said, "Filthy Jew!" You think maybe we should let people say such things and not kill them?

Wrong your definition is important as it shows which branch of Jew hatred you belong to.
When did the defininition of zionism get presented to the UN then to be voted on and accepted. Was the definition of islam, Christianity, Hindi, Buddism and all other creeds presented and voted on for approval by the UN. Can we have the resolution details and then the international law details as this is a racist act that runs contrary to the UN charter.

As for these international aws can we have the details and the times and dates they were breached ?

No we should educate them unto realising that continual use of such phrases will result in them being ostracised by humanity and losing all aid and help. Would you feel the same way if all Christians were told to repeat All muslims to the fires of hell, Dirty muslim savages should be exterminated, islam is vile and should be wiped from the face of the world
good news for western nc.....rain is expected beginning monday.....that will make a great difference in the fires....

that is my hope for israel as well.....
I can smell the smoke in Charlotte when the wind is from the west. Make it quit.
"The Italian national fire service, Vigili del Fuoco, sent over two Canadair CL-415 planes that were deployed at the Hatzor Air Force Base. Eight pilots, four technicians and a liaison officer were also deployed."

Israeli wildfires spark international response | AirMed and Rescue Magazine

Canadairs are the best for this work. The sea is nearby in Israel so they can scoop and drop quickly.
Good news from Italy.
Maybe these two Canadair will help Israelis to fight and win the fire :)
If they set the fires they are far from innocent, and I believe in the maxim AN EYE FOR AN EYE in its literal sense. You would not like my punishment for child rapists as they die either way, and they choose the method.

"An eye for an eye", from the Jewish perspective of faith and law, was never intended to be taken literally. In fact, it was meant to be a limiting factor to ensure restitution was commensurate with the damages done.

Calling for people's deaths is heinous. It is especially heinous to call for the deaths of innocents (families).
My definition is unimportant. What is important is that Israel is not following the definition as it was presented and approved of by the UN. Israel is in direct breach of several international laws.

It is so fascinating to me that every person I have asked to define Zionism dodges the question. Why is that, do you think?

The UN has a definition of Zionist? Do tell.

"Israel is in direct breach of several international laws" is a trope people love to toss around. Most people don't really know what it means or which laws. I have yet to see someone present a law which Israel actually breaches. Maybe you can be the first. (But, if you are going to try the whole "settlements are illegal" one, don't give me the "everyone knows" fallacy and be prepared with the Oslo Accords in hand and an explanation of why Moroccan settlements in Western Sahara and Indonesian settlements in East Timor are considered legal.)

Again with the rhetoric already. This guy said, "All Israelis into the sea!" That guy said, "Filthy Jew!" You think maybe we should let people say such things and not kill them?

Whoa, whoa. Who said anything about killing them? I certainly didn't. And I definitely think political leaders who wish to become Heads of States must refrain from hateful and inciting language. Don't you?
You have to admire the fortitude of the Palestinian people. They are witnesses to the their own homes being systematically destroyed, their land (country) being stolen inch by inch, yard by yard, mile by mile. They are up against a formidable foe, a foe equipped with the latest technology, tanks, helicopters ….. you name it. All the Palestinians have are rocks – never mind Solomon & Goliath. And the Palestinians haven't given up. They took to suicide bombing. They must love their country to do that, but it has limited effects in terms of radius vanquished. This barrage of arson is an ingenious plan. I am a born-again pacifist, but I have to give the Palestinians (who cannot afford my pacifist privilege) that they ignore their grave disadvantages (in both military might and diplomatic influence) to “find a way” to continue struggling for peace in their homeland.
Sure. Nothing screams peace like a little suicide bombing and arson.
And if you are going to admire fortitude, let's talk about the three thousand years of history of the Jewish people.
Sure. Nothing screams peace like a little suicide bombing and arson.
Destruction, land-grabbing theft, murder, international criminal behaviour on a national level, the use of tanks, helicopters, and the most advanced war machinery ...... all against an unarmed population of men women and children. There's a lot of peace-screaming in that you reckon, eh?
And if you are going to admire fortitude, let's talk about the three thousand years of history of the Jewish people.
You're going to feign comparative fortitude on behalf of Jews in the diaspora? Pick another straw to clutch.

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