In red states, it’s open season on women’s rights

I'm not Catholic, so Sister Joan's wrong opinion has no influence on me.

wrong opinion? how is it wrong that you are not pro life, only pro birth cause you don't want to do anything once the cord is cut so that precious REAL 'baby' thrives.

You tried. You failed.

lol ...


But, like, you, apparently she believes the only true charity is advocating government take money away from people and giving it to others.

you mean BABIES that need medical care, food, clothing, shelter & education?

And, like you, she is ignorant of the good work her own Church does.

"The Catholic Charities network provided $5.1 billion in support through program services and in-kind donations. In the first six months, $400 million in emergency assistance including food, PPEs, baby supplies and quarantine housing was provided."

actually she doesn't ignore it ... lest ye ferget- her special brand of catholicism is anti birth control, let alone not pro choice.

you only walk the walk david.
In red states, it’s open season on women’s rights.

There are no such things as women's rights. There are only Individual rights. Rights don't come as groups.

Try to think a bit deeper than the colors red and blue, winger. You're supposed to put the crayons away when you're like five or whatever.

And get that Bill of Rights off your avy, please. You misrepresent it daily. Hourly even.

Individual rights and group claims are antithetical.
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from yer link, daaaaaavey...............

However, what is controversial is whether this genetically unique cell should be considered a human person.”

Nonetheless, one could sensibly make the case that “personhood” can only exist in a living human being and that the division of these two entities is arbitrary at best.
Gee, you skipped right over the first sentence. How unsurprising.

"ABSTRACT: The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop."
lol... you mean like the ' infestation ' of ' vermin ' at the border, as yer dear leader has referred to brown humans?
I don't want illegals killed, and neither does Trump.

But you -- you want innocent human beings killed when they're inconvenient.

Yours is not the morally superior position.
wrong opinion? how is it wrong that you are not pro life, only pro birth cause you don't want to do anything once the cord is cut so that precious REAL 'baby' thrives.

lol ...


you mean BABIES that need medical care, food, clothing, shelter & education?

actually she doesn't ignore it ... lest ye ferget- her special brand of catholicism is anti birth control, let alone not pro choice.

you only walk the walk david.
You keep asserting things as true that I've not said.

Why do you have to lie? Well, I know what -- because the truth doesn't support your views. But I want to know if YOU know that.
Gee, you skipped right over the first sentence. How unsurprising.

"ABSTRACT: The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop."

an acorn is not an oak tree, davey.

I don't want illegals killed, and neither does Trump.

that's not what donny said to miles taylor. he also wanted spikes on top of his wall & painted as black as possible to reheat the heat from the sun, so they would get burned trying to climb over it.

But you -- you want innocent human beings killed when they're inconvenient.

you want to force any female, regardless of how she became pregnant to carry to term then your job is done. she & the kid are then on their own.

Yours is not the morally superior position.

i never said it was, but don't pretend YOURS is.
You keep asserting things as true that I've not said.

' But, like, you, apparently she believes the only true charity is advocating government take money away from people and giving it to others '

Why do you have to lie? Well, I know what -- because the truth doesn't support your views. But I want to know if YOU know that.

i never lie.
an acorn is not an oak tree, davey.
A human being is a human being from the moment of conception.

Why do you hate science?

Oh, yes -- because it contradicts your claims.
that's not what donny said to miles taylor. he also wanted spikes on top of his wall & painted as black as possible to reheat the heat from the sun, so they would get burned trying to climb over it.
How many illegals have you invited into your home?
you want to force any female, regardless of how she became pregnant to carry to term then your job is done. she & the kid are then on their own.
I never said that, and there's nothing I've ever said to lead you to that conclusion -- except your own irrational hatred of people who say you support the killing of human beings.
i never said it was, but don't pretend YOURS is.
Your way has led to the deaths of millions. That's never a good thing.

But damned if leftists don't see it as the answer to almost every problem.
' But, like, you, apparently she believes the only true charity is advocating government take money away from people and giving it to others '
Do you dispute that? I believe in personal charity, people choosing for themselves which causes to support.

That apparently makes you angry. You apparently believe government can do a better job,. despite all evidence to the contrary. And it looks like supporting the government taking money away from people and giving it to others makes you feel personally generous. Spoiler alert: It's not.
i never lie.
You just did.
You are a sick disgusting liar.

Abortion has nothing to do with women's rights, and everything to do with Human Rights.

Hot, steaming horseshit.

It has to do with a bunch of religious nutters trying to punch their own tickets into the forever theme park. That's all. Same reason the nutters adopted their childish, iron age mythology in the first place.
No, I don't. Abortion will always be with us; that genie is out of the bottle, never to be stuffed back in.

What I would prefer is a cultural change, one that sees people value human life again, not something to be disposed of when it's in the way. That's a very uphill battle; the left has been pushing the idea that actions should have no consequences and human life is worthless for decades.

It's so easy to not get pregnant. Yet people do, because the left has told them it's okay, just go to a clinic and have the little clump of cells removed. No muss, no fuss; it's just a parasite, no need to get emotionally attached to it. Then get back out to the clubs and start hooking up with strangers again.

Don't bother denying this; it's reality. Your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.

In addition to the cultural change, there should be legal changes to make adoption easier. There are very few newborns that wouldn't find a loving home.

But your death cult isn't interested in finding homes for loved, wanted babies, is it?
“American companies should seriously consider how and if they want to do business in states that treat their employees and their employees’ families as second-class citizens.
In red states, it’s open season on women’s rights.
Some companies are taking small steps to ease the burden on their employees living in states with these misogynist, reactionary laws. Yelp, for example, only has about 200 employees working in Texas, but will pay for them or their spouses to travel out of state for abortion care. Late last year, the company Salesforce announced that it will do the same. And Citigroup, which has some 8,000 workers in Texas, also said it will pay for them to leave to obtain abortions.”

Very good.

Let’s hope more private employers do the same for their employees living in repressive, authoritarian states.
Since when do democrats care about women’s rights. They are trying to replace them with Trannies.

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