In red states, it’s open season on women’s rights

Never ever expect a answer from me again
You were the one who established that precedent.

If a white man was three time more likely to be hired than a black man everyone would be screaming racism. But it's not racism if a black baby is three times more likely to be aborted than a white baby?

It is especially racism because white people are willing to pay for it.

If a woman does not like her boss trying to fuck her?
You have unemployment, welfare, food stamps and God know's what else.
No one NEEDS to stay at a job they hate in America.

I could not give about worker's rights (other then safety).
If a company sucks - boycott it and force it to treat the workers better.
Getting Mommy and Daddy government to fix it just drives the problem underground. And a business will ALWAYS find a way around stupid laws.

Stop whining.
You don't like your job - fucking quit it and grow the fuck up.
Is this Opposite Day?

Conservatives want government to leave them alone. Leftists want government to run everyone's lives.

You all project your utterly helplessness and incompetence on other people.
Conservatives are infamous for their contempt for citizens’ rights in general - the right to privacy, the right to vote, the right to due process of the law, the right to equal protection of the law, just to name a few.
We know that's on the chopping block too. Next up mail order abortion and morning after pills, then The Pill.

Conservatives’ war on women’s rights won’t stop with ‘banning’ abortion - other means of birth control will likewise be subject to bans.

Conservatives: more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
You were the one who established that precedent.

If a white man was three time more likely to be hired than a black man everyone would be screaming racism. But it's not racism if a black baby is three times more likely to be aborted than a white baby?

It is especially racism because white people are willing to pay for it.

from yer link, daaaaaavey...............

However, what is controversial is whether this genetically unique cell should be considered a human person.”

Nonetheless, one could sensibly make the case that “personhood” can only exist in a living human being and that the division of these two entities is arbitrary at best.

But contempt for human life is common among leftists. Dehumanizing people you don't like makes it easier to kill them, doesn't it?

lol... you mean like the ' infestation ' of ' vermin ' at the border, as yer dear leader has referred to brown humans?

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