In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
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President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
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Some of the American Public is starting to see what an incompetent bunch the entire dimcrap party, headed by the Stuttering Cluterfuck, really is....

Poll: 48% Consider Obama A “Weak And Indecisive Leader,” Only 6% View Him As “Strong And Decisive”…


His overall approval rating also hits a new low, down to only 40%.

Via Telegraph:

On Tuesday night President Obama will deliver one of the most important political addresses of his presidency, trying to convince a war-weary American public to support his call for military intervention in Syria. Having casually drawn a red line in the sand on the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime, Obama’s own credibility – not that of the United States – is on the line. But he faces an uphill struggle to win over public opinion, and is almost certainly heading for a heavy defeat on Capitol Hill, where opposition is mounting among Members of Congress.

The scale of the challenge for Mr. Obama is encapsulated in a new poll released by Fox News (conducted by both Democratic and Republican pollsters), which shows the president’s approval rating falling to 40 percent, the lowest level of support in his presidency (on par with December 2010). Obama’s disapproval stands at 54 percent, the highest negative rating he has received since taking office. [...]

Strikingly, a large percentage of American voters believe that Obama’s foreign policy has weakened America’s standing in the world. 48 percent agree that the United States is less respected now than it was five years ago when George W. Bush left office. A mere 14 percent say that America is more respected today. 54 percent of US voters disapprove of Obama’s foreign policy, with just 39 percent expressing their support. Most significantly, Obama scores badly on the leadership front: 48 percent of those polled by Fox think Obama is “a weak and indecisive leader,” six percentage points more than those who believe he is “a strong and decisive leader.” In addition, 50 percent feel the president “spends too much time blaming others.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

So, your new hero is a Former Officer in the Soviet KGB and Communist?
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

So, your new hero is a Former Officer in the Soviet KGB and Communist?

hell no.....but he might be Obama's new hero.......:lol:
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

So, your new hero is a Former Officer in the Soviet KGB and Communist?

Why would you say something so incredibly stupid?

You scumbags seem to love false dichotomies and other logic fallacies.

If we hate the Stuttering Clusterfukk we must love Putin?

Go clean the chalk board, moron
obama's a communist too! He was just outplayed by the former head of the KGB. obama does not get special consideration because he's going in handicapped by his own egotism and stupidity.

If it was not for obama's own preening pride we would never have gotten into this mess. Syria would not be in a bloody civil war. Over 100,000 people would not be dead.
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

So, your new hero is a Former Officer in the Soviet KGB and Communist?
No hero, but he is taking care of the situation while obama runs in circles. I wonder if he is on the golf course today.
obama's a communist too! He was just outplayed by the former head of the KGB. obama does not get special consideration because he's going in handicapped by his own egotism and stupidity.

If it was not for obama's own preening pride we would never have gotten into this mess. Syria would not be in a bloody civil war. Over 100,000 people would not be dead.

if this becomes too obvious Obumble just might do something different and throw Kerry once again under the you think ol' Ker might get another purple heart...?

guess we have to wait for Obumble's speech on this to really know what he will least for the next few hours.....:rolleyes:
You guys would bitch if you shit golden turds.

There's a difference between bitching and laughing at someone. Like I do at most of your posts.

I'm glad the Stuttering Clusterfukk found a way to run and hide out of this mess.

He has shown the entire World, and much of the Country, what a clueless incompetent he is and for the first time people are starting to notice.

Although his little fuck-boy defenders are still carrying his water for him.

It's gonna be funny to watch him squirm his way out of this mess tonight. I won't watch him, I can't stand to listen to his disgusting delivery; his cadence, syntax and locutions are unbearable.

I'm sure you'll be glued to the tube, however
obama's a communist too! He was just outplayed by the former head of the KGB. obama does not get special consideration because he's going in handicapped by his own egotism and stupidity.

If it was not for obama's own preening pride we would never have gotten into this mess. Syria would not be in a bloody civil war. Over 100,000 people would not be dead.

if this becomes too obvious Obumble just might do something different and throw Kerry once again under the you think ol' Ker might get another purple heart...?

guess we have to wait for Obumble's speech on this to really know what he will least for the next few hours.....:rolleyes:

It's over. the Stuttering Clusterfukk will talk tough. He'll pretend to be Captain Kickass once again for his loyal servants, his worshiping sycophants.... But it's over.

He jumped the gun. He let his Alligator Mouth overload his Canary Ass and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM can't save him from INTERNATIONAL FACTS OF LIFE like they do here at home where they just simply lie for him.

Death is real. No perception of it can alter its reality.


Report: Intercepts Caught Assad Repeatedly Rejecting Requests From Field Commanders To Use Chemical Weapons…


Intercepts caught Assad rejecting requests to use chemical weapons, German paper says | McClatchy

BERLIN — Syrian President Bashar Assad has repeatedly rejected requests from his field commanders for approval to use chemical weapons, according to a report this weekend in a German newspaper.

The report in Bild am Sonntag, which is a widely read and influential national Sunday newspaper, reported that the head of the German Foreign Intelligence agency, Gerhard Schindler, last week told a select group of German lawmakers that intercepted communications had convinced German intelligence officials that Assad did not order or approve what is believed to be a sarin gas attack on Aug. 21 that killed hundreds of people in Damascus’ eastern suburbs.

The Obama administration has blamed the attack on Assad. The evidence against Assad was described over the weekend as common sense by White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“The material was used in the eastern suburbs of Damascus that have been controlled by the opposition for some time,” he said. “It was delivered by rockets, rockets that we know the Assad regime has, and we have no indication that the opposition has.”

Russia has questioned that logic, announcing last week that in July it filed a 100-page long “technical and scientific” report on an alleged March 19 chemical weapons attack on a suburb of Aleppo that it says implicates rebel fighters.

A U.N. team dispatched to Syria to investigate the March 19 attack was sent to the scene of the Aug. 21 incident. The samples it collected are currently being analyzed in Europe at labs certified by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the international agency that monitors compliance with chemical weapons bans.

The German intelligence briefing to lawmakers described by Bild am Sonntag fits neither narrative precisely. The newspaper’s article said that on numerous occasions in recent months, the German intelligence ship named Oker, which is off the Syrian coast, has intercepted communications indicating that field officers have contacted the Syrian presidential palace seeking permission to use chemical weapons and have been turned down.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:

What 'victory' is that?

Describe to me how 'we won'.

What did we get out of this?

Anybody remember the clusterfuck that was post 1991 Iraq and their WMD inspections?

Anybody remember what happened in Libya? Eight years of inspections and the inspectors were still digging up Chemical Weapons.....

We won nothing and I'm okay with that. AFAIC, the clock has been reset to a time before the most incompetent scumbag in Galactic History opened his stupid fucking mouth and caused all this shit.

But understand something -- "We" won nothing. Nothing has changed.


I believe that if the Stuttering Clusterfukk runs around claiming victory that he will be laughed at by the entire world, including for the first time, here
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:

what "pressure".....? :rolleyes:
Boy, you parrots sure are spending a lot of time in the spin room, eh? :lol:

Syria and Russia are backing down after a credible threat to bomb Syria. It's as simple as that.

Assad knows that if he loses his hold on power, he wil be executed by whoever succeeds him. Bombing his command and control sites would have greatly weakened him, and made him more susceptible to being toppled. So now he's our bitch.
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Boy, you parrots sure are spending a lot of time in the spin room, eh? :lol:

Syria and Russia are backing down after a credible threat to bomb Syria. It's as simple as that.

Assad knows that if he loses his hold on power, he wil be executed by whoever succeeds him. Bombing his command and control sites would have greatly weakened him, and made him more susceptible to being toppled. So now he's our bitch.

You're an idiot, LOL.
Putin enjoys toying with Obama, who he correctly sized up as an empty suit years ago.

Some clichés are appropriate with regard to the Russian/Syrian offer:

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

"The devil is in the details."

Look for Putin to jerk Obama's chain plenty before Syria gives up its chemicals.

But, Putin still did Obama a favor. Because in the months it will take for the UN to perform its mummery on Syria's WMDs, Obama will be able to move on to some other mismanagement of our country and his empty posturing on Syria will probably just fade away.

Only the rankest left-wings socialist NUTTERS still believe this clown is capable of leading this country.
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:

There was no pressure. An attack described as "unbelievably small" is not pressure. An attack that military commanders claim would have been just muscular enough not to be mocked is not pressure. President Putin just saved little o obama from a massive retaliation. What's curious is what the next move will be. obama has been checkmated, meaning that the "King" piece can be taken at any time. President Putin is always three moves ahead of obama. He has something up his sleeve with this. There is some other masterful move.

Surely you don't think that the Russian plan was conceived and written in the ten minutes between Kerry's stupid statement and announcement? Really? Do you really think that? No. The Russian plan, so happily endorsed by the UN was written long ago just waiting for an opportune time to be presented. If it had not been when Kerry played "kick me I'm stupid" when he did, it would have been presented another time.
Putin enjoys toying with Obama, who he correctly sized up as an empty suit years ago.

Some clichés are appropriate with regard to the Russian/Syrian offer:

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

"The devil is in the details."

Look for Putin to jerk Obama's chain plenty before Syria gives up its chemicals.

But, Putin still did Obama a favor. Because in the months it will take for the UN to perform its mummery on Syria's WMDs, Obama will be able to move on to some other mismanagement of our country and his empty posturing on Syria will probably just fade away.

Only the rankest left-wings socialist NUTTERS still believe this clown is capable of leading this country.

of course BO will huff and puff that Assad must quickly remove the CWs but what will he do if he doesn't......threaten another pinprick.....?

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