In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee

President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
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So, your new hero is a Former Officer in the Soviet KGB and Communist?

If Putin's plan prevents Obama from committing an Act of War, perhaps Obama should consider nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize. Or, at the very least, give the one that he got for doing NOTHING to him.
Fear not, the Jewish lobby and the neocons will eventually get you a war with Syria. If I were planning this debacle I'd simply take some chem to Israel and murder some Israelis just to pin it on Syria. That would definitely do the trick. There wouldn't be any negotiations just instant war, which is what the OA and Israel want.
obama's a communist too! He was just outplayed by the former head of the KGB. obama does not get special consideration because he's going in handicapped by his own egotism and stupidity.

If it was not for obama's own preening pride we would never have gotten into this mess. Syria would not be in a bloody civil war. Over 100,000 people would not be dead.

if this becomes too obvious Obumble just might do something different and throw Kerry once again under the you think ol' Ker might get another purple heart...?

guess we have to wait for Obumble's speech on this to really know what he will least for the next few hours.....:rolleyes:

It has already started. Obama will say that because he threatened bombing Syria, they caved. He probably won't mention that a "shot across the bow" does not hit anything, And an "unbelievably small' 1 or 2 day attack doesn't usually scare anyone that is engaged in a civil war.
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It's a goddamn shame that Republicans are more in love with Putin than they are with their own country's leader.
obama's a communist too! He was just outplayed by the former head of the KGB. obama does not get special consideration because he's going in handicapped by his own egotism and stupidity.

If it was not for obama's own preening pride we would never have gotten into this mess. Syria would not be in a bloody civil war. Over 100,000 people would not be dead.

if this becomes too obvious Obumble just might do something different and throw Kerry once again under the you think ol' Ker might get another purple heart...?

guess we have to wait for Obumble's speech on this to really know what he will least for the next few hours.....:rolleyes:

It has already started. Obama will say that because he threatened bombing Syria, they caved. He probably won't mention that a "shot across the bow" does not hit anything, And an "unbelievably small' 1 or 2 day attack doesn't usually scare anyone that is engaged in a civil war.

yup.....they are already singing praises to their Messiah for his 'great plan'.....maybe they'll give him another Peace Prize.....

or maybe it will go to Putin.....
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:

what "pressure".....? :rolleyes:

Isn't Putin making his ally come to an accommodation? Take off your blinders. But for the pressure put on by the U.S., nothing would have happened. What he have here isn't Obama weakness, but another example of Obama-hate. No boots on the ground. If only your hero Dubya could have been that smart. I guess that's the difference between a 'C' student and the head of the Harvard Law Review. :cool:
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

If Obama's name was Reagan, you'd be calling him a genius right now.
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

So, your new hero is a Former Officer in the Soviet KGB and Communist?

hell no.....but he might be Obama's new hero.......:lol:

Obama's position forced Putin to offer up a plan that Syria could actually go along with. Had Obama offered this option directly, Assad would have scoffed, but coming form Putin, an ally, it is one he can live with. In the end, the chemical weapons are removed without a shot being fired. This makes Obama the player and Putin the playee. This is really no different than what Reagan did to help bring down the Soviet Union. You cons really show how everything you stand for only has to do with partisan hackery. If it were Romney making the same moves, you'd all be telling us how smart he was and how he outmaneuvered Putin.
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

If Obama's name was Reagan, you'd be calling him a genius right now.

The right wing of this country would bring this country down to make Obama look bad. I see they're worshipping the commie Putin now. What a strange bunch of unamericans this new breed of right wingers are.
obama's a communist too! He was just outplayed by the former head of the KGB. obama does not get special consideration because he's going in handicapped by his own egotism and stupidity.

If it was not for obama's own preening pride we would never have gotten into this mess. Syria would not be in a bloody civil war. Over 100,000 people would not be dead.

Sorry, but Obama had nothing to do with Syria's civil war. Wake up.
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Read more: Blog: In Syria, Putin's the Player and Obama's the Playee
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

So, your new hero is a Former Officer in the Soviet KGB and Communist?
No hero, but he is taking care of the situation while obama runs in circles. I wonder if he is on the golf course today.

Great poker players can play others without them even realizing it. This is what Obama has done to Putin, and you guys are thinking Obama was the one being duped. :lol:
Such is the sad state of the Right on this board.

They attacked Obama when Putin didn't cooperate. Now they're attacking Obama when it appears that Putin is cooperating.
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:

The dupes around here have been duped so bad they don't even realize who played who. It's laughable to listen to some of the stupid shit coming out from the right.
Accidental Diplomacy? Kerry now claims credit for Syria weapons proposal | Fox News


The truth is, this whole proposal began as a joke by Al Brooks....

If a comedian proposes Syrian solution, does that make it a joke? (Began as Albert Brooks Joke)
Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:

what "pressure".....? :rolleyes:

Isn't Putin making his ally come to an accommodation? Take off your blinders. But for the pressure put on by the U.S., nothing would have happened. What he have here isn't Obama weakness, but another example of Obama-hate. No boots on the ground. If only your hero Dubya could have been that smart. I guess that's the difference between a 'C' student and the head of the Harvard Law Review. :cool:

you're the one with the blinders....there is no real 'pressure'....only a 'pinprick' strike....maybe...

now there is a supposedly face-saving 'out' for Obama that Putin is using to play Obama....which gives Putin plenty of plus points on the world stage....

Boy, you parrots sure are spending a lot of time in the spin room, eh? :lol:

Syria and Russia are backing down after a credible threat to bomb Syria. It's as simple as that.

Assad knows that if he loses his hold on power, he wil be executed by whoever succeeds him. Bombing his command and control sites would have greatly weakened him, and made him more susceptible to being toppled. So now he's our bitch.

You're an idiot, LOL.

Actually he is spot on. You guys don't even understand how Obama played this out to his advantage. It's incredible that you are so gullible. Putin just became Obama's bitch.
President Barack Obama has become a comic figure on the world stage, a laughingstock unable to keep his story straight, while his principal rival seizes the initiative in Syria.

So desperate is Obama for a face-saving retreat from his ultimatum on Syrian chemical weapons that he will concede the really important issues to Russia, Syria and Iran.

And being Obama, he will portray his retreat as a great diplomatic victory, and his media claque will sell the story to the low information voting public.

Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:

There was no pressure. An attack described as "unbelievably small" is not pressure. An attack that military commanders claim would have been just muscular enough not to be mocked is not pressure. President Putin just saved little o obama from a massive retaliation. What's curious is what the next move will be. obama has been checkmated, meaning that the "King" piece can be taken at any time. President Putin is always three moves ahead of obama. He has something up his sleeve with this. There is some other masterful move.

Surely you don't think that the Russian plan was conceived and written in the ten minutes between Kerry's stupid statement and announcement? Really? Do you really think that? No. The Russian plan, so happily endorsed by the UN was written long ago just waiting for an opportune time to be presented. If it had not been when Kerry played "kick me I'm stupid" when he did, it would have been presented another time.

You are hilarious. Putin saved his own ass, because if the US struck Syria, Putin would have done nothing. He wasn't about to start WWIII over Syria, so Putin had to come up with something to save face. You guys are incredibly stupid.
President Putin would not have done this, if he didn't have some motivation other than to momentarily make obama look bad. Yes it destroys any US influence that remained in the middle east. Yes, it puts Russia in a superior position dealing with Iran. The US king is down in this masterful checkmate, but there has to be a plan to topple him.

Putin Didn't Save Obama, He Beat Him | The Weekly Standard

Putin is laughing to himself. Whatever. If Obama wants to sell it like a Christmas miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue that’s fine with Putin, because Putin won.

Reset with Russia was originally a strategic priority for the Obama administration because it saw Moscow as the key to getting Iran to come to the negotiating table. Putin, from the White House’s perspective, was destined for the role of junior partner. Now Putin has turned “Reset” upside down. By helping Obama out of a jam with Syria, Putin has made himself the senior partner to whom the White House is now beholden. Accordingly, when Putin proposes the same sort of deal with Iran, with Russia having established its bona fides as an interlocutor for Syria, Obama is almost certain to jump at it.

What’s unclear is whether Obama understands that his foreign policy legacy will be to have ruined the American position in the Middle East, our patrimony of the last seven decades. If the 1979 takeover of the U.S. embassy in Tehran signaled weakness, the Russian deal screams surrender. The real surprise is that it’s not Iran kicking the United States out of the region under Obama’s watch, but Putin.
Would any of what Putin's doing have happened, if Obama hadn't been putting on the pressure. If he's going to take credit, he deserves it. We got a victory without putting boots on the ground. :clap2:

There was no pressure. An attack described as "unbelievably small" is not pressure. An attack that military commanders claim would have been just muscular enough not to be mocked is not pressure. President Putin just saved little o obama from a massive retaliation. What's curious is what the next move will be. obama has been checkmated, meaning that the "King" piece can be taken at any time. President Putin is always three moves ahead of obama. He has something up his sleeve with this. There is some other masterful move.

Surely you don't think that the Russian plan was conceived and written in the ten minutes between Kerry's stupid statement and announcement? Really? Do you really think that? No. The Russian plan, so happily endorsed by the UN was written long ago just waiting for an opportune time to be presented. If it had not been when Kerry played "kick me I'm stupid" when he did, it would have been presented another time.

You are hilarious. Putin saved his own ass, because if the US struck Syria, Putin would have done nothing. He wasn't about to start WWIII over Syria, so Putin had to come up with something to save face. You guys are incredibly stupid.

Here's the facts..... Putin gets to keep his Port in Tartus. The last and only Russian Military Base outside the former Soviet Union.

Assad stays in power.

Iran maintains its Hezbollah forces in Syria and is still killing Syrian Rebels by the bushel.

The Chemical Weapons that Assad doesn't want the Inspectors to find have already been moved (they're only about the size of a rocket or mortar shell. Not tough to hide.)

And we get.... What again?

A promise to allow Inspectors in?

Wowee-zowee batfink.

Let me know when that happens so we can all laugh at you because they're only gonna get what Assad and the russians WANT them to get.

You're an idiot. A bona fide moron
Obambam has lost so much face he's going to have to borrow some of John Kerry's.

It's alright Kerry has enough plastic at home to make a new face.

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