"In the Dark" - Netflix


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Like many contemporary Americans, I spend a lot of time looking for, and watching, series TV that are an alternative to the garbage that one sees on network television. Based on my unwillingness to spend oodles of money for enhanced cable TV, I find most of my viewing on Netflix. At current, I'm watching - at my wife's insistence - a series called, "In the Dark."

Without going into too much detail, the story is about a blind young woman who "works" for a company that her parents founded, a company that trains guide dogs for blind people. Because she and everyone she is associated with are idiots, she and they get into all sorts of trouble with the law, which provides the fodder for the episodes.

One of the challenges of writing fiction is creating characters of the opposite gender. Men can't write women, and women can't write men. "In the Dark" is written by a committee of women.

This series drives me fucking crazy. All the men are pussies. They react to threats and aggression with fainting spells and other fearsome, soft outbursts. The show lasted for FOUR (4) SEASONS (I'm through about half of it now), and I can't believe that nobody got in touch with any of the writers to inject a dose of testosterone into their male characters.

If you live with a woman, they might like it. The reason why a male would watch it is because the main character looks like Jennifer Anniston's daughter...which is not a bad thing.

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