In yer opinion...the BEST sci fi flick ever is.....

My favs:

The Dune miniseries
Road Warrior
Planet of the Apes
Forbidden Planet
The Day The Earth Stood Still (original)
Blade Runner
Total Recall
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (original)
Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan
Alien and Aliens
and of course, Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back (the Return of the Jedi jumped the shark with the Ewoks, imo)
(the Return of the Jedi jumped the shark with the Ewoks, imo)
Marketing. They thought they were going to make millions selling little Ewok dolls. So they wrote them in - like we couldn't see right through that.... It was an insult to the moviegoer.
A few more that I forgot:

Soylent Green
Logan's Run
Stepford Wives
Not in any particular order:

Pitch Black
Chronicles of Riddick
Mutant Chronicles
Species III
Predator (especially AvP)
Alien series (especially Alien Resurrection)
Fifth Element
Galaxy Quest
Enemy Mine
Stargate (original movie)
Star Wars
Star Trek (fisrt and second generation)
Starship Troopers
Total Recall
Planet of the Apes (old and newest)
(some are fantasy-ish, but all have something to do with aliens or other planets)
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Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan
Actually my favorite ST movie is "Generations." Malcolm McDowell was a great heavy, and they explored the two diametrically opposed views of life and death as seen through Picard and Soren's eyes quite well. Although, the "Captain Ahab" plot device was used again here.... But Soren's obsession wasn't to kill Borg, just to kill millions of people and do whatever else was necessary to escape his miserable life for the peace and comfort of "The Nexus."

Anytime you give me McDowell as the bad guy, I'm in.
Here's my movie trailer of Star Trek: First Contact with the Hawaii Five-0 theme!

[ame=]YouTube - Star Trek First Contact -- Hawaii five-0 intro[/ame]
I even did Dallas! Listen for the late Jerry Goldsmith's "Klingon" theme when Worf is introduced!

[ame=]YouTube - Star Trek: The Next Generation -- Dallas TV Opening[/ame]
Will Wheaton used to post on a board I was member of many moons ago. He was pretty much someone I avoided. Not very nice dude.
Will Wheaton used to post on a board I was member of many moons ago. He was pretty much someone I avoided. Not very nice dude.
Yeah when "Next Generation" first premiered I was like, "C'mon Gene! A KID and a ROBOT??? You have GOT to be shitting me! This isn't "Lost in Space!" Even in Gene's earliest pitches in the 60s for Star Trek to the networks, he would tell them the "kid and a robot" thing was NOT science fiction. I couldn't believe I was seeing it in a Roddenberry creation.

And the inside of the ship looked like a hotel, the bridge, a 4-star hotel lobby - and the people on board wearing bellhop uniforms. Plus they were just rehashing original series stories for much of the first season. It really sucked.

Season three though, it finally took off.
I liked second generation but I was hoping it would have more planet exploration, more alien encounters and less in house romance/drama stuff.
I liked second generation but I was hoping it would have more planet exploration, more alien encounters and less in house romance/drama stuff.
Hard to beat "The Inner Light" episode though.

My Top 10 Star Trek TV episodes (Covering all shows.)

1.) "Darmok" (TNG) If you didn't boo-hoo this one, you're a Vulcan.
2.) "Trials and Tribblations" (DS9) If you didn't laugh throughout and slap your knee here and there? You're a Vulcan.
3.) "The Inner Light" (TNG) If you didn't boo-hoo this one.... Oh. Yeah.
4.) "The Wounded" (TNG) REALLY good.
5.) "City on the Edge of Forever" (TOS) Joan Collins lights this one up. Emmy and Hugo award-winning.
6.) "Timeless" (VOY) Hits ya right.... There.
7.) "Mirror, Mirror" (TOS) Evil Spock with a goatee. Nuff said.
8.) "Relics" (TNG) Wonderfully done.
9.) "The Game" (TNG) Titillating and spooky. Ashley Judd heats this one up.
10) "Tapestry" (TNG) We all want to go back in our lives and do it right this time. Right?
planet of the apes, hands down. great acting great script, great effects, great story....

nothing tops this moment, first time you see it and don't know whats coming...;

[ame=]YouTube - Planet Of The Apes - Damn You![/ame]
planet of the apes, hands down. great acting great script, great effects, great story....

nothing tops this moment, first time you see it and don't know whats coming...;

YouTube - Planet Of The Apes - Damn You!

Im really good (which means those I watch movies with hate it) at knowing the ending of just about any movie within 5 minutes of it showing. This I had no clue. Same with 6th Sense. No clue.

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