"inadvertent mistake..400,000 overcount or 6% overestimate. What else have they "overestimated"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Based on the below "overestimate"... is it possible the ACA proponents have again OVERESTIMATED the following: 46 million are uninsured....
Now we NOW the facts that of the 46 million "uninsured"
1) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS... so therefore NOT eligible.. so therefore they were off
2) 14 million people PER THE CENSUS were counted as "UNINSURED" BUT THEY are eligible for Medicaid/SCHIP! In other words the number 36 million includes people that all need do is register!
3) 18 million under 34 DON'T WANT health insurance that leaves 4 million uninsured!
NOT 46 million!!!

The administration in September said 7.3 million people at the time were enrolled in health plans through the Affordable Care Act insurance marketplaces. The House investigation, first reported by Bloomberg, found that this number also counted people enrolled in just dental coverage, a change from how previous enrollment figures have been counted that the Obama administration did not disclose.Without counting those dental plans, enrollment would have been 6.97 million.

That 7.3 million figure reported by the Department of Health and Human Services was down from the 8 million people who had signed up through the end of April. HHS hasn't provided a comprehensive accounting of why enrollment fell — such as how many people didn't pay their premiums or whether those enrollees found another source of coverage.

On Thursday, after news of the House investigation broke, the administration said that its total was "erroneously counted" in recent announcements.

HHS said it made this mistake twice. The agency overstated its September figures by about 400,000. Then in November, it reported an inaccurate figure again when it said 7.1 million people were enrolled at the time; the actual figure was 6.7 million.

Administration 8216 erroneously 8217 overcounted Obamacare enrollees - The Washington Post
Only government can spend over $1Billion to develop the planet's only website that can't tell you when someone bought your product
As I also pointed out from the beginning when the Census says of the 46 million "uninsured" 10 million are not citizens.
That due to the GROSS inefficiency of the government they failed to enroll 14 million people that were eligible for Medicaid/SCHIP.
Again if they can't get 14 million people enrolled why would we believe there are 46 million uninsured?
All of their numbers are so blown out of proportion from reality.
Obama told americans up to 155 million have "pre-existing conditions" keeping them from insurance!
A total lie when 85% of Americans HAVE insurance already or 233 million!
Only government can spend over $1Billion to develop the planet's only website that can't tell you when someone bought your product

That is the big question, how many people that didn't buy it before buy it now?

The big question is truly HOW MANY PEOPLE want and need health insurance?
AGAIN.. they used 46 million but
1) 10 million were NOT citizens...
2) 14 million DUE to the inefficiency of Medicaid were NOT enrolled so they should NOT be counted as uninsured!
3) That leaves 22 million supposedly. YET 18 million are under 34. Don't want health insurance but can afford as they make over $50,000.
The point is WHY were they counted as UNINSURED when they didn't want nor need health insurance.
Truly there are 4 million of the phony 46 million that are needing health insurance but don't qualify for medicaid/SCHIP...

This entire fiasco known as Obamacare for less then 4 million people!

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