INCOMMING!!! 50 threads a day proclaimed to be bombshells based on imaginary redacted MULEr report

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
I'm so busy with work shit that I wont be here to enjoy the fairy tales but rest assured there will be ENDLESS threads based on ENDLESS fake news about ENDLESS redactions in the MULEr report.

Most of the left on this board simply aren't mature enough to accept the facts and MOVE ON.
We should all be used to it after two years of this shit.
All the Lefties are going into hiding. They're rather embarrassed after two years of acting like total clowns. When they resurface, it will be spouting whatever CNN tells them to say.

I'm guessing it will be that Mueller colluded with Russia and Trump.
Oh yes. They were all waiting for Mueller's report. The report they thought would hang Trump.


Now that the report cleared Trump they are all yelling about how Barr, Mueller, the Report and everything else is shielding Trump.

Nail some jello to a tree. You'd get better answers then from the whiny lefty shits.
I opened up a tinfoil hat kiosk and doubled the price just for Democraps.
After a quick glance at the politics page I see my prediction is true.

Dunno why they don't create a sub forum for the pointless spam

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