Incredible results after scans of predynastic Egyptian granite vases completed.

Jesus. Stop getting your “information “ from YouTube videos.

The pyramids were once thought to be similarly “highly precisioned ” because the symbol “pi” kept recurring on measurements.

Until they realized that those clever Egyptians were using “rolling rulers” to lay out the blocks. “Pi” is inherent in the wheel.

Jesus. Stop getting your “information “ from YouTube videos.

The pyramids were once thought to be similarly “highly precisioned ” because the symbol “pi” kept recurring on measurements.

Until they realized that those clever Egyptians were using “rolling rulers” to lay out the blocks. “Pi” is inherent in the wheel.


Ancient Egyptians didn't have the wheel when they built the pyramids; they only had stone and copper tools. They moved stones by pulling sleds.

The pyramids were covered in gleaming white limestone when completed, what you see today is nothing like what they once looked like.
Jesus. Stop getting your “information “ from YouTube videos.

The pyramids were once thought to be similarly “highly precisioned ” because the symbol “pi” kept recurring on measurements.

Until they realized that those clever Egyptians were using “rolling rulers” to lay out the blocks. “Pi” is inherent in the wheel.

Stop having an open mind he says 😆 🤣
There’s likely a more rational explanation if one bothers to use that “open mind”
I never drew a conclusion to the vases creation other than to say copper tools which are attributed to most of Egyptian creations could not have made these vases. Granite is one of the hardest stones on earth and some of those vases are so thin you can shine light through them. With granite being a composite type stone that is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve with pounding stones and copper shattering the vase once it gets that thin.
I work with granite all the time and even the vibrations created with my diamond saws cause fractures when cutting thin.

Like I said, just stop
I never drew a conclusion to the vases creation other than to say copper tools which are attributed to most of Egyptian creations could not have made these vases. Granite is one of the hardest stones on earth and some of those vases are so thin you can shine light through them. With granite being a composite type stone that is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve with pounding stones and copper shattering the vase once it gets that thin.
I work with granite all the time and even the vibrations created with my diamond saws cause fractures when cutting thin.

Like I said, just stop
So you’re aware that copper saws can cut granite?
That's not the definition of precision work ya moron.

If you have a lot of copper, time, water & sand you can cut stone with copper. A very sloppy and inaccurate cut at that. But you CAN NOT do precision work on granite such as these vases.
The implication that you can is absurd and shows how uninformed and gullible you are.
You believe Egyptians had laser guided power tools and “I” am the buffoon

I never said any such thing but I get that you can't refute my statements so you have to make shit up.
A trait that defines you well at this point.

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