Independent Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Ahem, would anyone like a slice of Howard Schultz pie? The 2 parties are so dirty, they only act in opposition to the other one. Add some competition to the mix and lets see what happens.

This corrupt government does what it does and does not care what the voters want.
If what Obama and Hillary did and the animist that is against trump fro being an 'outsider' doesn't set off alarm bells that our unelected government bureaucrats need a sever ass whooping, nothing will.. Term limit all of our elected officials and bureaucrats.
Unlike a lot of people, I always that found Bernie Sanders PIG to be an evil, treasonous, raging, psychotic dirty-diaper-emission - a typical self-hating-American liberal who has a muslim dick in his mouth. And never once met a Communist dictatorship he didn't like. I really think that raging cocksucker is every bit as despicable as Hilarious Hillary.......albeit in somewhat different ways. It's like compared rotten, moldy apples with rotten, moldy oranges. Bernie is a crooked, lying, delusional, fanatical, red-faced, baby-tantrum son of a bitch who I will have the pleasure of outliving, because he's 30 years older than me. He's filth and so are his violent supporters.
Unlike a lot of people, I always that found Bernie Sanders PIG to be an evil, treasonous, raging, psychotic dirty-diaper-emission - a typical self-hating-American liberal who has a muslim dick in his mouth. And never once met a Communist dictatorship he didn't like. I really think that raging cocksucker is every bit as despicable as Hilarious Hillary.......albeit in somewhat different ways. It's like compared rotten, moldy apples with rotten, moldy oranges. Bernie is a crooked, lying, delusional, fanatical, red-faced, baby-tantrum son of a bitch who I will have the pleasure of outliving, because he's 30 years older than me. He's filth and so are his violent supporters.

I agree with everything you're saying.

I'll add a bit to it. Bernie could be The Donald's biggest friend in 2020. He's coming up on having to make a big decision in his life.
He has always been an Independent. (Actually, a Communist but he just spells it differently.) Anyway, before the first primary
he must switch to the Democratic Party or he won't be allowed to participate as a Democrat candidate. I haven't seen where he has
switched already. Once he caves and switches, his mystique is over. If he feels like he's getting the shaft again, he might just go down
the Independent path, as a way of telling them to go fuck themselves.

The Zealots that back him, will stay home again. The 'teeners will switch to Warren. And eventually they'll stay home when she loses to Biden.
(If Biden doesn't die of exhaustion before the primary season is over...that guy is tired already)

I've written many times that the Democratic Party is too fractured. It's got way to many minorities to ever get a platform that everyone can agree
to and win nationally. Some group is always gonna get pissed off and stay home. 2020 is different. The economy is helping everybody. Their
political needs may not be satisfied voting for the Donald, but their wallets will continue to get fatter, so they don't lose no matter what they do.

This stuff will get interesting as we go.

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