Indiana parents warn nation after child is removed from home for improper pronoun usage: ‘Can happen anywhere’

I'll bet you almost any amount of money that there's a lot more to that story that Faux is telling you.
the problem is DCS can't comment about an ongoing case publicly, so we are only getting one side.

But even the side we are getting we know 1) The child had an eating disorder that had been left untreated for two years and 2) that the child was removed from school when the school disagreed with the parents on how to proceed.
Actually, no, DCS specifically cited the untreated eating disorder and the removal of the child from School as reasons why the child was removed.

It wasn't just about the pronouns.
Seems like it. But the media will persuade.
Oh, come on, man. This isn't a fad.
Plenty of commentary that kids who have no inclination of Gender dysphoria, are influenced by the over reaching sensationalism of it.

I'm not saying that it isn't real. But children are highly influenced and can be influenced by social circles.
Funny, the only people I see politicizing transgender issues is the right wing who are trying to convince people there's a hoard of evil trannies out to get their kids.
This wrong. They are not evil hoards, at least not everyone believes that. Stop using such a wide brush of generalization.
Again, the only people I see getting 'triggered" are the right wing going crazy because Trans people exist.
Gays have existed for millenia. They kept their bodies. Can we at least admit that this fad of plastic surgery is creating a new problem that hasn't been fully explored? And can we start addressing GAC and all the huge life changing risks and complications that come from it instead of treating it as some warm and fuzzy security blanket? Conservatives want children to be left alone and to let their bodies grow so that person can make an informed decision about their future sexual health. There are some religious and political nuts out there, sure. But there is a voice that says, I don't care what an adult wants to do with their bodies. And I think children should be allowed to grow into adulthood with their body fully functioning sexually so they can make an informed decision. Is that too much ask?
the problem is DCS can't comment about an ongoing case publicly, so we are only getting one side.

But even the side we are getting we know 1) The child had an eating disorder that had been left untreated for two years and 2) that the child was removed from school when the school disagreed with the parents on how to proceed.
There are lots of things that seem to only have one side, like January 6th. Isn't that right, there is no other side, just yours and that of Joe Biden.

That is why when you shoot unarmed women at the Capital, you don't even need and investigation because it is just so one sided and obvious.

Isn't that right?

It's like the whole gender controversy. It's one sided as well. That is why you need to silence people like this.

the problem is DCS can't comment about an ongoing case publicly, so we are only getting one side.

But even the side we are getting we know 1) The child had an eating disorder that had been left untreated for two years and 2) that the child was removed from school when the school disagreed with the parents on how to proceed.
I would generally be reluctant to allow bottom surgery on a minor, which is why it is almost never done.
Missing my point. It's not done on a child. But if a child is subjected to hormone blockers, it can cause complications for future surgeries.
Other gender-affirming care does make sense, before the body grows too far into the wrong gender for that person. If you are going to treat someone with hormones, it's best to do that before the kid reaches puberty.
Then you're increasing the chance for fully sexual function and removing the ability for that person to experience sex, or a full blown orgasm. I would never want to take that away from my child or any child.
And if you reduce the size of the penis, as I stated, you make it hard for a vagina to be crafted.
For thousands of years, homosexuals were murdered by religious fanatics.
Not in every society. Plenty of societies have accepted it, and you know it.
Also, transgender isn't the same thing as homosexuality.
You're missing the point again. Transgender is only a thing because we have this idea biological gender shouldn't be defined or applied to a person. We have had cross dressers, we have had gays, butches, dykes, etc. who have lived fulfilling sexual lives. My point is that medical capacity is attempting to reclassify biological sex via irreversible cosmetic surgery. And that decision should be left up to an adult.
There are lots of things that seem to only have one side, like January 6th. Isn't that right, there is no other side, just yours and that of Joe Biden.

We all saw what Trump did on TV, guy.

That is why when you shoot unarmed women at the Capital, you don't even need and investigation because it is just so one sided and obvious.

Except there was an investigation, and the use of force against an angry mob threatening to murder Congress was justified. The problem is they didn't shoot enough of those fucker.

It's like the whole gender controversy. It's one sided as well. That is why you need to silence people like this.
Chloe Brockman has so many mental problems that her gender identity was kind of besides the point.
If the parents were abusive, I would agree. But the charge is their abuse is only refusing to use certain pronouns.

That is not abuse. They are loving parents.

You don't understand, the left loons think they're the village and children belong to society
I would generally be reluctant to allow bottom surgery on a minor, which is why it is almost never done.

Other gender-affirming care does make sense, before the body grows too far into the wrong gender for that person. If you are going to treat someone with hormones, it's best to do that before the kid reaches puberty.

For thousands of years, homosexuals were murdered by religious fanatics.

Also, transgender isn't the same thing as homosexuality.
Is that why there are 3 lawsuits going on now because a doctor cut their breadt off between the ages of 13 to 15?
Plenty of commentary that kids who have no inclination of Gender dysphoria, are influenced by the over reaching sensationalism of it.

I'm not saying that it isn't real. But children are highly influenced and can be influenced by social circles.
Somehow, I don't think any kid is going to sign up to something that will subject them to ridicule and abuse from their peers. If anything, I suspect the amount of transgender youth is probably underreported.

This wrong. They are not evil hoards, at least not everyone believes that. Stop using such a wide brush of generalization.

Then you guys will stop whining about it, then? I mean, you'd think it was the biggest issue we face the way some of you are carrying on.

Gays have existed for millenia. They kept their bodies. Can we at least admit that this fad of plastic surgery is creating a new problem that hasn't been fully explored? And can we start addressing GAC and all the huge life changing risks and complications that come from it instead of treating it as some warm and fuzzy security blanket? Conservatives want children to be left alone and to let their bodies grow so that person can make an informed decision about their future sexual health. There are some religious and political nuts out there, sure. But there is a voice that says, I don't care what an adult wants to do with their bodies. And I think children should be allowed to grow into adulthood with their body fully functioning sexually so they can make an informed decision. Is that too much ask?

Are "conservatives" medical professionals? If you had cancer, would you want a "conservative" giving you medical advice, or would you go to a medical professional that specializes in this sort of thing?

I think that GAC should be practiced with care at ANY age. But in some cases, it's probably useful.

You're missing the point again. Transgender is only a thing because we have this idea biological gender shouldn't be defined or applied to a person. We have had cross dressers, we have had gays, butches, dykes, etc. who have lived fulfilling sexual lives. My point is that medical capacity is attempting to reclassify biological sex via irreversible cosmetic surgery. And that decision should be left up to an adult.

Gender Reassignment Surgery is a proven medical treatment that has been practiced for nearly 80 years.
Is that why there are 3 lawsuits going on now because a doctor cut their breadt off between the ages of 13 to 15?
Just three?

250,000 Americans DIE every year because of medical mistakes.

Just three sounds like a pretty low number.
Somehow, I don't think any kid is going to sign up to something that will subject them to ridicule and abuse from their peers. If anything, I suspect the amount of transgender youth is probably underreported.
The exact opposite is happening. Being "trans" or non-binary, or being a part of the LBGTQ++++++++++++ community is being widely accepted.
Then you guys will stop whining about it, then? I mean, you'd think it was the biggest issue we face the way some of you are carrying on.
Suggesting that children should be allowed to grow and mature in their biological bodies so they can make an informed decision based on experience and full functioning body is not whining.
Are "conservatives" medical professionals? If you had cancer, would you want a "conservative" giving you medical advice, or would you go to a medical professional that specializes in this sort of thing
Illogical argument. Conservative and progressives alike do agree that children should be allowed to develop fully before GAC is provided. One's political leaning doesn't immediately discredit their approach for medical care. The facts are valid that GAC, at an early age, does irreversible and biological harm to the body. Not to mention, the mental health concerns of regret that can and does happen. My point again, is that GAC is not some magic wand that is the end all answer to gender dysphoria. As stated GAC is a warm fuzzy blanket that covers the truth of life long, irreversible physical changes and carries potential absolute risks to a human's sexuality, sexual function, sexual pleasure and fulfillment.
I think that GAC should be practiced with care at ANY age. But in some cases, it's probably useful.
See my above comment.
Gender Reassignment Surgery is a proven medical treatment that has been practiced for nearly 80 years.
Practiced, but not refined, not perfect and come with a whole host of issues that should not be applied to a child. If an adult who has experienced sexual functionality says yes to the surgery, knowing that they potentially lose sexual sensitive, never orgasm again, have to take hormones, will have to use skin grafts to shape a faux penis that will never work as a real penis all the while removing potentially any sexual functionality, sure, go for it. But leave kids alone.
Also, transgender isn't the same thing as homosexuality.

Just two different faces of the same underlying madness and evil. That, along with pedophilia, bestiality, incest, and almost every other severely fucked-up sexual perversion. It all grows from the same noxious roots.
Chloe Brockman has so many mental problems that her gender identity was kind of besides the point.

Which is kind of the point.

The sick fucks that push this fucked-up shit take advantage of vulnerable children's like Chloe, who have various mental issues that make them particularly susceptible to it. Some sick fuck planets the idea in her head that she should be a boy, and steered her toward having her body irreversibly damage by drugs and surgeries under the fraudulent guise of helping her to become a boy.

The hard fact is that a girl, is not, and cannot become a boy, nor is a boy nor can a boy become a girl. It is flat-out biologically impossible.

After all the drugs, after all the hormones, after all the surgeries, what is left is someone who is still the same sex as before, but now permanently ruined and mutilated. The victim's mind is no less fucked up than it was before, but now the victim's body is also fucked up beyond any repair.

Pushing this shit at minors ought to be recognized and treated as an extremely serious crime. Anyone having any willing part in this, at the very least, needs to spend a very, very, very long time in prison, and be branded for life as a dangerous sex offender.

Any sane person should be quite wary of any subhuman piece of filth that would even think of defending this shit.
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Democrats are coming for your kids America!!!

If it wasn't for covid giving parents a look into the schools, democrats would still be grooming kids to prepare to take them away and mutilate them in secret.

Democrats = WEF
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Democrats are coming for your kids America!!!

If it wasn't for covid giving parents a look into the schools, democrats would still be grooming kids to prepare to take them away and mutilate them in secret.

Democrats = WEF
Just a thought, can we stop generalizing and placing Dems and Republicans into two absolutely black and white boxes.
Not EVERY Democrat or liberal wants to mutilate children and not every republican wants to remove genuine mental health or restrict adults from doing whatever they want with their fully mature adult bodies.

This forum is has more than enough fools that generalize EVERYTHING, let's not do the same.
Just a thought, can we stop generalizing and placing Dems and Republicans into two absolutely black and white boxes.
Not EVERY Democrat or liberal wants to mutilate children and
Democrats support pedos and will share thier fate in Hell. If you support democrats, you support pedos dressing in drag and performing for children.

not every republican wants to remove genuine mental health or restrict adults from doing whatever they want with their fully mature adult bodies.
This is a round about way of saying not all Republicans support child sacrifice.
This forum is has more than enough fools that generalize EVERYTHING, let's not do the same.
Democrats = party of pedos.

If you support them, you're a POS.
Which is kind of the point.

The sick fucks that push this fucked-up shit take advantage of vulnerable children's like Chloe, who have various mental issues that make them particularly susceptible to it. Some sick fuck planets the idea in her head that she should be a boy, and steered her toward having her body irreversibly damage by drugs and surgeries under the fraudulent guise of helping her to become a boy.

According to Brockman's own filings (I refuse to use her fake stage name of Cole), the first specialist her family took her to doubted she was gender dysphoric, so she stomped her little feet until her parents took her to a specialist who agreed with her that she was.

The hard fact is that a girl, is not, and cannot become a boy, nor is a boy nor can a boy become a girl. It is flat-out biologically impossible.

Okay, an Asian can't become a white person, but gosh darn, how many Asians get Blephoraplasties to round out their eyes?

Yet you never seem to be nearly as freaked out about that.

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