1 I said I have NEVER eaten ribs so I admit I wouldn't know the difference by sight.

2. Because it's might be hard to make a presidential run as a confessed muslim.

3.That's wiki's definition not mine so if you don't like the definition take it up with them
.Taqiyya - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What happened? After 911 and with a potential run for the presidency do you really think he could be president as a Muslim? Nope. I'm guessing that whoever dispenses dispensation of such things thought it a worthy enough reason to allow a muslim to lie to gain control of the "great satan". You have to admit that his handling of the ME is somewhat suspicious.

the "cast the first stone" story is from the book of
JOHN-----scholars believe that there was no actual
"JOHN" who wrote that book but that it is a collection of
writings. It is obviously a parable----not history

You may be confusing the book of John with Revelations of which there is some controversy as to who wrote it or which John wrote it. I.E. the Apostle John,John of Patmos, John the Elder. As far as I know there is no controversy as to the book of John which is a gospel and it's author as being John the Apostle of Jesus. It's not even close to a parable so I have no clue where you got that Idea.
What is this? a deflection conspiracy? Get back on topic or leave!
what are you going on about? There is no deflection conspiracy.n Irosie91 brought it up and I answered her. why is that hard to understand?

I'll leave as this subject is worn out anyway. Clearly your original statement that Obama eating ribs is indisputable proof is wrong as it has been disputed with reasonable other options.

My "indisputable proof" has NOT been disputed with any of the nonsense thrown at it by any of the detractors that dropped in. Muslims do not eat pork without, according to you, invoking Taqyeh. Your Taqyeh assertion fails. And, by ignoring the Pork Chop and beer feast Obama partook of at the Iowa State Fair... you failed again. Obama is no Muslim....take that with you when you leave.
the "cast the first stone" story is from the book of
JOHN-----scholars believe that there was no actual
"JOHN" who wrote that book but that it is a collection of
writings. It is obviously a parable----not history

You may be confusing the book of John with Revelations of which there is some controversy as to who wrote it or which John wrote it. I.E. the Apostle John,John of Patmos, John the Elder. As far as I know there is no controversy as to the book of John which is a gospel and it's author as being John the Apostle of Jesus. It's not even close to a parable so I have no clue where you got that Idea.
What is this? a deflection conspiracy? Get back on topic or leave!
what are you going on about? There is no deflection conspiracy.n Irosie91 brought it up and I answered her. why is that hard to understand?

I did not bring it up-----I answered the person who brought up
non kosher jews. ----btw----lets pretend that Obama THOUGHT the pork spareribs were-----camel ribs. ---camel
is Halal. How many men actually know one rib from the other?

IRosie91, I have presented my case well. I have documented Obama's zeal for eating pork with a photograph and with collaboration from the media. Having only minimally scratched the surface of the preponderance of evidence out there to support me, I am prepared to go farther. But what is the incentive?
To appeal to closed minded people who will not accept a valid authentication is foolish. Let the evidence submitted thus far stand on its own merits and let the opposing view be seen for what it is: a weak pitiful
excursion meant to disrupt and destroy.

I have no desire to have my surfaces scratched----and I have
no idea why you are addressing me SPECIFICALLY ------
race profiling? ------Obama is not bound only by a religious
identity----he has a race identity which STRONGLY includes
the PORK CHOP. He has a right to his ROOTS
the "cast the first stone" story is from the book of
JOHN-----scholars believe that there was no actual
"JOHN" who wrote that book but that it is a collection of
writings. It is obviously a parable----not history

You may be confusing the book of John with Revelations of which there is some controversy as to who wrote it or which John wrote it. I.E. the Apostle John,John of Patmos, John the Elder. As far as I know there is no controversy as to the book of John which is a gospel and it's author as being John the Apostle of Jesus. It's not even close to a parable so I have no clue where you got that Idea.
What is this? a deflection conspiracy? Get back on topic or leave!
what are you going on about? There is no deflection conspiracy.n Irosie91 brought it up and I answered her. why is that hard to understand?

I'll leave as this subject is worn out anyway. Clearly your original statement that Obama eating ribs is indisputable proof is wrong as it has been disputed with reasonable other options.

My "indisputable proof" has NOT been disputed with any of the nonsense thrown at it by any of the detractors that dropped in. Muslims do not eat pork without, according to you, invoking Taqyeh. Your Taqyeh assertion fails. And, by ignoring the Pork Chop and beer feast Obama partook of at the Iowa State Fair... you failed again. Obama is no Muslim....take that with you when you leave.
Says the self appointed expert on pork bones. I don't accept your claim of expertise, for all I know you're a vegetarian. Lemme give you a clue. Those could be the bones of cow,goat,lamb,dog or any other meat allowed by Islam. Yes the so called pork chops could be lamb chops and the only way you'd know is if you personally ate them. Do you really think the President eats food that hasn't be been checked out? That man doesn't shit without security knowing. It would take nothing for the Presidents people to replace pork chops with lamb chops. Your proof has been blown out of the water.
Last edited:
You may be confusing the book of John with Revelations of which there is some controversy as to who wrote it or which John wrote it. I.E. the Apostle John,John of Patmos, John the Elder. As far as I know there is no controversy as to the book of John which is a gospel and it's author as being John the Apostle of Jesus. It's not even close to a parable so I have no clue where you got that Idea.
What is this? a deflection conspiracy? Get back on topic or leave!
what are you going on about? There is no deflection conspiracy.n Irosie91 brought it up and I answered her. why is that hard to understand?

I'll leave as this subject is worn out anyway. Clearly your original statement that Obama eating ribs is indisputable proof is wrong as it has been disputed with reasonable other options.

My "indisputable proof" has NOT been disputed with any of the nonsense thrown at it by any of the detractors that dropped in. Muslims do not eat pork without, according to you, invoking Taqyeh. Your Taqyeh assertion fails. And, by ignoring the Pork Chop and beer feast Obama partook of at the Iowa State Fair... you failed again. Obama is no Muslim....take that with you when you leave.
Says the self appointed expert on pork bones. I don't accept your claim of expertise, for all I know you're a vegetarian. Lemme give you a clue. Those could be the bones of cow,goat,lamb,dog or any other meat allowed by Islam. Yes the so called pork chops could be lamb chops and the only way you'd know is if you personally ate them. Do you really think the President eats food that hasn't be been checked out? That man doesn't shit without security knowing. It would take nothing for the Presidents people to replace pork chops with lamb chops. Your proof has been blown out of the water.

You may be confusing the book of John with Revelations of which there is some controversy as to who wrote it or which John wrote it. I.E. the Apostle John,John of Patmos, John the Elder. As far as I know there is no controversy as to the book of John which is a gospel and it's author as being John the Apostle of Jesus. It's not even close to a parable so I have no clue where you got that Idea.
What is this? a deflection conspiracy? Get back on topic or leave!
what are you going on about? There is no deflection conspiracy.n Irosie91 brought it up and I answered her. why is that hard to understand?

I did not bring it up-----I answered the person who brought up
non kosher jews. ----btw----lets pretend that Obama THOUGHT the pork spareribs were-----camel ribs. ---camel
is Halal. How many men actually know one rib from the other?

IRosie91, I have presented my case well. I have documented Obama's zeal for eating pork with a photograph and with collaboration from the media. Having only minimally scratched the surface of the preponderance of evidence out there to support me, I am prepared to go farther. But what is the incentive?
To appeal to closed minded people who will not accept a valid authentication is foolish. Let the evidence submitted thus far stand on its own merits and let the opposing view be seen for what it is: a weak pitiful
excursion meant to disrupt and destroy.

I have no desire to have my surfaces scratched----and I have
no idea why you are addressing me SPECIFICALLY ------
race profiling? ------Obama is not bound only by a religious
identity----he has a race identity which STRONGLY includes
the PORK CHOP. He has a right to his ROOTS

Who said anything about "scratching YOUR surfaces?" Don't flatter yourself. My response was made to you specifically to address a statement you posted, nothing more. You seem overly sensitive to critique yet you continue with silly notions that there is a racial component to PORK CHOP eating. Adding to that frivolous bunk you throw in, just for kicks, the idea that "Obama is not bound by a religious identity." Admit it; you are more than a little presumptuous aren't you?
You may be confusing the book of John with Revelations of which there is some controversy as to who wrote it or which John wrote it. I.E. the Apostle John,John of Patmos, John the Elder. As far as I know there is no controversy as to the book of John which is a gospel and it's author as being John the Apostle of Jesus. It's not even close to a parable so I have no clue where you got that Idea.
What is this? a deflection conspiracy? Get back on topic or leave!
what are you going on about? There is no deflection conspiracy.n Irosie91 brought it up and I answered her. why is that hard to understand?

I'll leave as this subject is worn out anyway. Clearly your original statement that Obama eating ribs is indisputable proof is wrong as it has been disputed with reasonable other options.

My "indisputable proof" has NOT been disputed with any of the nonsense thrown at it by any of the detractors that dropped in. Muslims do not eat pork without, according to you, invoking Taqyeh. Your Taqyeh assertion fails. And, by ignoring the Pork Chop and beer feast Obama partook of at the Iowa State Fair... you failed again. Obama is no Muslim....take that with you when you leave.
Says the self appointed expert on pork bones. I don't accept your claim of expertise, for all I know you're a vegetarian. Lemme give you a clue. Those could be the bones of cow,goat,lamb,dog or any other meat allowed by Islam. Yes the so called pork chops could be lamb chops and the only way you'd know is if you personally ate them. Do you really think the President eats food that hasn't be been checked out? That man doesn't shit without security knowing. It would take nothing for the Presidents people to replace pork chops with lamb chops. Your proof has been blown out of the water.
Says the expert on Obama....
You don't know the man personally but you believe he is a Muslim based on hearsay. The only way you can prove he is a Muslim is if YOU personally observed him observing and practicing Muslim rituals or if he declared himself a Muslim in your presence or on national TV. And Yes, I have seen that ubiquitous clip where his saying "my Muslim faith" was taken out of context and fully exploited by people like you. He was showing appreciation for the restraint of John McCain for NOT being party to such nonsense.

The indisputable evidence I have presented remains so. The way to disprove my evidence is NOT by wild speculation and concoctions of bizarre unconventional possibilities. By doing those two things you still have NOT erased the likelihood that the rib depicted was pork or that the Iowa State Fair Pork Chops were really lamb chops. It is amazing how far you despicable RW nuts carry your illusions. Here is another photo to stimulate your imagination... please do is rather entertaining!



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