Indoctrinated liberal 'zombie-children' sing about Obama's potential loss

I thought that was FITH as well...however, from their perspective, at least it was a song of hope. This other one is twisted and teaches children to blame the older generations for a world destroyed. Again, they see nothing wrong with that line of thinking and instilling it in children. I would be disgusted and ashamed to support anything like that coming from the right.
They are singing about what America will end up like in a few years. The lyrics of the song accurately describe the state of the US right now. I don't see what the big deal is...
CaféAuLait;6234029 said:
That firm did many of Obama's ad's in 08. I am surprised they used kids in this manner.

Obama '08 - "Barometer" - Goodby Silverstein & Partners :

Your surprised they would use kids, Maobama would torch his own family if he thought he could blame the republicans and get 4 more years out of it. Families can be replaced, getting your ass kicked for the presidency of the US is forever. This might be a slight exaggeraton, but I would venture to say not by much.
The Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them to do unto you, not what they will do to you.
Politics aside, I'm not sure how anyone-- Democrat, Republican, Independent, Liberal, Conservative or Moderate-- can justify this video.

I agree. Children clearly don't have the understanding of politics or the issues to know what they are singing about. It's a cheap ploy to get voters and it's exploiting the innocence of children.

If any child is scared that Obama won't be re-elected, it's the fault of a teacher or parent who told them they should be. It's really mean to use children like that.
Progressives are Americas Perfect State subspecies, think of ChiComs under Mao, North Koreans under Jong Il and of Cambodians under Pol Pot
as opposed to this brainwashed little thing?

[ame=]Mitt Romney Song - YouTube[/ame]
^^^^ Someone can't tell the difference between one kid doing something stupid and an advertising firm brainwashing kids for money.


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