Inflation Uptick With Basis In The Tax Cuts--To Be Remembered, Every Month!

The January inflation rate is the highest reported for some time. Recalling that Speaker Ryan actually delivered a wage hike of $1.53 per week from the Tax Cuts: Then that can be noticed, too(?)!
Inflation Starts to Make a Comeback

A 5-10% annual inflation may not be in the offing, much closer to 5% inflation is already here. Companies having to borrow heavily, now can raise prices to cover the costs.

"Zip" goes the Tax Cut as a Republican accomplishment.

The inflation stimulus was clearly unnecessary, and badly thought through.

Slipping it into the porn star, right after the birth of the youngest boy: Is likely more on board as an issue in the Midterms, than is the inflation-causing. . . stimulus of that kind.

A "Goose," so far: Is not reported(?)! There may be the lawyer with more details.

"Thinking things through" is not so far easily noted a White House pillar of political support(?)! "How it may look or resonate. . .or stimulate". . .is not even on a flash radar(?)! Mostly, birds still tweet. Then there is what the White House. . . Exposes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not take name of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," in vain anymore(?)! Nigerian state-regulated gambling even advises not to bet with basis in financial need, or as an income source!)

This is possibly the choppiest, most unorganized group thought I have read in a long time. Maybe the OP is off his meds, sure reads like it is.
The January inflation rate is the highest reported for some time. Recalling that Speaker Ryan actually delivered a wage hike of $1.53 per week from the Tax Cuts: Then that can be noticed, too(?)!
Inflation Starts to Make a Comeback

A 5-10% annual inflation may not be in the offing, much closer to 5% inflation is already here. Companies having to borrow heavily, now can raise prices to cover the costs.

"Zip" goes the Tax Cut as a Republican accomplishment.

The inflation stimulus was clearly unnecessary, and badly thought through.

Slipping it into the porn star, right after the birth of the youngest boy: Is likely more on board as an issue in the Midterms, than is the inflation-causing. . . stimulus of that kind.

A "Goose," so far: Is not reported(?)! There may be the lawyer with more details.

"Thinking things through" is not so far easily noted a White House pillar of political support(?)! "How it may look or resonate. . .or stimulate". . .is not even on a flash radar(?)! Mostly, birds still tweet. Then there is what the White House. . . Exposes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not take name of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," in vain anymore(?)! Nigerian state-regulated gambling even advises not to bet with basis in financial need, or as an income source!)
It's not too bad ... yet. But, we'll see. Imo the more near term downside will be if any monetary stimulus given by whatever % of the trillion dollar cut actually going to consumption is simply swallowed up by higher prices.
The January inflation rate is the highest reported for some time. Recalling that Speaker Ryan actually delivered a wage hike of $1.53 per week from the Tax Cuts: Then that can be noticed, too(?)!
Inflation Starts to Make a Comeback

A 5-10% annual inflation may not be in the offing, much closer to 5% inflation is already here. Companies having to borrow heavily, now can raise prices to cover the costs.

"Zip" goes the Tax Cut as a Republican accomplishment.

The inflation stimulus was clearly unnecessary, and badly thought through.

Slipping it into the porn star, right after the birth of the youngest boy: Is likely more on board as an issue in the Midterms, than is the inflation-causing. . . stimulus of that kind.

A "Goose," so far: Is not reported(?)! There may be the lawyer with more details.

"Thinking things through" is not so far easily noted a White House pillar of political support(?)! "How it may look or resonate. . .or stimulate". . .is not even on a flash radar(?)! Mostly, birds still tweet. Then there is what the White House. . . Exposes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not take name of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," in vain anymore(?)! Nigerian state-regulated gambling even advises not to bet with basis in financial need, or as an income source!)
It's not too bad ... yet. But, we'll see. Imo the more near term downside will be if any monetary stimulus given by whatever % of the trillion dollar cut actually going to consumption is simply swallowed up by higher prices.

The bond market and higher wages are the triggers for inflation and we are seeing both rising, so I think we may see the start of inflation near the middle of the year and then depending on the job market and wages it will steepen by the end of the year.
The January inflation rate is the highest reported for some time. Recalling that Speaker Ryan actually delivered a wage hike of $1.53 per week from the Tax Cuts: Then that can be noticed, too(?)!
Inflation Starts to Make a Comeback

A 5-10% annual inflation may not be in the offing, much closer to 5% inflation is already here. Companies having to borrow heavily, now can raise prices to cover the costs.

"Zip" goes the Tax Cut as a Republican accomplishment.

The inflation stimulus was clearly unnecessary, and badly thought through.

Slipping it into the porn star, right after the birth of the youngest boy: Is likely more on board as an issue in the Midterms, than is the inflation-causing. . . stimulus of that kind.

A "Goose," so far: Is not reported(?)! There may be the lawyer with more details.

"Thinking things through" is not so far easily noted a White House pillar of political support(?)! "How it may look or resonate. . .or stimulate". . .is not even on a flash radar(?)! Mostly, birds still tweet. Then there is what the White House. . . Exposes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not take name of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," in vain anymore(?)! Nigerian state-regulated gambling even advises not to bet with basis in financial need, or as an income source!)
Mark Penn to Schumer: Stop Trashing Tax Cuts, Get Back to Santa Claus
Feb 14, 2018

RUSH: The Democrats are simply replaying what they think has worked in the past.
PENN: In politics, once something’s done, it’s more off the table than on the table. So I think that the best strategy for Democrats is, “Look, we’ve got these tax cuts. They’re in place. They in many ways constrain the ability to secure Medicare and Social Security. But what do we do about health care, education, child care?” Those are issues that you never hear Republicans talk about and that they can take straight to the middle class. Democrats win on — on their issues, issues that matter to real people.

RUSH: So he’s telling them, “If you know what’s good for you, stop bashing the tax cut. It’s a loser. It’s a good thing. You didn’t support it, so forget it. It may as well not have happened.” This is advice. His attitude is, “It may as well not have happened. It’s a nonstarter. You didn’t have anything to do with it, so don’t continue to trash it. Talk about what you’re known for: giving money to people. Get back to Santa Claus! Get back to — dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut — health care!”
The deduction caps have been deflating the blue states for most of 2 qtrs. Also real net spendable is dropping as well in blue states. If the Fed thinks they understand this issue Jim Crow might be a member of the board.
So $1.53 per week, per low and middle income household, per Speaker Ryan's contribution: Is what there will be, to pay for it all. In Southern California, gasoline per gallon has spiked nearly $0.20 in just recent days. At about 8 gal. per week, then everyone will be cheering Speaker Ryan?

An even worse idea is sending the food packages. It could become medically necessary for some people. There may or may not be any medical insurance left for anyone. If the fat kid shows up at McDonald's: Then the ancient text can be for the concept, "Worldwide Famine!" There will be nothing left even for the Mormon Seagulls.

The ancient text usages of arithmetic expose this(?). Somewhere there is a famous wall where anyone can be wailing and exposing at the same time, or something: Maybe just groping. . .following some "NoItWasn'tMe-ISwearOnAStackOfBibles(?)" kind of hashtag(?)

That kind of movement(?). . .in English(?). . .will be remembered more likely. . .except for the original.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now maybe two Jews are missing(?). . .maybe at some Prime Minister's House. . or Kibbutzi(?)!)
The January inflation rate is the highest reported for some time. Recalling that Speaker Ryan actually delivered a wage hike of $1.53 per week from the Tax Cuts: Then that can be noticed, too(?)!
Inflation Starts to Make a Comeback

A 5-10% annual inflation may not be in the offing, much closer to 5% inflation is already here. Companies having to borrow heavily, now can raise prices to cover the costs.

"Zip" goes the Tax Cut as a Republican accomplishment.

The inflation stimulus was clearly unnecessary, and badly thought through.

Slipping it into the porn star, right after the birth of the youngest boy: Is likely more on board as an issue in the Midterms, than is the inflation-causing. . . stimulus of that kind.

A "Goose," so far: Is not reported(?)! There may be the lawyer with more details.

"Thinking things through" is not so far easily noted a White House pillar of political support(?)! "How it may look or resonate. . .or stimulate". . .is not even on a flash radar(?)! Mostly, birds still tweet. Then there is what the White House. . . Exposes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not take name of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," in vain anymore(?)! Nigerian state-regulated gambling even advises not to bet with basis in financial need, or as an income source!)

"Zip" goes the Tax Cut as a Republican accomplishment.

Why? Do you feel allowing people to keep more of their own money is inflationary?
Milton Friedman called inflation, "The too many tax cut dollars chasing too few goods and services," or something(?),

My understanding of economics isn't even in the textbooks. Moses took simple usury arithmetic and turned into a weapon of disadvantage to all humanity in Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Many even think that to be the origin of Holocaust. Early civilization may have created usury--a loan of three bags of barley, repaid with four--as a means of creating a stable food supply. A community of neighbors, taming even animals, was created.

Moses, in that passage, advised against creating civilization: And instead screwing any civilization that existed--profiteering, instead. Moses was educated of Imperial Egypt. That was a widely famous dehumanizing civilization, greatly admired in the Roman Empire, of that fame. Acts 7 notes that Moses was educated in the "wisdom" (and folly) of Imperial Egypt, savage, brutalizing, maiming, enslaving, conquering, butchering--and probably groping: Egypt.

Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "Oh Christ!" even put it into stories. Matthew 25:14-30, describes the usury outcome of the servants with the various amounts. The servant with the one talent can't possibly keep up, so gets less--and effectively, nothing. That is now called, "An Impact of Inflation."

Again: Your mortgage rate adjusts, you get cast out into foreclosure! You say that any advanced civilization would allow that, encourage that, or even watch it happen!?!

Actually, you call it: "Federal Reserve Board of Governors." Others may simply say, "It depends on which Jew is counting," but Chairlady Yellen can even be said to be, "Gone With The Mud," like a lot of Montecito, CA.

Moses clearly knew nothing about arithmetic: Is actually the better statement of what has happened. Jesus provided a remedy in Matthew 20:1-16, allowing that an equal payment could prime the spending, lower and middle income sectors. The servant needing only the one hour of work for the pay--was likely satiated, already.

The 1986 Tax Reform raised the equal amount standard deduction for everyone--equally. It was indexed. It helped to throw millions off the tax rolls forever. Obama made the "Make Work Pay" credit refundable, so filers got the $400 per regardless if they were not due a refund. The Republicans took that away first order of business, 2011.

That is not a lot of history. Humans have actually had a stable food supply for 5000 years, after farming was invented.

Economics is like that. Without a lot more money, the ability to repay credit (usury based): Is from inflation. The Republicans have created the expectation of spending money. Inflation now follows.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Lodges, now on Lands of Many Nations: Even now again open to Great Medication, Cannabis! Making Lands of Many Nations--Great Again: Needed no tax cut!)

Milton Friedman called inflation, "The too many tax cut dollars chasing too few goods and services," or something(?),

Wrong, moron.

He said, "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon"
The January inflation rate is the highest reported for some time. Recalling that Speaker Ryan actually delivered a wage hike of $1.53 per week from the Tax Cuts: Then that can be noticed, too(?)!
Inflation Starts to Make a Comeback

A 5-10% annual inflation may not be in the offing, much closer to 5% inflation is already here. Companies having to borrow heavily, now can raise prices to cover the costs.

"Zip" goes the Tax Cut as a Republican accomplishment.

The inflation stimulus was clearly unnecessary, and badly thought through.

Slipping it into the porn star, right after the birth of the youngest boy: Is likely more on board as an issue in the Midterms, than is the inflation-causing. . . stimulus of that kind.

A "Goose," so far: Is not reported(?)! There may be the lawyer with more details.

"Thinking things through" is not so far easily noted a White House pillar of political support(?)! "How it may look or resonate. . .or stimulate". . .is not even on a flash radar(?)! Mostly, birds still tweet. Then there is what the White House. . . Exposes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not take name of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," in vain anymore(?)! Nigerian state-regulated gambling even advises not to bet with basis in financial need, or as an income source!)

It is not just the tax cuts. The coming trillion dollar deficits combined with the tax cuts are going to pump a enormous amount of dollars into the economy. All those dollars are going to be chasing a limited amount of goods and services. Companies will be able to make price increases stick. The fed will raise interest rates to slow the economy down.

Usually when the economy picks up, the deficit goes down. That means there is less need to borrow. Now we have a strong economy and trillion dollar deficits. This is a unprecedented economic situation.

The coming trillion dollar deficits combined with the tax cuts are going to pump a enormous amount of dollars into the economy. All those dollars are going to be chasing a limited amount of goods and services.

If the government has $100 less and I keep $100 more, where are dollars being "pumped into the economy"?
Unlike Andaronjim-economics(?), the conservative view of inflation is what Milton Friedman stated. The Depth of the "Great Recession" was lessened with the Quantitative Easing. What was the QE for? Propping up prices, and buying back the worthless paper, held by the banks.

The housing market nevertheless took a big tumble, and banks had to be bailed out--and large corporations.

The lower and the middle incomes couldn't when Bush was in office--and now that Groping-Bush is back, then here it likely comes again.

The Groping-Bush will actually more likely be remembered.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Medicine Lodges now have swimming pools: Just like San Fernando Valley of Los Angles, able to quench the thirst of only 900 voting adults, only 100 years ago. Now there are the 2.0 mil., knowing what the water is for(?)!)

What was the QE for? Propping up prices, and buying back the worthless paper, held by the banks.

In QE, only guaranteed debt was bought. The good stuff.
The January inflation rate is the highest reported for some time. Recalling that Speaker Ryan actually delivered a wage hike of $1.53 per week from the Tax Cuts: Then that can be noticed, too(?)!
Inflation Starts to Make a Comeback

A 5-10% annual inflation may not be in the offing, much closer to 5% inflation is already here. Companies having to borrow heavily, now can raise prices to cover the costs.

"Zip" goes the Tax Cut as a Republican accomplishment.

The inflation stimulus was clearly unnecessary, and badly thought through.

Slipping it into the porn star, right after the birth of the youngest boy: Is likely more on board as an issue in the Midterms, than is the inflation-causing. . . stimulus of that kind.

A "Goose," so far: Is not reported(?)! There may be the lawyer with more details.

"Thinking things through" is not so far easily noted a White House pillar of political support(?)! "How it may look or resonate. . .or stimulate". . .is not even on a flash radar(?)! Mostly, birds still tweet. Then there is what the White House. . . Exposes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not take name of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," in vain anymore(?)! Nigerian state-regulated gambling even advises not to bet with basis in financial need, or as an income source!)

If you knew what you were talking about you'd know that (despite Trump or Obama's crowing) that everything financially right now is built on a false premise. For quite awhile now the Federal Interest Rate has been 0, sometimes even negative. That's called "cheap" money. The problem though is that it's the Banks that loan money at zero or negative NOBODY (Banks) are making any money. Bank money is earned through interest on principal.

The tax cuts gave the people more money to spend in the market place, that money gave the business people more profits, meaning that they don't need to borrow as much. That means that the Fed can raise the rate so that Banks can now make money on the loans that do go out. Since Bush's bailout the Banks make virtually nothing EXCEPT for said bailout money given to them by the GOVERNMENT. In other words the entire thing has been a house of cards, a false financial system propped up by the Government.

No system can operate that way indefinitely.
It actually gets worse. The Banks got bailed out on all of those defaulted mortgages. That means they double dipped, they not only got the bailout money they got to keep the houses. Nice gig if you can get it eh?
It actually gets worse. The Banks got bailed out on all of those defaulted mortgages. That means they double dipped, they not only got the bailout money they got to keep the houses. Nice gig if you can get it eh?

The Banks got bailed out on all of those defaulted mortgages.

How so?

That means they double dipped, they not only got the bailout money they got to keep the houses.

Bailout money, TARP, was repaid. The Treasury made tens of billions.
And banks didn't really want to hold onto houses in a sinking market.

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret because Chairman Ben Bernanke, argued that revealing borrower details would create a stigma — investors and counterparties would shun firms that used the central bank as lender of last resort. In fact, $7.7 trillion of the secret emergency lending was only disclosed to the public after Congress forced a one-time audit of the Federal Reserve in November of 2011. After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions; and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

The Big Bank Bailout

The big got even bigger

"Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report"

But 48 percent of the banks that have repaid the CPP used money they’d gotten from other federal programs, according to the GAO report. Those programs include the Community Development Capital Initiative — another TARP program — and the Small Business Lending Fund, a program designed to encourage lending to small businesses. Both of those programs have more favorable borrowing terms for the banks than the original CPP.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report | HuffPost

This isn’t a new issue —
The Wall Street Journal reported last October that banks were repaying TARP funds with cash earmarked for small-business loans, after the Independent Community Bankers of America lobbied for the ability to switch money “from one Treasury program to the other.”

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret because Chairman Ben Bernanke, argued that revealing borrower details would create a stigma — investors and counterparties would shun firms that used the central bank as lender of last resort. In fact, $7.7 trillion of the secret emergency lending was only disclosed to the public after Congress forced a one-time audit of the Federal Reserve in November of 2011. After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions; and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

The Big Bank Bailout

The big got even bigger

"Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report"

But 48 percent of the banks that have repaid the CPP used money they’d gotten from other federal programs, according to the GAO report. Those programs include the Community Development Capital Initiative — another TARP program — and the Small Business Lending Fund, a program designed to encourage lending to small businesses. Both of those programs have more favorable borrowing terms for the banks than the original CPP.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report | HuffPost

This isn’t a new issue —
The Wall Street Journal reported last October that banks were repaying TARP funds with cash earmarked for small-business loans, after the Independent Community Bankers of America lobbied for the ability to switch money “from one Treasury program to the other.”

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret

All those short-term loans were repaid. Years and years ago.

After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions;

Only if you feel $100 billion in loans rolled over ten times is the same as lending $1 trillion.

and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

What kind of requirements should have been placed on short term, fully collateralized loans?

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret because Chairman Ben Bernanke, argued that revealing borrower details would create a stigma — investors and counterparties would shun firms that used the central bank as lender of last resort. In fact, $7.7 trillion of the secret emergency lending was only disclosed to the public after Congress forced a one-time audit of the Federal Reserve in November of 2011. After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions; and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

The Big Bank Bailout

The big got even bigger

"Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report"

But 48 percent of the banks that have repaid the CPP used money they’d gotten from other federal programs, according to the GAO report. Those programs include the Community Development Capital Initiative — another TARP program — and the Small Business Lending Fund, a program designed to encourage lending to small businesses. Both of those programs have more favorable borrowing terms for the banks than the original CPP.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report | HuffPost

This isn’t a new issue —
The Wall Street Journal reported last October that banks were repaying TARP funds with cash earmarked for small-business loans, after the Independent Community Bankers of America lobbied for the ability to switch money “from one Treasury program to the other.”

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret

All those short-term loans were repaid. Years and years ago.

After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions;

Only if you feel $100 billion in loans rolled over ten times is the same as lending $1 trillion.

and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

What kind of requirements should have been placed on short term, fully collateralized loans?

Why do you guys keep saying all of the loans were repaid??
I have spelled this out to folks like you 1000 times.
If you borrow $1000 from the bank that has a one time balloon payment in a year, and at the end of the year the bank says "hey wait...we will give you a loan for $1500 at NO interest and you can pay back your loan with it!!"

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret because Chairman Ben Bernanke, argued that revealing borrower details would create a stigma — investors and counterparties would shun firms that used the central bank as lender of last resort. In fact, $7.7 trillion of the secret emergency lending was only disclosed to the public after Congress forced a one-time audit of the Federal Reserve in November of 2011. After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions; and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

The Big Bank Bailout

The big got even bigger

"Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report"

But 48 percent of the banks that have repaid the CPP used money they’d gotten from other federal programs, according to the GAO report. Those programs include the Community Development Capital Initiative — another TARP program — and the Small Business Lending Fund, a program designed to encourage lending to small businesses. Both of those programs have more favorable borrowing terms for the banks than the original CPP.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report | HuffPost

This isn’t a new issue —
The Wall Street Journal reported last October that banks were repaying TARP funds with cash earmarked for small-business loans, after the Independent Community Bankers of America lobbied for the ability to switch money “from one Treasury program to the other.”

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret

All those short-term loans were repaid. Years and years ago.

After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions;

Only if you feel $100 billion in loans rolled over ten times is the same as lending $1 trillion.

and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

What kind of requirements should have been placed on short term, fully collateralized loans?

Why do you guys keep saying all of the loans were repaid??
I have spelled this out to folks like you 1000 times.
If you borrow $1000 from the bank that has a one time balloon payment in a year, and at the end of the year the bank says "hey wait...we will give you a loan for $1500 at NO interest and you can pay back your loan with it!!"

Why do you guys keep saying all of the loans were repaid??

Only because they were. Years and years ago. At a big profit to the Treasury.

If you borrow $1000 from the bank that has a one time balloon payment in a year, and at the end of the year the bank says "hey wait...we will give you a loan for $1500 at NO interest....

Cool story, bro. But all the loans were short term. None were at NO interest.

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret because Chairman Ben Bernanke, argued that revealing borrower details would create a stigma — investors and counterparties would shun firms that used the central bank as lender of last resort. In fact, $7.7 trillion of the secret emergency lending was only disclosed to the public after Congress forced a one-time audit of the Federal Reserve in November of 2011. After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions; and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

The Big Bank Bailout

The big got even bigger

"Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report"

But 48 percent of the banks that have repaid the CPP used money they’d gotten from other federal programs, according to the GAO report. Those programs include the Community Development Capital Initiative — another TARP program — and the Small Business Lending Fund, a program designed to encourage lending to small businesses. Both of those programs have more favorable borrowing terms for the banks than the original CPP.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report | HuffPost

This isn’t a new issue —
The Wall Street Journal reported last October that banks were repaying TARP funds with cash earmarked for small-business loans, after the Independent Community Bankers of America lobbied for the ability to switch money “from one Treasury program to the other.”

"After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret

All those short-term loans were repaid. Years and years ago.

After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions;

Only if you feel $100 billion in loans rolled over ten times is the same as lending $1 trillion.

and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose."

What kind of requirements should have been placed on short term, fully collateralized loans?

Why do you guys keep saying all of the loans were repaid??
I have spelled this out to folks like you 1000 times.
If you borrow $1000 from the bank that has a one time balloon payment in a year, and at the end of the year the bank says "hey wait...we will give you a loan for $1500 at NO interest and you can pay back your loan with it!!"

Why do you guys keep saying all of the loans were repaid??

Only because they were. Years and years ago. At a big profit to the Treasury.

If you borrow $1000 from the bank that has a one time balloon payment in a year, and at the end of the year the bank says "hey wait...we will give you a loan for $1500 at NO interest....

Cool story, bro. But all the loans were short term. None were at NO interest.

I post proof and you respond with "nuh-uh".

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