Detroit used to be the richest city in the nation, but Progressive policies of tax the rich and spend it on welfare programs left the city in ruins.

Is that why overseas car companies build car plants in the USA?

Yes. In the "right to work" "non-union" states. You are really way way off this last year. I think you are losing whatever brainpower you used to have. Have another toke, another blow for your nose, one more drink fool will drown you.
Detroit has and will continue to make one hell of a comeback under a Dem.

Using FED money perhaps? For assisting the stolen Election in 2020? Yes. Yes indeed.

Cummings detailed in his email, “I’m following up with some information on one of the most egregious situations that I encountered over the past few days at TCF Center. There were many examples of significant election-integrity issues. But this example involves actions of government officials from both the local and state levels that are shocking if true. At the very least, I think it’s worth following up on. I will note that the pole worker, Mrs. Jacob, has 30 years in with the city and is very concerned with her job safety for doing this and likely speaking about if further. But she obviously had the courage to raise these issues yesterday. 1. Jacob conversation – narrative of the situation. 2. Affidavit of Jessica Connarn – GOP poll challenger 3. Statement of Julie Maday 4. Copies of notes from poll worker.”
I will say......a long time back....few years? DET got a new Black Police Chief. Things quieted down. They guy is apparently no-nonsense kick-butt take names later.

Have not heard as much BS crime like you used to? Have you? Not like CHI, NYC or CA. Apparently this guy is doing his job.
Are you from Detroit? If so the riots in late 60's ring a bell? Yes, Detroit did start going down the tubes in the 60's (I don't give a shit what California is doing) but Detroit has and will continue to make one hell of a comeback under a Dem.

You have changed this from Detroit to Californification. If you bothered to do some research you would have seen a couple repub and one dem governor of Michigan withheld a lot of funds from Detroit for years.

Doesn't matter I'm done with this thread.
Are you denying that the Democrats had through taxation and welfare grafts destroyed that city? Even after i posted a confirmed link proving it? Now you are saying after 60 years or more, that it is finally making a comeback? So what, where would Detroit be, if the Marxists/Demofascists never destroyed it in the first place?

Fuck you are one stupid idiot. No worse than that, you are a typical Joe Biden voter.

I will say......a long time back....few years? DET got a new Black Police Chief. Things quieted down. They guy is apparently no-nonsense kick-butt take names later.

Have not heard as much BS crime like you used to? Have you? Not like CHI, NYC or CA. Apparently this guy is doing his job.
Yeah, and right outside of the city is a very large Muslim Population, just waiting for a Nov 7th event.
There are vast areas of the United States inner cities that law abiding people dare not enter.... that is a symptom of poor leadership and we should not accept it.... these justices and liberal courts have made the situation almost unrepairable...
We need MAGA leaders to clean up our courts.... the federal level on down...
We need Trump to go away...
The worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever by far might be a clue.... DUHHHH
We have record breaking homelessness right now... are you kidding?... record crime... record debt. both nationally and personal... Joe is a fuck up so please wake up...
We have record breaking homelessness right now... are you kidding?... record crime... record debt. both nationally and personal... Joe is a fuck up so please wake up...
Didn't start with Biden lol. GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates for 40 years duh....
Detroit was left in ruins because the auto industry outsourced all of the jobs that the city built their economy around.
Detroit was left in ruins because the auto industry outsourced all of the jobs that the city built their economy around.
It happened in a quick manner for the region. Those oil shocks in the 1970's were not good. The whole industry changed. And we could not make good smaller cars that were more reliable than Japanese ones. The pressure to purchase small cars was great and foreign cars were limited to 10% I think and that was gradually lifted. We ended up with clunkers like the Vega, Chevette, Citation, Pinto, Pacer and many others that were designed on the quick.

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