InfoWars Ban: CNN, Democrats Successfully Lobby Big Tech To Censor Their Critics...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

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InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
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He then asked Google’s representative if they thought conspiracy theories were a “problem,” and asked her to explain the company’s planned solutions. It seems that YouTube has now come up with a solution: ban the channels that Rep. Deutch objects to.

At a previous hearing on social media censorship, Deutch, who represents Parkland, Florida, attacked tech companies for allowing “vile and outrageous and offensive garbage” on their platforms...

InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.

I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.


It's the truth. They are currently preparing the legislation for when or if they win Congress back. This censorship is bad for everyone. You shouldn't be cheering it.
HAHAAHAH and these guys whined we needed Net Neutrality.......and then they are the ones who are banning people and sites....ironic and it reinforces the fact they are commies, fascists, and all the other leftwing bullshit.
Infowars spreads actionable and dangerous lies about people .

These formats don’t want to get caught up in lawsuits . It’s really that simple .
HAHAAHAH and these guys whined we needed Net Neutrality.......and then they are the ones who are banning people and sites....ironic and it reinforces the fact they are commies, fascists, and all the other leftwing bullshit.

Says the people who want football players fired because of a peacful kneeling protest against government abuses .
HAHAAHAH and these guys whined we needed Net Neutrality.......and then they are the ones who are banning people and sites....ironic and it reinforces the fact they are commies, fascists, and all the other leftwing bullshit.

Says the people who want football players fired because of a peacful kneeling protest against government abuses .
And how is that the same thing?
This censorship craze isn't good for any of us. I know Democrats are cheering it, but it's very Un-American. There is an Information War on, for your mind. We should be allowed to access all information. Even the information we don't like. We can then decide for ourselves. Censorship is a very dangerous slippery-slope.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.


It's the truth. They are currently preparing the legislation for when or if they win Congress back. This censorship is bad for everyone. You shouldn't be cheering it.

Oh I'm not. I'm mocking your mockable post. That's why you put it there, isn't it?

Hate to break not-even-breaking news but some platform such as YouTube deciding how their service will be used and how it won't, ain't "censorship". Might want to take a trip to the Dollar Store and make a diaper run.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.


It's the truth. They are currently preparing the legislation for when or if they win Congress back. This censorship is bad for everyone. You shouldn't be cheering it.

Oh I'm not. I'm mocking your mockable post. That's why you put it there, isn't it?

Hate to break not-even-breaking news but some platform such as YouTube deciding how their service will be used and how it won't, ain't "censorship". Might want to take a trip to the Dollar Store and make a diaper run.

Nah, sounds like you're cheering it. Shame on ya.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.


It's the truth. They are currently preparing the legislation for when or if they win Congress back. This censorship is bad for everyone. You shouldn't be cheering it.

Oh I'm not. I'm mocking your mockable post. That's why you put it there, isn't it?

Hate to break not-even-breaking news but some platform such as YouTube deciding how their service will be used and how it won't, ain't "censorship". Might want to take a trip to the Dollar Store and make a diaper run.

Nah, sounds like you're cheering it. Shame on ya.

I just happen to find Chicken Little hilarious. In a pathetic way.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.

It's clear that the NRA and white supremicists and Jones can't find the capital to start their own social media platforms. (-:
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.


It's the truth. They are currently preparing the legislation for when or if they win Congress back. This censorship is bad for everyone. You shouldn't be cheering it.

Oh I'm not. I'm mocking your mockable post. That's why you put it there, isn't it?

Hate to break not-even-breaking news but some platform such as YouTube deciding how their service will be used and how it won't, ain't "censorship". Might want to take a trip to the Dollar Store and make a diaper run.

Nah, sounds like you're cheering it. Shame on ya.

I just happen to find Chicken Little hilarious. In a pathetic way.
I dunno. I can only imagine what the Sandy Hook parents think. Their grace is shown in the fact he's still breathing. I'm not sure I'd be so generous. No threat implied.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.

It's clear that the NRA and white supremicists and Jones can't find the capital to start their own social media platforms. (-:

You really shouldn't be cheering censorship. It's bad for you too.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.

It's clear that the NRA and white supremicists and Jones can't find the capital to start their own social media platforms. (-:

These klowns be all like

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