“Infrastructure Bill”, p.508: National Per-Mile Motor Vehicle User Fee

Mileage tax would replace gas tax. As more and more electric cars go on the road, the fewer people are paying the gas tax that keeps those roads maintained.

This is common sense guys.
Pretty damned stupid if you ask me. No one would vote for that shit and the Dems are pushing it.

Sure hope this bill dies dead in the Senate.
pg. 514 sentence line 5-16 denotes that it is a pilot program not a nationwide program and it is a volunteer program for participants..Are you familiar with the words voluntary and pilot program?
And are you familiar with the term "Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile." ???!!!

( and then TAX you for that "mile" !!! )

There's a REASON why one runs a "pilot program"....in order to test whether the idea is viable to roll-out more broadly.

It's not the PILOT project that folks are objecting to... it's the IDEA BEHIND IT... and what comes AFTER they declare the pilot "successful".

Got it now?
You can’t make this shit up. Now they want to tax you based on mileage on top of your gasoline and registration taxes. They get to determine your tax based on “environmental” impact and any other “social impacts”. In other words if your driving is racist.

See page 508 of this monstrosity:

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View attachment 521010
You knew this waas comingm how elese will they make up for the loss of the gas tax when electric cars become the norn?
You knew this waas comingm how elese will they make up for the loss of the gas tax when electric cars become the norn?
That’s the part I don’t get. Why would conservatives be pissed that the weenie liberal electric car drivers are going to have to pay their fair share for highway maintenance?
Well, then why don’t you wait to see if that’s what they proposed before you get pissed?
The best defense is a good offense... proactive resistance to the idea from Day One...

I don't want the phukking Gubmint knowing where I go or what I do or how far I travel any more than absolutely necessary...

And revenue-generation in this fashion is NOT an absolute necessity.
The best defense is a good offense... proactive resistance to the idea from Day One...

I don't want the phukking Gubmint knowing where I go or what I do or how far I travel any more than absolutely necessary...

And revenue-generation in this fashion is NOT an absolute necessity.
Fine. Let the people who drive gas consuming cars pay for all the roads and the people who drive electric cars pay nothing.

That’ll show the libs.
Fine. Let the people who drive gas consuming cars pay for all the roads and the people who drive electric cars pay nothing.

That’ll show the libs.

Did you read this portion of the bill? This tax would be for any passenger vehicle, including electric. The amount of the tax would vary depending on how it affects the environment among other things. Common sense dictates that they will end up taxing electric cars far less than anyone driving a gas vehicle, but both will be taxed. They will also tax larger vehicles more than smaller vehicles as "congestion" is a factor as well.

Libs never saw a tax that didn't like. This is just another example.
Where does the bill say that?

Doesn't matter what this bill says, this is just the excuse to "study" it so it can be implemented.

When it eventually gets passed for real, do you really see them repealing the federal gas tax at the same time?
No problem ... I have a fix ...

So you can just make up bullshit and expect me to believe it?

How about no.

Again, show me a tax that was repealed at the federal level in recent memory.

It's not making up anything, it's being observant of how progressives work.

As Reagan once said:

“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

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