“Infrastructure Bill”, p.508: National Per-Mile Motor Vehicle User Fee

why is a tax on road use replacing the gas tax to fund roads "destructive shit"?

And why would pretend libertarians be opposed to a tax on a non-mandated activity that is only levied on those who engage in it, and require an infrastructure to do it?
Link to it replacing the gas tax?
Fine. Let the people who drive gas consuming cars pay for all the roads and the people who drive electric cars pay nothing.

That’ll show the libs.
No need... we just implement a different tax system that features a flat-rate tax built into the vehicle licensing system... per annum and per vehicle category.
So, it's voluntary, did I read that right? Who the hell is going to volunteer to pay this tax? Somehow I just don't think this fee is going to make it into the final bill, if there is one. And I got my doubts it'll actually make it through the House and the Senate, but we'll see. I think both sides want this to fail so they can blame the other side. Particularly the democrats, as they want to generate maximum support from all 50 dem senators to pass their $3.5 trillion bill through reconciliation. It's all about the optics, who's the bad guy.

It is always voluntary........at first....to get the law on the books.......then the next step....mandatory, is easier......since the law is already on the books.
No need... we just implement a different tax system that features a flat-rate tax built into the vehicle licensing system... per annum and per vehicle category.
Maybe. Doesn’t sound ideal to me. The more you drive the more costs associated with maintaining roads.
Maybe. Doesn’t sound ideal to me. The more you drive the more costs associated with maintaining roads.
Heavy trucks - the ones that beat-the-crap out of our roads - should pay the highest amounts ( per mile, per vehicle, whatever ).
Heavy trucks - the ones that beat-the-crap out of our roads - should pay the highest amounts ( per mile, per vehicle, whatever ).
Sure. But I’d have a hard time seeing a little old lady who barely drives her car to church and the grocery story paying the same fee as someone who drives 16k miles a year commuting.
It's not the Democrats who keep cutting taxes and crashing the economy. It's the Republicans. 3 times in the past 40 years. A major crash has followed every tax cut as sure as night follows day.
So if the government takes all our money, we'll all be prosperous!

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