
That certainly blows up the entire vaccine narrative. I wonder why ABC Good Morning America failed to report it.

CHECK THIS OUT VAXXERS…some rather damning findings.

Vaccinated people were more than five times as likely to develop severe infections than people with natural immunity. Only 25 out of roughly 300,000 Israelis with natural immunity developed severe Covid infections in the summer wave - compared to almost 1,400 vaccinated Israelis.

The difference did not result from gaps in age between vaccinated and recovered people. People over 60 benefitted even more from natural immunity relative to vaccination than did younger people.

Finally, the study offered a disturbing signal that vaccination may ultimately interfere with the development of lasting immunity in people who are infected after being vaccinated.

A booster shot did lower the risk of infection about to the level of peak protection from natural immunity - but because the study ended in September, it is impossible to know how long that protection may last.
That certainly blows up the entire vaccine narrative. I wonder why ABC Good Morning America failed to report it.

CHECK THIS OUT VAXXERS…some rather damning findings.

Vaccinated people were more than five times as likely to develop severe infections than people with natural immunity. Only 25 out of roughly 300,000 Israelis with natural immunity developed severe Covid infections in the summer wave - compared to almost 1,400 vaccinated Israelis.

The difference did not result from gaps in age between vaccinated and recovered people. People over 60 benefitted even more from natural immunity relative to vaccination than did younger people.

Finally, the study offered a disturbing signal that vaccination may ultimately interfere with the development of lasting immunity in people who are infected after being vaccinated.

A booster shot did lower the risk of infection about to the level of peak protection from natural immunity - but because the study ended in September, it is impossible to know how long that protection may last.

So moderna and our govt are partners in the creation of this mRNA injection. It's no surprise that this is just another mediocre effort by govt. They fail at everything.
Especially when you consider that the mandated vaccine doesn't prevent you from contracting or spreading COVID.

And especially when the mandated "vaccine" is experimental and the Pharmas have been granted complete immunity from injury claims while the Feds try to burying the testing data for 75 years.
Its difficult to convince someone that they have been duped. The ceo of pfizer and his wife haven't even taken the injection. That should tell everyone what's happening but it doesn't. They continue to believe the lie and deception.

Indeed. It would be better for people to pay attention to what the Pandemologists do instead of what they say. They are partying maskless, traveling, and not getting vaxxed....except for Newsom who now has Guillaume Barre.
Indeed. It would be better for people to pay attention to what the Pandemologists do instead of what they say. They are partying maskless, traveling, and not getting vaxxed....except for Newsom who now has Guillaume Barre.

I saw that. He looks bad. Yeah, they just expect the serfs to bow down. A lot do and hold them in the elites laugh at them.
You think I care about your life? Lol

I care about lack of ICU beds, I care about overworked nurses, most of whom were used to caring for only one or two ICU vented patients and now are being forced to work on three or four, you idiots are putting on undue, unsustainable burden on our hospitals and staff.

Here's the deal, though, I actually wished those who got sick and unvaxxed would not go to the hospital, and stay home. If they die, I could care less. In some ways, it would likely raise our collective IQ in America, and we are in desperate need of this, as you and many others prove.
True colors come out. I hope yoy all die. Spoken like a Fascist prick.

Tell the FDA to get the f out of the way and allow the off label uses of cheap drugs that are working around the world
ABC Good Morning America just completed yet another long interview with Lil’ Lyin’ Fauci. Once again he pushes the vaccines and spreads fear. How any American believes a word this crook says is beyond me.
ABC Good Morning America just completed yet another long interview with Lil’ Lyin’ Fauci. Once again he pushes the vaccines and spreads fear. How any American believes a word this crook says is beyond me.

Yet a conspiracy believing, scientifically illiterate person like yourself believes what you read on Facebook.


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