Inspectors Clouseaus of Zimmerman threads


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have rarely witnessed more vacuous babble from clueless partisans on any subject. Zimmerman is either a baby-killer or a crime-fighting crusader, and Martin an innocent skittles-eating honors student or a stoned thug depending on whose post you read.

I realize that almost all (self included) on this board are certainly over-opinionated know-it-alls, but at some point the silliness of it all is overwhelming.
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I like to think I'm above that fray. I have always stated that I will wait for the jury to decide and that "I don't know exactly what happened, I wasn't there". I do however like to point out the ignorance of those who are members of the lynch mob.
The case became political, which means facts and reality be damned. All I can say is the police investigated the case when it happened and the local DA found no evidence to charge Zimmerman. Then it became a political case and suddenly he is charged with murder. Not to mention the obvious lies and misrepresentation of his wounds, the supposed girlfriend and the 911 call. And how about that picture of Martin at 12 that the press ran and still runs?
The case became political, which means facts and reality be damned. All I can say is the police investigated the case when it happened and the local DA found no evidence to charge Zimmerman. Then it became a political case and suddenly he is charged with murder. Not to mention the obvious lies and misrepresentation of his wounds, the supposed girlfriend and the 911 call. And how about that picture of Martin at 12 that the press ran and still runs?
Got it, but still, there are loads of posters who are certain of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence without knowing jack shit.

I, for one, find it very annoying. Neither was an innocent nor evil, at least as far as I know.

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