Insurers Stop Writing Policies in Marxataxachusetts -I SOOO Totally Called this One!


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
This is exactly what the Boyking dynasty and his Fabian apparatchiks in congress want to happen nationally, so they can swoop in with full-on socialization of medical services.

The stand-off between Massachusetts regulators and health insurance companies intensified today as most insurers stopped offering new coverage to small businesses and individuals while state officials demanded that the insurers post updated rates online and resume selling such policies by the end of the week.

People seeking to buy health insurance for the first time, or existing customers looking to change policies, found themselves out of luck, at least temporarily, in the aftermath of last week's decision by the state Division of Insurance to reject 235 of 274 premium increases proposed by insurers for what is known as the small group market. The segment covers about 800,000 residents.

State, insurers up the ante over health rates - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe
And H.R. 3590 is fundamentally similar to the Massachusetts programs isn't it? This seems like such a logical result of the law, and castrating health insurers was probably the long-term strategy for Democrats as a way to pave for a single-payer, universal-coverage system. I'll give it twenty years?
Of course this is what this bastard administration foresees . . . all they needed was a foot in the door. It's the plan, the agenda . . . it's goooood for the collective, it's what will fix alllll the problems.
This is exactly what the Boyking dynasty and his Fabian apparatchiks in congress want to happen nationally, so they can swoop in with full-on socialization of medical services.

Now who in the HELL came up with this bright idea to for this cockamamie law to insure everyone in Massachusetts???
When was the last century that Marxataxachusetts had a majority republican legislature?

Romney is merely the dope who signed off on the debacle.

So Romney just...signed the law. He had nothing to do with creating the law...or proposing the law.

This article must be from the Onion then: - Mass. Gov. Romney's health care plan says everyone pays

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney re-ignited that debate last month when he announced a plan to expand health coverage to all the state's residents, with a caveat that those who don't buy coverage could face a penalty.

"We can't have as a nation 40 million people — or, in my state, half a million — saying, 'I don't have insurance, and if I get sick, I want someone else to pay,' " says Romney, a Republican who says he might run for president in 2008.

I'm not passing any judgement...just passing the facts.
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Isn't Romney one of the best shots at the 2012 republican presidential ticket according to many republicans?
Isn't Romney one of the best shots at the 2012 republican presidential ticket according to many republicans?

I've heard that.

Wouldn't that be funny if we had a head-to-head match-up of the only two Americans to propose and sign into law mandated healthcare?

It would be like an MTV Celebrity Deathmatch of Healthcare Reform Heavyweights!
Of course this is what this bastard administration foresees . . . all they needed was a foot in the door. It's the plan, the agenda . . . it's goooood for the collective, it's what will fix alllll the problems.

Well, Obama has clearly stated that the bill is a 'transition' and that the ultimate aim is 'single payer'. Why is anyone surprised?
When was the last century that Marxataxachusetts had a majority republican legislature?

Romney is merely the dope who signed off on the debacle.

So Romney just...signed the law. He had nothing to do with creating the law...or proposing the law.

This article must be from the Onion then: - Mass. Gov. Romney's health care plan says everyone pays

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney re-ignited that debate last month when he announced a plan to expand health coverage to all the state's residents, with a caveat that those who don't buy coverage could face a penalty.

"We can't have as a nation 40 million people — or, in my state, half a million — saying, 'I don't have insurance, and if I get sick, I want someone else to pay,' " says Romney, a Republican who says he might run for president in 2008.

I'm not passing any judgement...just passing the facts.

We all know that "facts" have a liberal bias.
Of course this is what this bastard administration foresees . . . all they needed was a foot in the door. It's the plan, the agenda . . . it's goooood for the collective, it's what will fix alllll the problems.

Well, Obama has clearly stated that the bill is a 'transition' and that the ultimate aim is 'single payer'. Why is anyone surprised?

Is that what he said?
if it was going to have to go to single payer, then it should have just been offered as single payer by congresscritters, or Medicare for All...because if we look at HCR in all of the other States that have done health care reform, Maine included, with the private sector, it has FAILED, so congress's federal plan will probably fail as well...we could have learned from the HCR test markets that were out there, before jumping in to the kettle with this plan...I'll say that much is a certainty to me.
We all know that "facts" have a liberal bias.

Really? because Im pretty sure the liberals have been the ones that saying this type of government intervention into the health care industry wouldn't result with the insurance companies putting an end to writing policies.

But then again, you did say "facts," didn't you? And we all know the major difference between "facts" and facts are that one isn't what it claims to be.
Of course this is what this bastard administration foresees . . . all they needed was a foot in the door. It's the plan, the agenda . . . it's goooood for the collective, it's what will fix alllll the problems.

Well, Obama has clearly stated that the bill is a 'transition' and that the ultimate aim is 'single payer'. Why is anyone surprised?

Is that what he said?

Yes, stop playing dumb.

[ame=]YouTube - SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS saying His Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance[/ame]
if it was going to have to go to single payer, then it should have just been offered as single payer by congresscritters, or Medicare for All...because if we look at HCR in all of the other States that have done health care reform, Maine included, with the private sector, it has FAILED, so congress's federal plan will probably fail as well...we could have learned from the HCR test markets that were out there, before jumping in to the kettle with this plan...I'll say that much is a certainty to me.

Of course it will fail. It was set up that way by many interested parties.
This is exactly what the Boyking dynasty and his Fabian apparatchiks in congress want to happen nationally, so they can swoop in with full-on socialization of medical services.

The stand-off between Massachusetts regulators and health insurance companies intensified today as most insurers stopped offering new coverage to small businesses and individuals while state officials demanded that the insurers post updated rates online and resume selling such policies by the end of the week.

People seeking to buy health insurance for the first time, or existing customers looking to change policies, found themselves out of luck, at least temporarily, in the aftermath of last week's decision by the state Division of Insurance to reject 235 of 274 premium increases proposed by insurers for what is known as the small group market. The segment covers about 800,000 residents.

State, insurers up the ante over health rates - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe

Obama is trying to start a real civil war
Insurers Stop Writing Policies in Marxataxachusetts -I SOOO Totally Called this One!

This is terrible...

Another example of why we needed the Public Option to keep insurers honest. least we can use this as evidence when we add the public option next year
Insurers Stop Writing Policies in Marxataxachusetts -I SOOO Totally Called this One!

This is terrible...

Another example of why we needed the Public Option to keep insurers honest. least we can use this as evidence when we add the public option next year


Yeah that's why you guys kept the Kennedy Seat.
Insurers Stop Writing Policies in Marxataxachusetts -I SOOO Totally Called this One!

This is terrible...

Another example of why we needed the Public Option to keep insurers honest. least we can use this as evidence when we add the public option next year

Jesus christ, put down the crackpipe and step away from the keyboard, thank you .....

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