Insurers Stop Writing Policies in Marxataxachusetts -I SOOO Totally Called this One!

Ame®icano;2197852 said:
Let's see who denies most of claims...



Can always depend on "Newsbusters" to make shit up. If they had taken the time to read the full data set, they'd see the initial rejection rate is higher due to a higher percentage of coding errors on the part of hospitals and doctors. In fact, close to a third of the denied claims were because the hospital attempted to file a Medicare claim on someone who isn't even on Medicare.
Of course this is what this bastard administration foresees . . . all they needed was a foot in the door. It's the plan, the agenda . . . it's goooood for the collective, it's what will fix alllll the problems.

Well, Obama has clearly stated that the bill is a 'transition' and that the ultimate aim is 'single payer'. Why is anyone surprised?

You people realize that you can't just make shit up, right?

I think they believe they can. They've gotten away with it for too long. :evil:
The Repub Guv at the time Mitt Romney whom many of you neoconned sheeple feel is 'conservative' went along with this crap didn't he.

BTW, the repubs are never going to repeal BHOCare no matter how large a majority they manage in 2012.
We pretty have the same sort of system here in Washington, and have no problems to my knowledge with insurance companies. Of course one of the biggest providers for people getting health care through the state is a non profit, and has patients/clients on the board. And last time I checked Group Health was in pretty good shape.

The three biggest insurers in MA are nonprofits and ALL of them posted losses in 2009

I've posted at least 3 threads on this very subject and not one libby Obama ass kisser could tell me why the so called health care reform bill would not reap similar results as the Assachusetts plan.

Why do you think that is?

BTW I'm still looking for the odds on us all having to buy health insurance from the government's own insurance agency AKA AIG before the next decade is out.

Totally agree.

Anyone who doesn't think that Barry Boy and his minions didn't take a good look at both MA and TN is off in the weeds somewhere.

They know exactly what will happen with this HC BS bill they have rammed down our thoroats. This was his big assed foot in the door and a way to what he wanted all along. The Govt takeover of HC in this country. It should run just about as well as the other entitlements run. It will be costly and full of fraud. Can hardly wait. Anyone taking any bets on the panels and waiting lists???

DK took that ride on AF1 and was told, hold on buddy. You will get your single payer system. Give it time. Why does anyone think he went from Nay to Yeah with one little ride on a plane?? DK would have stuck with his nay vote if he didn't know his Single payer is waiting in the wings. Atta boy Dennis.

He will get what he wants as well.
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The Repub Guv at the time Mitt Romney whom many of you neoconned sheeple feel is 'conservative' went along with this crap didn't he.

BTW, the repubs are never going to repeal BHOCare no matter how large a majority they manage in 2012.

They may not be able to repeal it but nothing says that they have to fund it either.

Congress DOES control those pursestrings.
We pretty have the same sort of system here in Washington, and have no problems to my knowledge with insurance companies. Of course one of the biggest providers for people getting health care through the state is a non profit, and has patients/clients on the board. And last time I checked Group Health was in pretty good shape.

The three biggest insurers in MA are nonprofits and ALL of them posted losses in 2009

I've posted at least 3 threads on this very subject and not one libby Obama ass kisser could tell me why the so called health care reform bill would not reap similar results as the Assachusetts plan.

Why do you think that is?

BTW I'm still looking for the odds on us all having to buy health insurance from the government's own insurance agency AKA AIG before the next decade is out.

Totally agree.

Anyone who doesn't think that Barry Boy and his minions didn't take a good look at both MA and TN is off in the weeks somewhere.

They know exactly what will happen with this HC BS bill they have rammed down our thoroats. This was his big assed foot in the door and a way to what he wanted all along. The Govt takeover of HC in this country. It should run just about as well as the other entitlements run. It will be costly and full of fraud. Can hardly wait. Anyone taking any bets on the panels and waiting lists???

DK took that ride on AF1 and was told, hold on buddy. You will get your single payer system. Give it time. Why does anyone think he went from Nay to Yeah with one little ride on a plane?? DK would have stuck with his nay vote if he didn't know his Single payer is waiting in the wings. Atta boy Dennis.

He will get what he wants as well.

Maybe he saw a UFO while aboard Air Force One and the aliens told him to vote yes.

Ame®icano;2197852 said:
Let's see who denies most of claims...



Can always depend on "Newsbusters" to make shit up. If they had taken the time to read the full data set, they'd see the initial rejection rate is higher due to a higher percentage of coding errors on the part of hospitals and doctors. In fact, close to a third of the denied claims were because the hospital attempted to file a Medicare claim on someone who isn't even on Medicare.

How do you know that insurance companies are not denying claims for the same reasons?

It goes both ways...
This is exactly what the Boyking dynasty and his Fabian apparatchiks in congress want to happen nationally, so they can swoop in with full-on socialization of medical services.

The stand-off between Massachusetts regulators and health insurance companies intensified today as most insurers stopped offering new coverage to small businesses and individuals while state officials demanded that the insurers post updated rates online and resume selling such policies by the end of the week.

People seeking to buy health insurance for the first time, or existing customers looking to change policies, found themselves out of luck, at least temporarily, in the aftermath of last week's decision by the state Division of Insurance to reject 235 of 274 premium increases proposed by insurers for what is known as the small group market. The segment covers about 800,000 residents.

State, insurers up the ante over health rates - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe

Our insurnace rates have gone up 65% (well mine have) since our health care laws (MA state ones not the new bill) was passed.

My insurance company sent me a letter stating I have a 15% increase in my premium now because of the new legislation that was just signed. They said its a new administrative expense incurred as a result of the legislation.

Yup you were right.
This is exactly what the Boyking dynasty and his Fabian apparatchiks in congress want to happen nationally, so they can swoop in with full-on socialization of medical services.

The stand-off between Massachusetts regulators and health insurance companies intensified today as most insurers stopped offering new coverage to small businesses and individuals while state officials demanded that the insurers post updated rates online and resume selling such policies by the end of the week.

People seeking to buy health insurance for the first time, or existing customers looking to change policies, found themselves out of luck, at least temporarily, in the aftermath of last week's decision by the state Division of Insurance to reject 235 of 274 premium increases proposed by insurers for what is known as the small group market. The segment covers about 800,000 residents.

State, insurers up the ante over health rates - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe

I don't think this helps bolster having universal healthcare. It shows that premiums will go up dramatically under such a program. That reinforces what such a program will do to the deficit and its true cost.

This healthcare reform was suppose to make coverage affordable to all Americans and provide quality care. None of this will come to pass with the new program. Scrap it before it causes financial and political havoc.
Insurers Stop Writing Policies in Marxataxachusetts -I SOOO Totally Called this One!

This is terrible...

Another example of why we needed the Public Option to keep insurers honest. least we can use this as evidence when we add the public option next year

Why be deceitful and call it an "option"? Why not just call it what it is intended to be... National Health Insurance.?

We all know that the goal is to end the health insurance industry and put hundreds of thousands of people in that industry out of work so why won't the government just be honest about it?

Why be deceitful and call it an "option"? Why not just call it what it is intended to be... National Health Insurance.?

We all know that the goal is to end the health insurance industry and put hundreds of thousands of people in that industry out of work so why won't the government just be honest about it?

Because Fabian socialists cannot possibly bring themselves to be honest about who they are and what they support for a political agenda. Otherwise, nobody would have anything to do with them.
This turd belongs largely to Mitt Romney. He pushed it, his people steered it through the legislature, he signed it.
This turd belongs largely to Mitt Romney. He pushed it, his people steered it through the legislature, he signed it.

true enough, but it was deval that decided that everyone had to have prescription coverage, thereby driving the premiums of those who were getting their prescriptions at walmart for $4 up by about 20%. he was told this would happen, and now he's trying to pretend he wasn't.
This turd belongs largely to Mitt Romney. He pushed it, his people steered it through the legislature, he signed it.

true enough, but it was deval that decided that everyone had to have prescription coverage, thereby driving the premiums of those who were getting their prescriptions at walmart for $4 up by about 20%. he was told this would happen, and now he's trying to pretend he wasn't.

And we can lay the national prescription turd at the feet of George Bush. As time goes by I have less and less respect for anyone who seeks, or has held, public office in my lifetime regardless of claimed political persuasion.
This turd belongs largely to Mitt Romney. He pushed it, his people steered it through the legislature, he signed it.

true enough, but it was deval that decided that everyone had to have prescription coverage, thereby driving the premiums of those who were getting their prescriptions at walmart for $4 up by about 20%. he was told this would happen, and now he's trying to pretend he wasn't.

And coup De ville Patrick also removed the opt out clause that was in the original bill.

My insurance company sent me a letter stating I have a 15% increase in my premium now because of the new legislation that was just signed. They said its a new administrative expense incurred as a result of the legislation.


they lied
This turd belongs largely to Mitt Romney. He pushed it, his people steered it through the legislature, he signed it.

true enough, but it was deval that decided that everyone had to have prescription coverage, thereby driving the premiums of those who were getting their prescriptions at walmart for $4 up by about 20%. he was told this would happen, and now he's trying to pretend he wasn't.

And coup De ville Patrick also removed the opt out clause that was in the original bill.

I admit a large ignorance of all the criminal acts that brought RomneyCare into being. My chief pique is that this abomination was shepherded by a man with presidential ambitions, that currently and quite strangely has garnered support as being something of a conservative.

Someone with any claim to the label of conservative, bastardised as it has become, should have been forced to watch his veto be overridden before this became law.

My insurance company sent me a letter stating I have a 15% increase in my premium now because of the new legislation that was just signed. They said its a new administrative expense incurred as a result of the legislation.


they lied

For ONCE we agree Dante ;)

When I called up I told them I dont buy that bullshit as it was WAYYYYY to early for that to have happened. The girl on the phone said it was in response to "an anticipated increase in operating expenses due to the legislation"

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