Intel Chiefs Tell Trump Russia Has Compromising Data On Him

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yikes: Intel chiefs told Trump Russia claims to have compromising personal and financial information on him; Update: CNN video added; Update: Memos leaked to BuzzFeed

Russia hacked The DNC and Podesta
They failed to hack the GOP
They never hacked Trump
So either the Russians are lying, the INTEL AGENCIES are lying, OR the DNC got their hands on compromising info on Trump, and the Russians got it from the DNC.

That makes no sense, though. If Hillary had that kind of blackmail stuff on Trump she would have used it in the election.

So this entire story from the Intel Agencies - I smell 'fake news' / 'bullshit'.

If the Russians have any compromising info on anyone, after hacking the DNC & Podesta, they would have it on HILLARY!
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