Interesting read on McCain


Aug 22, 2008
But perhaps the most revealing of McCain's flip-flops was his promise, made at the beginning of the year, that he would "raise the level of political dialogue in America." McCain pledged he would "treat my opponents with respect and demand that they treat me with respect." Instead, with Rove protégé Steve Schmidt at the helm, McCain has turned the campaign into a torrent of debasing negativity, misrepresenting Barack Obama's positions on everything from sex education for kindergarteners to middle-class taxes. In September, in one of his most blatant embraces of Rove-like tactics, McCain hired Tucker Eskew — one of Rove's campaign operatives who smeared the senator and his family during the 2000 campaign in South Carolina.
I never expected him to do it. He's not a roll-over dog like Bush, he fights back, and he's a smart ass.
McCain took the high road earlier in the year, but he sold out when the religious base advisors convinced him he needed to pander via his vp pick to get the base. It's all been about the base ever since, and selling out his principles to win.

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