Media coverage of Trump's McCain war-service Neutron Bomb

It will all be old news by the middle of the week. Sad thing McCain was a hero, then he became a politician, kind of tarnished that sterling image.

You hate him because he cares for America and keeping America powerful. Can't be investing in America and keeping the evil small government base happy...Oh'noo'ssss. what a crock.

You're getting more ignorant by the day, I don't hate anyone, period. McCain is a big government RINO, I don't like his policies. News Boston Globe Opinion Op-ed Debunking a spitting image

STORIES ABOUT spat-upon Vietnam veterans are like mercury: Smash one and six more appear. It's hard to say where they come from. For a book I wrote in 1998 I looked back to the time when the spit was supposedly flying, the late 1960s and early 1970s. I found nothing. No news reports or even claims that someone was being spat on.


What I did find is that around 1980, scores of Vietnam-generation men were saying they were greeted by spitters when they came home from Vietnam. There is an element of urban legend in the stories in that their point of origin in time and place is obscure, and, yet, they have very similar details. The story told by the man who spat on Jane Fonda at a book signing in Kansas City recently is typical. Michael Smith said he came back through Los Angeles airport where ''people were lined up to spit on us."

Like many stories of the spat-upon veteran genre, Smith's lacks credulity. GIs landed at military airbases, not civilian airports, and protesters could not have gotten onto the bases and anywhere near deplaning troops. There may have been exceptions, of course, but in those cases how would protesters have known in advance that a plane was being diverted to a civilian site? And even then, returnees would have been immediately bused to nearby military installations and processed for reassignment or discharge.

Somebody doesn't have a clue how we were transported. When I went to Nam, I flew out of Oakland Intl on a civilian charter. When I came back one emergency leave, I caught a hop on a C141 as far as Elmendorf AFB Ak, I got bumped and took a civilian charter to NJ, landed at a civilian airport, then bussed to Ft. Dix. I returned after my leave on civilian planes back to Oakland Intl. and another civilian charter to Nam. When I came back for good it was via civilian charters, landing at civilian airports. Fortunately for them I was never spat on, although I did get some rude comments.
Somebody doesn't have a clue how we were transported. When I went to Nam, I flew out of Oakland Intl on a civilian charter. When I came back one emergency leave, I caught a hop on a C141 as far as Elmendorf AFB Ak, I got bumped and took a civilian charter to NJ, landed at a civilian airport, then bussed to Ft. Dix. I returned after my leave on civilian planes back to Oakland Intl. and another civilian charter to Nam. When I came back for good it was via civilian charters, landing at civilian airports. Fortunately for them I was never spat on, although I did get some rude comments.

so it sounds like you deplaned on a base and then went to a civilian airport, like he said.
Without independent corroboration all you have is hearsay.
There are names there to identify the persons who testified that they were spat on. It is more than hearsay no matter how you try to spin it.

Hearsay Define Hearsay at

View attachment 44966

According to those accounts there were no other witnesses ergo it falls within the definition of hearsay without any independent corroboration.

You don't get to change the law to suit your own partisan agenda.

It applies equally to both sides.

There is video evidence of a Congressional Democrats being spat upon by a Tea Partier (ref 1:20 mark).

Without that evidence it would just have been hearsay.

"To report another person's words by a witness.." What it means that I heard somebody saying such and such and I am witnessing in court that I heard from such and such a person saying such and such. This is not the case here. There are names given and you just need to issue a summon for them to appear in your court to bear witness on their own. How about that? Is it fair?

Uncorroborated testimony is hearsay.

Unless you can produce the alleged person who did the spitting and have them picked out of a line up by other witnesses all you have is hearsay.

Spitting on someone is considered to be assault under the law.

Yes spitting in the face is crime court rules Reuters

Why are there no assault charges from that era of hippies spitting on returning vets?

I remember the era. Most vets were welcomed back and resumed their lives. The idea of being figuratively spat on became literally spat on ten years later
The media of the time would have been all over a story about returning vets being spat on.....we were still patriotic with many, many WWII and Korean vets still around
Nobody would have flinched if a hippie were beaten up for spitting


Somebody doesn't have a clue how we were transported. When I went to Nam, I flew out of Oakland Intl on a civilian charter. When I came back one emergency leave, I caught a hop on a C141 as far as Elmendorf AFB Ak, I got bumped and took a civilian charter to NJ, landed at a civilian airport, then bussed to Ft. Dix. I returned after my leave on civilian planes back to Oakland Intl. and another civilian charter to Nam. When I came back for good it was via civilian charters, landing at civilian airports. Fortunately for them I was never spat on, although I did get some rude comments.

so it sounds like you deplaned on a base and then went to a civilian airport, like he said.

Only once, when I got the military hop.
RWs are defending what Drumpf said about war heroes, but none of them have said anything about his military service or that of his adult sons ...
Tell us about Bath House Barry's military service, since it appears you care so much about it...
RWs are defending what Drumpf said about war heroes, but none of them have said anything about his military service or that of his adult sons ...
Tell us about Bath House Barry's military service, since it appears you care so much about it...
All of a sudden military service became important to the libs. WTF? …. always a politically driven position. It just shows they have no principle at all.
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RWs are defending what Drumpf said about war heroes, but none of them have said anything about his military service or that of his adult sons ...
Tell us about Bath House Barry's military service, since it appears you care so much about it...
All of a sudden military service became important to the libs. WTF? …. always a politically driven position. It just shows they have no principle at all.
Progs are the scum of America. Their entire agenda is driven by HATRED of America, and they care not how they destroy this nation, just so they can destroy it. LIES are just part of their arsenal.

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