Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers 'Suckers' and 'Losers'

He absolutely called our dead soldiers "suckers" and "losers." I'll take the word of the witnesses rather than the habitual liar named Donald Trump.
You can take the quote from hearsay…. The rest of us will wait to see a quote or clip. Soldiers know that Trump would never give aid and comfort to the enemy like John Kerry has done.
You can take the quote from hearsay…. The rest of us will wait to see a quote or clip. Soldiers know that Trump would never give aid and comfort to the enemy like John Kerry has done.
Kelly's witness is every bit as good as a quote or clip.

Kerry was a decorated warrior; Trump is a convicted felon.
Kelly's witness is every bit as good as a quote or clip.

Kerry was a decorated warrior; Trump is a convicted felon.
Stop being a poopy head liar. Trump is going to lose bigly.

Trump within striking distance of Biden in competitive blue-leaning state: poll

Donald Trump was narrowly edged in Minnesota eight years ago by Hillary Clinton but Joe Biden carried the state by seven points in 2020​

By Paul Steinhauser Fox News
Published June 11, 2024 1:02pm EDT

Of course, we have direct evidence. It is called a witness statement.

The Chief of Staff, John Kelly, heard Donald Trump make that comment.

In a court of law, that would be considered direct evidence.

That you refuse to acknowledge that fact shows that you are in a sad state of denial.

That's a lie.

Hearsay is an out-of-court statement used to prove the truth of what was said. For example, a police officer testifies about what an eyewitness said to them at a crime scene. In general, prosecutors can't use this testimony to actually prove what happened. These out-of-court statements are not limited to only spoken words.
‘Donald Trump on Sunday called for President Joe Biden to take down an attack ad featuring a series of quotes attributed to the Republican in which he mocks dead soldiers.
Trump appeared to be referring to an attack ad launched by the Biden campaign on Friday during the president’s visit to Normandy for ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The video featured the reported “suckers” and “losers” quotes, along with audio of Trump mocking the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as being thought of as a “war hero” because he was captured during the Vietnam War. “I like people that weren’t captured,” Trump added.’

There’s no reason for President Biden to remove the ads, of course; Trump has only himself to blame, he attacked American service men and women.
Of course Jacked up Joe doesn't care that it's a lie.
You idiot. Do you think in every court case where there is witness testimony there is also a video or audio??? Grow the hell up!
Not one in a million court cases involves something the President said or may have said. Virtually everything any President says or does today is recorded. Even you know that to be true.

What you're conjuring up is that what may or may not have been said by a witness should be taken as the gospel. I could swear that you said that John Edgar Slow Horse told you that he had seen the light and would be voting for Donald Trump. Does that make it accurate? That's why hearsay evidence is not admissible.

"Hearsay is an out-of-court statement used to prove the truth of what was said. For example, a police officer testifies about what an eyewitness said to them at a crime scene. In general, prosecutors can't use this testimony to actually prove what happened. These out-of-court statements are not limited to only spoken words."
I believe that President Trump did, and that's why he is so feared and so hated by the Democrats.
Trump put a target on his back the day he beat the washington crowd - dems and repubs - at their own game

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