WATCH: Biden Camp Panics, Demands Social Media Censor ‘Out of Context’ Video of Joe Biden Wandering Off at G7 Summit – Then a Longer Clip Emerges and

WATCH: Biden Camp Panics, Demands Social Media Censor

‘Out of Context’ Video of Joe Biden Wandering Off at G7 Summit –

Then a Longer Clip Emerges and It’s Much Worse

14 Jun 2024 ~~ By Cristina Laila

The Biden camp is in full-blown panic mode after a video of Biden wandering away from the G7 group went viral.
The Democrat-media complex is going into full damage control to protect Joe Biden.
The left-wing media claimed conservative media sites shared a viral clip of Biden without context.
The longer video clip of doddering Joe is even more horrifying.

Biden campaign spox Adrienne Elrod called the viral video of Joe Biden wandering off “disinformation” and demanded “social media platforms” censor it.
Of course, Joe Biden wants to censor and silence conservative media.
Joe Biden counted on social media to censor Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell in October 2020 shortly before the presidential election.

Sorry folks Democrats are openly abusing this poor man. Biden should be at his Delawar home napping in his easy chair.
Does anyone really think the Democrats are going to put this man on stage with Trump for a debate? If they pump Biden full of drugs it would probably kill the guy and would be unlikely to make him coherent or in a state where he looked well in front of a camera. The debate will either be canceled or its the end of Biden's bid for a second term.
See also: The Biden issue that won’t go away - Washington Examiner

Where does anyone working for Biden demand social media censor the video?
Our President found it more interesting than the guy who had just landed

Not as interesting as getting eaten by sharks and electrocuted

But still interesting
Hah Hah ha....
this is what you're referring too? Joey looked away just befire the guy landed, then turned his back as shown here:

[CENTER][ATTACH type="full" width="491px" alt="1718475768644.png"]962885[/ATTACH][/CENTER]
[QUOTE="rightwinger, post: 34688650, member: 20321"]
Our President found it more interesting than the guy who had just landed

Not as interesting as getting eaten by sharks and electrocuted

But still interesting
Let's get this straight. First you said, "Our President found the guy packing a parachute more interesting than whatever show they were putting on." :
Now you've switched to the above.
Do you think by changing the subject you can get away with the lies or at least total ignorance about parachuting.?


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Where does anyone working for Biden demand social media censor the video?

What You Just Saw Didn't Happen: Obama, White House Deny That Biden Froze at H'Wood Fundraiser Saturday

16 Jun 2024 ~~ By Bob Hoge

You don’t need a news outlet to tell you what happened—see for yourself. Watch Joe Biden at the end of his talk with Barack Obama at Saturday night’s glitzfest of a fundraiser in Los Angeles and you decide whether you think it's normal behavior:
RedState’s Nick Arama summed up her take on the moment:
Yikes is right.
It's not normal that he just stood there and Obama then had to take his hand to lead him away. How could anyone vote for this? He did something similar at the Juneteenth celebration. But comparing the two as they walked off the stage only accentuated the problem. What's frightening too, is that the crowd claps, completely ignoring the issues.
They’re specifically moaning about clips disseminated after Biden’s disastrous D-Day performances, where the president wandered off during a photo shoot and just generally seemed off the reservation. The Washington Post was aghast that Republicans would dare publicize Biden’s mental frailty:
They’re specifically moaning about clips disseminated after Biden’s disastrous D-Day performances, where the president wandered off during a photo shoot and just generally seemed off the reservation. The Washington Post was aghast that Republicans would dare publicize Biden’s mental frailty:
They can keep telling us we’re not seeing what we’re seeing, but I can tell you who is observing it with 20/20 vision: the American people.

They’ll have a special concoction of drugs for Joe and he’ll come out swinging, verbally of course. After a bit, he’ll crash.
Obama didn’t simply lead Biden away, he did it in such a way as to make Biden look like a decrepit old man. That could mean they’ve already decided to get rid of Biden. He accentuated the guidance and the pats on the back and I’m sure comforting but overheard verbiage like “this way Joe….”
When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party.
Dummy up. If it’s not reported, if it’s not news, it didn’t happen.
Wax indignant. This is also known as the “How dare you?” gambit.
Characterize the charges as “rumors” or, better yet, “wild rumors.” If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through “rumors.” (If they tend to believe the “rumors” it must be because they are simply “paranoid” or “hysterical.”)
Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors (or plant false stories) and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike.
Call the skeptics names like “conspiracy theorist,” “nutcase,” “ranter,” “kook,” “crackpot,” and, of course, “rumor monger.” Be sure, too, to use heavily loaded verbs and adjectives when characterizing their charges and defending the “more reasonable” government and its defenders. You must then carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people you have thus maligned. For insurance, set up your own “skeptics” to shoot down.
Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money (compared to over-compensated adherents to the government line who, presumably, are not).
Invoke authority. Here the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful.
Dismiss the charges as “old news.”
Republicans are so desperate to take the spotlight off of the Sharks and Batteries guy.... :laugh:


Notice how calm the liberals here are?

Compare that to the constant pants-shitting meltdowns of the Trump cult.

The Trump cultists know how senile Trump is, and how sharp Biden is. They know how badly they're going to lose. They know they can't stop it.

See you in November, Trump cult losers.

And know that everyone is laughing at you.
Notice how calm the liberals here are?

Compare that to the constant pants-shitting meltdowns of the Trump cult.

The Trump cultists know how senile Trump is, and how sharp Biden is. They know how badly they're going to lose. They know they can't stop it.

See you in November, Trump cult losers.

And know that everyone is laughing at you.

Biden is not afraid to ride in an Electric Boat
Trump is a cowardly Girly Man

WATCH: Biden Camp Panics, Demands Social Media Censor

‘Out of Context’ Video of Joe Biden Wandering Off at G7 Summit –

Then a Longer Clip Emerges and It’s Much Worse

14 Jun 2024 ~~ By Cristina Laila

The Biden camp is in full-blown panic mode after a video of Biden wandering away from the G7 group went viral.
The Democrat-media complex is going into full damage control to protect Joe Biden.
The left-wing media claimed conservative media sites shared a viral clip of Biden without context.
The longer video clip of doddering Joe is even more horrifying.

Biden campaign spox Adrienne Elrod called the viral video of Joe Biden wandering off “disinformation” and demanded “social media platforms” censor it.
Of course, Joe Biden wants to censor and silence conservative media.
Joe Biden counted on social media to censor Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell in October 2020 shortly before the presidential election.

Sorry folks Democrats are openly abusing this poor man. Biden should be at his Delawar home napping in his easy chair.
Does anyone really think the Democrats are going to put this man on stage with Trump for a debate? If they pump Biden full of drugs it would probably kill the guy and would be unlikely to make him coherent or in a state where he looked well in front of a camera. The debate will either be canceled or its the end of Biden's bid for a second term.
See also: The Biden issue that won’t go away - Washington Examiner

Meanwhile, Biden is putting up billboards on Trump being a convicted felon.
Yep!, the same tactic used by China and the Soviets.
Totalitarians not only convict their dissidents of fictitious crimes, when that doesn't work, the assassinate them.
Are you now claiming Joey Xi and his merry neo-marxists are emulating their Marxist idols?
Here's more on the subject.

How do you like your crow served?
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