Hillary Clinton and her supporters 'drop a nuke' on the DNC convention!

Why this obsession with him numbering his houses?

See, this is the sour grapes commies roll in. He has more than you, and you don't think he should. I'm sure you're all for grabbing torches and marching on them, and taking what you like and burning the rest, just like most commies.....because he doesn't feel like he needs to number each and every one and register it with your officious ass.

He said the basic foundation of our economy is strong. There is a real disconnect between what he says and what people are feeling out here allie baby. Now we know why. He's an elitest. He can't relate to us.

Obama has one home and a mortgage on that home. Who can better relate to the average working man, Obama or McCain?

And why did he hesitate? Is he too old and forgetful or is he hiding something?

No, I don't want to take his houses. I just want to know if the big Bush tax break paid for his 8th house. Because here we are struggling to pay our bills because inflation went up and Cindy and John are living it up!!!

How many homes do you own Alliebaby?
I doubt that.

McCain has few skeletons. That's the beauty of being in the public eye for two decades. It's the same reason Hillary was the better candidate. All their closets have been aired dry. The public knows what they need to know, and they've mostly long forgotten about it.

When you run the new guy, all the skeletons come out during the campaign, and it doesn't sit well.

I doubt this story is true, either. But, we'll see. He seems to make a good argument.
McCain has few skeletons. That's the beauty of being in the public eye for two decades. It's the same reason Hillary was the better candidate. All their closets have been aired dry. The public knows what they need to know, and they've mostly long forgotten about it.

When you run the new guy, all the skeletons come out during the campaign, and it doesn't sit well.

I doubt this story is true, either. But, we'll see. He seems to make a good argument.

The GOP had a freakin arsenal ready for Hillary. Don't kid yourself on that one. From the "under sniper fire" lie to that cackle laugh of hers. She'd be getting swiftboated too.

I can't wait for Biden to be announced the VP. Obama needs a bulldog cause he's too nice.

So who's McCain's vp pick going to be? He had his nomination wrapped up long before Obama did. What is McCain waiting for? Oh, he's even playing politics with his VP choice? So it all depends on who Obama picks?

Obama must be a pretty important guy if you are picking your VP based on who he picks.

And this Obama story doesn't have to be true. Just like all the other lies about Obama. Add them all up and Obama is going to be a question mark for a lot of racist ignorant people.

Bravo on getting this story out. Doesn't have to be true to cost Obama votes. As long as it MIGHT be true.

Did you hear McCain didn't adopt that black kid of his? He fathered that kid. And that's why Cindy got hooked on Oxycotton.
The GOP had a freakin arsenal ready for Hillary. Don't kid yourself on that one. From the "under sniper fire" lie to that cackle laugh of hers. She'd be getting swiftboated too.

They had nothing new for Hillary. She's been through it all before. She survived. Polls still show her beating McCain by a larger margin than Obama, and she's been out of this race for four months.

I can't wait for Biden to be announced the VP. Obama needs a bulldog cause he's too nice.

I can't wait either. Hillary supporters hate Biden, so they'll skate right over to McCain.

Bravo on getting this story out. Doesn't have to be true to cost Obama votes. As long as it MIGHT be true.

At least if the court finds it false, Obamanites will have something to fire back with. Right now, you got nothing.

Did you hear McCain didn't adopt that black kid of his? He fathered that kid. And that's why Cindy got hooked on Oxycotton.

Nor do I.

Clinton supporters will separate from him like oil and vinegar.

Aren't the GOP trying to get Barr off the ballot? Fuck Hillary supporters. They'll fall in line. By the way, where have those two been lately?
Aren't the GOP trying to get Barr off the ballot? Fuck Hillary supporters. They'll fall in line. By the way, where have those two been lately?

Wait, by "those two" do you mean Bill and Hill, or are you joking that Hillary only has two supporters?
Wait, by "those two" do you mean Bill and Hill, or are you joking that Hillary only has two supporters?

Joking that she has 2 supporters. But seriously, most of the people who showed up to vote for Hillary were Republicans. Notice how her popularity went way up after MCcain clinched the nomination? Remember she started winning late?

The GOP voters had nothing better to do than show up and try to get Hillary nominated, because they know she is the most polarizing and she has the most negative rating of all the candidates.

Rush was pushing his listeners to do this.
So they say.:eusa_eh:

well, you know, it's that whole military thing.. to them, it makes up for the fact that he was 5 from the bottom of his class, where he was born, what positions he takes, yadda, yadda.....

unless of course, the military guy is a dem, then suddenly military service doesn't matter... (Kerry, Murtha)...
But seriously, most of the people who showed up to vote for Hillary were Republicans.

I can't tell you how wrong that is. If that were the case, the number of people voting in the Republican primaries would have been dramatically less, and it wasn't.

Plus, Clinton received more votes in the primaries than Obama did anyway. :)
I can't tell you how wrong that is. If that were the case, the number of people voting in the Republican primaries would have been dramatically less, and it wasn't.

Plus, Clinton received more votes in the primaries than Obama did anyway. :)

actually, it WAS dramatically less....
I can't tell you how wrong that is. If that were the case, the number of people voting in the Republican primaries would have been dramatically less, and it wasn't.

Plus, Clinton received more votes in the primaries than Obama did anyway. :)

only if you use her fuzzy math.

btw, why the dislike of biden?
I can't tell you how wrong that is. If that were the case, the number of people voting in the Republican primaries would have been dramatically less, and it wasn't.

Plus, Clinton received more votes in the primaries than Obama did anyway. :)

Who was voting in the GOP primaries after McCain clinched the nomination?

Did you see that I said AFTER McCain got the nomination?

They had NOTHING better to do than fuck with the democratic ticket.

And again, yes, with the help of the GOP that wanted to run against her and not Obama, yes, with their help, she almost tied Obama in votes.

The only way Hillary got more votes is if you count Michigan and give her EVERY VOTE from Michigan and Florida. And you know that's not reality..

Anyways, did you hear that McCain doesn't know how many houses he has? And he thinks $5million a year income is rich. So out of touch.

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