Interesting read- small west Texas town hits the big time- sorta


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I call west Texas home, where I "came of age" kinda- what I remember about Marfa isn't much except it was old and situated in a pretty unique geographical location-

A Battle for the Soul of Marfa

That the town, Marfa, happens to be the unlikeliest of global art capitals and hipster hangouts is due in large part to the persistence and generosity of, well, Tim Crowley. Since arriving in the nineties he has been buying promising if decrepit buildings and turning them into showpieces. “When I first moved here there was one hill you could get cell service on,” he tells me, a bit nostalgically. Crowley turned an old feed store into the Crowley Theater, which hosts, free of charge, everything from local kids in cowboy costumes riding stick horses to the tune of “Texas, Our Texas” to live performances by John Waters or Sissy Spacek. “I couldn’t do this in Houston,” Crowley says.

I can see both sides of the argument though I don't care for artsy fartsy types I don't care what they're selling or how they act- they're weird. Period. That's not saying anything negative about them having a haven, so to speak, but they seem to infect more than add to a culture no matter where they reside-

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