Interesting "twist" on the mystery of Trump's tax returns

he FBI has already declared there is no connection between Trump and Russia - no collusion

That's "old news".....From last month and this month

U.S. Spy Agencies, FBI Probing Trump Team’s Russia Calls, Officials Say

CIA providing raw intelligence as Trump-Russia probes heat up

Congress has entered a new phase in its investigation.
03/07/17 01:50 PM EST
Updated 03/07/17 07:17 PM EST
CIA providing raw intelligence as Trump-Russia probes heat up
Thanks for admitting it happened based off of Obama's 'Russia' lie....

Don't worry Easy, I will be here to give you a hug when Russia Gate comes crashing down on the Russian-wingers...:laugh:
Not the same now is it?

There is a clearly defined standard that your man refuses.


Every, single, candidate for forty plus years has disclosed.

Why not?

Do you suppose that may be problematic at best?

Your guy loves ambiguity. The voters do not.
Congress is finding it increasingly difficult to stand by your man.

Why are you double-spacing your posts instead of answering my question....who gave the NYTimes Trump's past returns?
Don't worry Easy, I will be here to give you a hug when Russia Gate comes crashing down on the Russian-wingers...:laugh:

Don't accept....she's got fleas. :lol:


Don't worry Easy, I will be here to give you a hug when Russia Gate comes crashing down on the Russian-wingers...

It has already come crashing down, Eagle:

- NO evidence Russia hacked the election

- NO evidence of a connection / collusion between Trump and Russia ACCORDING TO THE FBI

- NO evidence of illegal / inappropriate contact with Russians by Flynn; however, he was politically assassinated.

- NO evidence of criminal activity by Sessions - attempted DNC political assassination failed

- No hacking of the election by Russia means Obama fabricated the story as an excuse to conduct his own 'Watergate' on the GOP Presidential Candidate during the election, spying on Trump

- Obama illegally collected personal info on Trump and his team, gave it to holdovers in 16 Intel agencies, and they illegally leaked it when Trump became President...meaning Obama facilitated the illegal leaks

- Democrats resurrected one-sided partisan 'McCarthyism' against Trump and his team only to have it blow up in their faces:

32 Democrats met with Russians

2 Lied about it before Congress

1 met with Putin

1 has a history of exchanging gifts with Russian Ambassadors

Hillary's friend / adviser / campaign manager (Podedta) was taking millions from the Russians during the campaign to lobby against US sanctions against Russia

Bill Clinton was getting million dollar speaking gigs during the campaign from businesses owned by ex-KGB

And Hillary declared she would not stop taking money from foreign govts / entities UNTIL SHE WON THE PRESIDENCY

It HAS all cone crashing down, Eagle - the Fake Russian hacking narrative, the fake Trump collusion narrative, the fake Trump team Russia narrative, Obama's illegal acts - collecting info and election political spying, Podesta selling out to Russia while guiding Hillary's campaign, Hillary selling out to foreign nations, Bill selling out to ex-Russian KGB, Democrats hypocritically meeting with and exchanging gifts with Russians...

It's all been exposed...

...and if you need a hug, don't ask me for one.
...and because there is no hacking, no Russia-gate...this thread begging for Trump's taxes again, is one of the dumbest ever posted on USMB...
The NYTimes already leaked some of his past returns....where did they get them and from who?

I believe that this "illustrious" president was at one time forced to disclose his tax returns if he wanted to get a NJ casino owner license......Want to venture a guess on how much he paid in taxes then?
Trump should challenge an entity with the resources to do so, that if he releases his returns and there are no business dealings of any kind with Russia, then THEY pay whatever amount he might where your yapping mouth is kind of deal.
Or just STFU and do what everyone for 40+ years has done and just release them.

He is the only one.

Why are they all so much better at this this than him?


I always vote based on tax returns.

It's part of the vetting process for those that would like to be president.

Trump is the only one.
Not the same now is it?

There is a clearly defined standard that your man refuses.


Every, single, candidate for forty plus years has disclosed.

Why not?

Do you suppose that may be problematic at best?

Your guy loves ambiguity. The voters do not.
Congress is finding it increasingly difficult to stand by your man.

Why are you double-spacing your posts instead of answering my question....who gave the NYTimes Trump's past returns?

Why are you avoiding the premise of the thread?

Why is he the only one to not release anything?
Scared just a bit that there may be some links to the Russian banks......LOL

Not at all - they have already found the links to the Russian Banks...but it's not who you think it is, snowflake:

"EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Didn't Register As A 'Foreign Agent' When He Represented A Bank With Ties To Russian Spy Agencies"

"Democratic super lobbyist Tony Podesta failed to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) when he agreed to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank. Sberbank allegedly has close ties to Russia’s intelligence services, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned."

Yeah, the man closest to Hillary during her illegal / un-authorized server scandal and the election was 'spying' / lobbying for the Russians without identifying himself as a 'Foreign "lobbyist) Agent'.

Shit is starting to hit the fan for Democrats, and it would not have happened if Obama and the Democrats would not have pushed their lies about Trump and Russia!

Well done, snowflakes!

EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Didn’t Register As A ‘Foreign Agent’ When He Represented A Bank With Ties To Russian Spy Agencies

Scared just a bit that there may be some links to the Russian banks......LOL

Not at all - they have already found the links to the Russian Banks...but it's not who you think it is, snowflake:

"EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Didn't Register As A 'Foreign Agent' When He Represented A Bank With Ties To Russian Spy Agencies"

"Democratic super lobbyist Tony Podesta failed to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) when he agreed to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank. Sberbank allegedly has close ties to Russia’s intelligence services, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned."

Yeah, the man closest to Hillary during her illegal / un-authorized server scandal and the election was 'spying' / lobbying for the Russians without identifying himself as a 'Foreign "lobbyist) Agent'.

Shit is starting to hit the fan for Democrats, and it would not have happened if Obama and the Democrats would not have pushed their lies about Trump and Russia!

Well done, snowflakes!

EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Didn’t Register As A ‘Foreign Agent’ When He Represented A Bank With Ties To Russian Spy Agencies


Explain THIS, fuck head......LOL

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son told a real estate conference in 2008, “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
but since our orangy president tells us that he has NO ties at all with Russia, ......

Just a thought....

Here's a thought, dumbass - the FBI has already declared there is no connection between Trump and Russia - no collusion, so WHY do you keep lying and pushing the lie that there might be?!

Do you have a ligit link to the FBI declared no connection...?

The fact that Trump supporters helm the key congressional probes didn’t inspire much confidence, even before it was revealed that they were commenting on the Russia scandal at the behest of the White House. Democrats and even some Republicans have called for a more rigorous investigation, either by a special congressional committee or a special prosecutor.

What We Know About the Investigations Into Trump’s Russia Scandal

Review the interview this past weekend of that paragon of conservative virtue, James Clapper, in which he stated unequivocally that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Explain THIS, fuck head......LOL

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son told a real estate conference in 2008, “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

Esy - Trump is a businessman. The FBI has already declared (links have been provided to you repeatedly) that there is no connection between Trump and Vladimir Putin or the Russians - no collusion of any type. I don't give a flying F* how big of a print, what color, or how bold you put your BS you can't get past THAT!

It's not like Trump took $50k from Ex-KGB Putin buddies to give a speech like Bill Clinton has or like he took $170k from an EX-KGB-run bank that is heavily associated with Putin and Russia's Spy agency like Podesta did (and broke the law by failing to report himself as a Foreign Agent...
Review the interview this past weekend of that paragon of conservative virtue, James Clapper, in which he stated unequivocally that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

true.....and clapper ALSO stated that there was NO doubt that the Russians interfered with our election (and obviously toward helping Trump.......and one wonders WHY)

And Clapper also stated that there was NO evidence that Obama ordered for Trump to be wiretapped.
Explain THIS, fuck head......LOL

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son told a real estate conference in 2008, “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

Esy - Trump is a businessman. The FBI has already declared (links have been provided to you repeatedly) that there is no connection between Trump and Vladimir Putin or the Russians - no collusion of any type. I don't give a flying F* how big of a print, what color, or how bold you put your BS you can't get past THAT!

It's not like Trump took $50k from Ex-KGB Putin buddies to give a speech like Bill Clinton has or like he took $170k from an EX-KGB-run bank that is heavily associated with Putin and Russia's Spy agency like Podesta did (and broke the law by failing to report himself as a Foreign Agent...

Review the interview this past weekend of that paragon of conservative virtue, James Clapper, in which he stated unequivocally that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

true.....and clapper ALSO stated that there was NO doubt that the Russians interfered with our election (and obviously toward helping Trump.......and one wonders WHY)

And Clapper also stated that there was NO evidence that Obama ordered for Trump to be wiretapped.
I'm going to offer a real off-the-wall suggestion I'm sure you haven't considered.

Maybe, just maybe, Clinton was the only one they had dirt on ... they didn't care who won, just that they could fuck with our election.

The Russians published dirt - TRUE dirt - about Clinton. They tried to hack the RNC computer system, and failed. All reliable investigators recognize that Trump had nothing to do with it. i'm not sure how exposing the truth about a candidate can be construed as interfering with our election. We ought to be thanking them - just think what we could have in the White House if they hadn't. Why do you choose to ignore the faults of Clinton in a headlong search for something - anything - on Trump?

You keep WANTING to find something - anything - tying Trump to the Russians, but you got nothing. So, in a desperate attempt to find something - anything - you "demand" his tax returns, just praying that there is something there that can be misconstrued, perverted, twisted, or massaged to look like there is some connection where nothing exists.

I have absolutely no doubt that Obama did NOT order a wiretap --- he ain't that stupid. He would have somebody else do it. It's called plausible deniability.
I always vote based on tax returns.

Well.....maybe not on tax returns.......but colors?

black= bad
Orange= good


I always vote based on tax returns.

Well.....maybe not on tax returns.......but colors?

black= bad
Orange= good


You think I would not vote for a good conservative black president ? You know, the kind you homophobes would call "Uncle Tom".

You'd be wrong.

As I have said many times.....I'll vote for a muslim gay transgendered female if she supports my point of view.

Go jump yourself.

Why do you losers always play the race card.

And then type LOL afterwards ?

You are the only one laughing at your words.

We are simply laughing at you.

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