Interior Department Releases List of Monuments Under Review, Announces First-Ever Public Comment

Can we get rid of the whole thing.......way we are going lame ass Presidents will steal all the open space for govt
We the People own it, Moths. So Presidents who create monuments and parks and wetlands and what nots are not stealing it.
You have a perverted sense of ownership............once Uncle Sam gets his claws in we own nothing.........
Lizardtarian Hymn: "I'd Like to Buy a Koch the World...."

We, the people, are Uncle Sam. That's why we need a democracy and must overthrow this Kochist Republic.
In theory yes.........In Practice No you are not.....simply by looking around and seeing how much we are being ruled against our will by those elected and more so by bureaucrats you never see.....
The Constitution Shields the Deep State

When the Founding Fodder wrote, behind closed doors in the Convention Hall, "We, the people," they meant only themselves: "We, the people hired by the 1% to come up with a scheme to create an American House of Lords."
I stand by my comment that no one person should be able to declare a Monument in this country and take land with a stroke of a single pen.

I will go further than needing House and Senate approval. Should be voted on by the people. If it's worth it's salt it will get passed.
I stand by my comment that no one person should be able to declare a Monument in this country and take land with a stroke of a single pen.

I will go further than needing House and Senate approval. Should be voted on by the people. If it's worth it's salt it will get passed.
We certainly could have an Amendment on this issue, for sure. In the mean time, the present system is what we have and most Americans like it.
Trump is not about cutting costs if he can give Big Business a chance to get at federal lands, yes.
Big Business? How about Trump Organization. If that man "frees up" some federal land and a Trump-owned facility ends up on it, that would irk me. Of course, we won't likely know for some time after Trump's POTUS tenure whether that'll happen.

The fact of the matter is that Trump's business directly, not indirectly, profits from his use of one of the levers of production -- land. There is no shortage of ways, as POTUS, he and his family of "advisors" cannot exploit information that comes his way and to which his competitors have no access. That his company is privately held merely "add fuel to the fire" of malfeasant opportunity.

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