Invention of the Jewish people


Silver Member
Aug 27, 2010
In his book, The Invention of the Jewish People, Shlomo Sand believes "that the Jewish people never existed as a ‘nation-race’ with a common origin, but rather is a colorful mix of groups that at various stages in history adopted the Jewish religion. He argues that for a number of Zionist ideologues, the mythical perception of the Jews as an ancient people led to truly racist thinking."

"One component of Sand's argument is that the people who were the original Jews living in Israel, contrary to what is official, accepted history, were not exiled following the Bar Kokhba revolt. He has suggested that much of the present day world Jewish population are individuals, and groups, who converted to Judaism at later periods. Additionally, he suggests that the story of the exile was a myth promoted by early Christians to recruit Jews to the new faith. Sand writes that "Christians wanted later generations of Jews to believe that their ancestors had been exiled as a punishment from God." Sand argues that most of the Jews were not exiled by the Romans, and were permitted to remain in the country. He puts the number of those exiled at tens of thousands at most. He further argues that many of the Jews converted to Islam following the Arab conquest, and were assimilated among the conquerors. He concludes that the progenitors of the Palestinians were Jews."

So the Palestinians who today are being dispossessed by the Zionists are descended from the original 'tribes of Israel' - OMG how bad must this make the American and Russian immigrants feel??? :eek:

LOL, Shlomo Sand's book has been destroyed.

Financial Times...
From its splashy title on, Shlomo Sand means his book to be provocative, which it certainly is, though possibly not in the way he intends. Its real challenge to the reader is separating the presentation of truisms as though they were revolutionary illuminations and the relentless beating on doors that have long been open, from passages of intellectual sharpness and learning.

Sand’s self-dramatising attack in The Invention of the Jewish People is directed against those who assume, uncritically, that all Jews are descended lineally from the single racial stock of ancient Hebrews – a position no one who has thought for a minute about the history of the Jews would dream of taking.Shortened, please use copyright policy of FT...Care.
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So the Palestinians who today are being dispossessed by the Zionists are descended from the original 'tribes of Israel' - OMG how bad must this make the American and Russian immigrants feel???

These Palestinians, who are an invention?

Former PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen...
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Palestinians" who dispossessed themselves in trying to commit another Jewish Holocaust...
Middle East historian Benny Morris, "1948"...
"The Palestinian Arabs were not responsible in some bizarre way for what befell them in 1948. Their responsibility was very direct and simple.

In defiance of the will of the international community, as embodied in the UN General Assembly Resolution of November 29th, 1947 (No. 181), they launched hostilities against the Jewish community in Palestine in the hope of aborting the emergence of the Jewish state and perhaps destroying that community. But they lost; and one of the results was the displacement of 700,000 of them from their homes.

on the local level, in dozens of localities around Palestine, Arab leaders advised or ordered the evacuation of women and children or whole communities, as occurred in Haifa in late April, 1948. And Haifa's Jewish mayor, Shabtai Levy, did, on April 22nd, plead with them to stay, to no avail.

Most of Palestine's 700,000 "refugees" fled their homes because of the flail of war (and in the expectation that they would shortly return to their homes on the backs of victorious Arab invaders). But it is also true that there were several dozen sites, including Lydda and Ramla, from which Arab communities were expelled by Jewish troops.

The displacement of the 700,000 Arabs who became "refugees" - and I put the term in inverted commas, as two-thirds of them were displaced from one part of Palestine to another and not from their country (which is the usual definition of a refugee) - was not a racist crime but the result of a national conflict and a war, with religious overtones, from the Muslim perspective, launched by the Arabs themselves.There was no Zionist "plan" or blanket policy of evicting the Arab population, or of "ethnic cleansing".
Most european jews are desendents of the Khazars.

They were a large tribe in southern europe who converted to judiasm and have NO connection to ancient Israel.

They are now known as ashkenazi jews.

Modern Israel ismade up of about 90% ashkenazi jews.

Thus to say the jews of Israel have a connection to the land is a fraud and a lie.
LOL, Shlomo Sand's book has been destroyed.

Financial Times...
From its splashy title on, Shlomo Sand means his book to be provocative, which it certainly is, though possibly not in the way he intends. Its real challenge to the reader is separating the presentation of truisms as though they were revolutionary illuminations and the relentless beating on doors that have long been open, from passages of intellectual sharpness and learning.

Sand’s self-dramatising attack in The Invention of the Jewish People is directed against those who assume, uncritically, that all Jews are descended lineally from the single racial stock of ancient Hebrews – a position no one who has thought for a minute about the history of the Jews would dream of taking.
edited, copyright infringement.-care / Books / Non-Fiction - The Invention of the Jewish People

I notice Sharma doesn't take on the idea that many of the descendants of the original Jewish Palestinians are the current Palestinians who are daily being dispossessed by the Israeli apartheid statelet???
I notice Sharma doesn't take on the idea that many of the descendants of the original Jewish Palestinians are the current Palestinians who are daily being dispossessed by the Israeli apartheid statelet???

The lengths to which anti-semitic trash will go to try to delegitimize jews and israel is really beyond comprehension.

i bet you sleep with your copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Piece of garbage.

There is no such historical entity as palestinians. there were bedouins.
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Most european jews are desendents of the Khazars. ...
Arab drivel. But that's understandable - being major immigrants and descendants thereof, palistaininans have to denigrade jews, that's what they do, it's their occupation.
Just google Khazars.

It a historical fact that can be found in any history book. :cool:

Allah is most wise, Muhammadan.

Quran 5:20-21...
Remember Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Recall in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.
Most european jews are desendents of the Khazars. ...
Arab drivel. But that's understandable - being major immigrants and descendants thereof, palistaininans have to denigrade jews, that's what they do, it's their occupation.
Just google Khazars.

It a historical fact that can be found in any history book. :cool:

It is a historical fact that Jews have existed for at least 4 thousand years.

Palestinians, not so much.

Former PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen...
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I notice Sharma doesn't take on the idea that many of the descendants of the original Jewish Palestinians are the current Palestinians who are daily being dispossessed by the Israeli apartheid statelet???

The lengths to which anti-semitic trash will go to try to delegitimize jews and israel is really beyond comprehension.

i bet you sleep with your copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Piece of garbage.

There is no such historical entity as palestinians. there were bedouins.

So does that mean you dont believe that modern Palestinians are the descendents of the biblical jews, I find it quite plausable.

The bedouins are still there as well as the Palestinian people; why are you so fixated on trash and garbage, you should calm down or you'll get HBP :eusa_eh:
It is a historical fact that Jews have existed for at least 4 thousand years.

Mankind has existed for 40,000 years, 4,000 is not that impressive. Also the Jews of 4,000 years ago were pagans who had many gods, yahwey was their god of war...(!) There were also other people living alongside them: the Philistines (ancient Palestinians) and other goyim. :eusa_eh:
I notice Sharma doesn't take on the idea that many of the descendants of the original Jewish Palestinians are the current Palestinians who are daily being dispossessed by the Israeli apartheid statelet???

The lengths to which anti-semitic trash will go to try to delegitimize jews and israel is really beyond comprehension.

i bet you sleep with your copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Piece of garbage.

There is no such historical entity as palestinians. there were bedouins.

So does that mean you dont believe that modern Palestinians are the descendents of the biblical jews, I find it quite plausable.

The bedouins are still there as well as the Palestinian people; why are you so fixated on trash and garbage, you should calm down or you'll get HBP :eusa_eh:

Philistines (ancient Palestinians) and other goyim. :eusa_eh:

Er, wrong, moron. Philistines were Aegean, not Arab. Open a book.

There are no ancient Palestinians. Arabs first began calling themselves "Palestinians" in 1967, you dumb cluck.


Arab Azmi Bishara...
Well, I dont think there is a Palestinian nation at all. I think there is an Arab nation. I always thought so and I did not change my mind. I do not think there is a Palestinian nation, I think its a colonialist invention - Palestinian nation. When were there any Palestinians? Where did it come from? I think there is an Arab nation. I never turned to be a Palestinian nationalist, despite of my decisive struggle against the occupation. I think that until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the south of Greater Syria.
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Philistines (ancient Palestinians) and other goyim. :eusa_eh:

Er, wrong, moron. Philistines were Aegean, not Arab. Open a book.

There are no ancient Palestinians. Arabs first began calling themselves "Palestinians" in 1967, you dumb cluck.


Arab Azmi Bishara...
Well, I dont think there is a Palestinian nation at all. I think there is an Arab nation. I always thought so and I did not change my mind. I do not think there is a Palestinian nation, I think its a colonialist invention - Palestinian nation. When were there any Palestinians? Where did it come from? I think there is an Arab nation. I never turned to be a Palestinian nationalist, despite of my decisive struggle against the occupation. I think that until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the south of Greater Syria.

Davis explains, "I don’t describe myself as a Palestinian Jew, I actually happen to be a Palestinian Jew, I was born in Jerusalem in 1943 in a country called Palestine and the title of my birth certificate is 'Government of Palestine'. ~ Uri Davis

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