Investigation into links between Russia and the 2016 Trump


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2020
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said on Sunday he has had to coordinate with U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the investigation into links between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign and plans to declassify "additional documents" soon. Witness to be grilled include, Joe and Huneter Biden, Comney , Clapper, Loretta Lynch Both Hillary and Bill Clinton, and more Democrats, Your thoughts
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
A nobody, that nobody knew existed....

Glad he's admitting it!
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
The Trump crime family associates had better hope it never becomes possible to prosecute federal officials for doing their jobs.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Precisely, and predictable...with Trump n team....
Thus the "timing" of all of this...
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
The Trump crime family associates had better hope it never becomes possible to prosecute federal officials for doing their jobs.
Falsifying email evidence and FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposition party is not "doing their jobs". It is a political scandal.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
The Trump crime family associates had better hope it never becomes possible to prosecute federal officials for doing their jobs.
Falsifying email evidence and FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposition party is not "doing their jobs". It is a political scandal.
You can't have strict rules for everyone except Trump and his buddies. There is no way on earth any top official of the Trump administration could stand up under the same standards you wish to apply to the Obama "deep state".
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
The Trump crime family associates had better hope it never becomes possible to prosecute federal officials for doing their jobs.
Falsifying email evidence and FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposition party is not "doing their jobs". It is a political scandal.
You can't have strict rules for everyone except Trump and his buddies. There is no way on earth any top official of the Trump administration could stand up under the same standards you wish to apply to the Obama "deep state".

You replied but didn't address the statement made above. How is falsifying emails and FISA warrants in order to ILLEGALLY spy on the opposition party "doing their job?"
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.

You must be completely ignorant to the facts to come to this conclusion. The Obama administration weaponized many federal agencies. It is clear to ANYONE who has been paying attention and is not indoctrination to think otherwise. If you gave the known facts to any 1/2 way intelligent person outside the US who knows nothing about US politics the facts we have at this point regarding the origins of the Russian probe(dirty dossier paid for by Clinton, the falsifying of emails, illegally spying), the plethora of biased text messages coming from the supposedly non-partisan lead investigators, the already proven IRS scandal, the 97 negative media coverage, misrepresentations and flat out lies about Trump, etc., they would conclude the left is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
The Trump crime family associates had better hope it never becomes possible to prosecute federal officials for doing their jobs.
Falsifying email evidence and FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposition party is not "doing their jobs". It is a political scandal.
You can't have strict rules for everyone except Trump and his buddies. There is no way on earth any top official of the Trump administration could stand up under the same standards you wish to apply to the Obama "deep state".

You replied but didn't address the statement made above. How is falsifying emails and FISA warrants in order to ILLEGALLY spy on the opposition party "doing their job?"
What's to address? Some guy no one ever heard of pled out to a charge he will never serve time for. It's hardly a conspiracy against Trump and more likely just sloppy work. The "deep state" Trump speaks of is really just what he says when he is fighting against the rule of law and the limits of his power. Seriously. All this stuff will go away the very second it is no longer needed.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.

You must be completely ignorant to the facts to come to this conclusion. The Obama administration weaponized many federal agencies. It is clear to ANYONE who has been paying attention and is not indoctrination to think otherwise. If you gave the known facts to any 1/2 way intelligent person outside the US who knows nothing about US politics the facts we have at this point regarding the origins of the Russian probe(dirty dossier paid for by Clinton, the falsifying of emails, illegally spying), the plethora of biased text messages coming from the supposedly non-partisan lead investigators, the already proven IRS scandal, the 97 negative media coverage, misrepresentations and flat out lies about Trump, etc., they would conclude the left is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
Is it going to be a bad thing when Trump does it all for real right out in the open? Not for you. Hack.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
The Trump crime family associates had better hope it never becomes possible to prosecute federal officials for doing their jobs.
Falsifying email evidence and FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposition party is not "doing their jobs". It is a political scandal.
You can't have strict rules for everyone except Trump and his buddies. There is no way on earth any top official of the Trump administration could stand up under the same standards you wish to apply to the Obama "deep state".
Trump and his buddies? You mean the guys who were illegally spied on and "perjury trapped"?
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles. Now his financial records are under review for wrongdoing by NY, ok.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
A nobody, that nobody knew existed....

Glad he's admitting it!

Really? He was a very high up lawyer at the FBI and one of Mueller's lawyers during his probe. I'd say that's more than a nobody. Literally one of the lawyers digging into Trump and Russia that was supposed to be a "non biased" probe has pled guilty to altering documents to make Trump look guilty.

And from the left we hear crickets.
I think any investigation into the "deep state" is a sham that will never produce a single valid indictment. All Trump needs out of all this is the appearance that he fighting something that really does not exist. Turns out conspiracy theories do not hold up in court.
Barr and Durham are 1-0. Stay tuned for more indictments.
The Trump crime family associates had better hope it never becomes possible to prosecute federal officials for doing their jobs.
Falsifying email evidence and FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposition party is not "doing their jobs". It is a political scandal.
You can't have strict rules for everyone except Trump and his buddies. There is no way on earth any top official of the Trump administration could stand up under the same standards you wish to apply to the Obama "deep state".

You replied but didn't address the statement made above. How is falsifying emails and FISA warrants in order to ILLEGALLY spy on the opposition party "doing their job?"
What's to address? Some guy no one ever heard of pled out to a charge he will never serve time for. It's hardly a conspiracy against Trump and more likely just sloppy work. The "deep state" Trump speaks of is really just what he says when he is fighting against the rule of law and the limits of his power. Seriously. All this stuff will go away the very second it is no longer needed.
Intentionally falsifying documents is "sloppy work"?

You need to up your game.

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