Investigations into USS Cole, Beiut Masscra and Christine Logan


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2009
Oh wait, they weren't carried out by Jews. Therefore their deaths don't matter to patriots. Never mind. (Hey MikeK, spit on their graves. Hypocrite.)
Why does Rachel Corrie's thread garner 3,000 hits, and Christine Logan only 6? And why did Rachel Corrie's name pop up when the topic was the USS Liberty? Those were 2 different incidents, under 2 very different circumstances. Answer to both questions: Anti-Semitism. At least the posters who write, "let the Jews and Muslims kill each other off" aren't rabid anti-Semites.
I haven't checked the date of the OP; however, I think Rachel's thread is nearly one year old.

Rachel and Liberty are examples of US citizens dying at the hands of Israelis without any meaningful susequent investigations. It doesn't look too likely Christine was murdered by Jews, and you can be sure her killers will be actively sought, at least.

Anti-Semitism also functions to cover crimes committed by elite Jews and Arabs around the world.

There's no shortage of rich Arabs, Christians and Jews getting rich from the violence that was guaranteed by creating a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil.

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