Zone1 Humanity and Jesus

No. That is your conclusion based on your own understanding of what was presented.

Love is not something God does. Love is who he is.

No, religion does not give love anymore than philosophy gives love. Religion gives guidance in living one's life.

I don't think anyone could take "“I have decided to destroy all living creatures, for they have filled the earth with violence. Yes, I will wipe them all out along with the earth!" and read "I love little bunnies and flowers and I want to dance in the wind naked... do you?

How else would you interpret this sentence without ignoring it?

If God is love then a punch in the face is love.

Guidance? Like, go kill people.
The problem is, if we learned one thing, then we dropped it and now we think it's ridiculous and now we think something else, maybe it's all made up.

What evidence is there that it's true?

We can go through all the saints to find out how made up all their sainthood malarkey was.

I could pick a random saint and it'd show you just how flimsy the "evidence" is. To the point that it's almost a joke.

We used to have multiple Gods, some still do. Why?
The spiritual realm is beyond evidence, and evidence is a trait of the physical realm. People who explored the ocean had to let go of land. People who explore what is spiritual have to let go of evidence which requires something to be physically measured. Just as we let go of land to explore oceans, we let go of evidence to explore the spiritual. We can, however, still use logic and reasoning.
The Bible says don't test God. Perfect. How to stop people thinking for themselves. Accept what I say. Blasphemy, the perfect way of shutting people up.
Is it blasphemy to tell people not to bother to give math tests to their pets? Of course not. It is advising them of a simple reality. Sure, people can still waste time trying to get their pets to take a math test, but isn't there better ways to spend time?
Yes, I'm looking at what YOU PEOPLE, Christians, say about God. You've got a book about it. I can look at your book and I can poke a million holes into the book, into the arguments.

But not arriving or listening to the same conclusions, also arrived at through reasoning and logic. This is why the Bible/religion is useful to many, but not to all.
I don't think anyone could take "“I have decided to destroy all living creatures, for they have filled the earth with violence. Yes, I will wipe them all out along with the earth!" and read "I love little bunnies and flowers and I want to dance in the wind naked... do you?
Again, that is how you are reading the modern English through the lens of modern Western culture. Try the original language through the lens of Biblical cultures.
The spiritual realm is beyond evidence, and evidence is a trait of the physical realm. People who explored the ocean had to let go of land. People who explore what is spiritual have to let go of evidence which requires something to be physically measured. Just as we let go of land to explore oceans, we let go of evidence to explore the spiritual. We can, however, still use logic and reasoning.

Rather convenient, don't you think.

A) You can't test God
B) It's beyond evidence

It's all been set up in a way that so people can't fight back. The control and power is there for those who have it, and you're not allowed to say otherwise.

Just like dictators use to keep their populations in control in the modern day.

I'm using logic and reasoning, but you're telling me I'm wrong.
Is it blasphemy to tell people not to bother to give math tests to their pets? Of course not. It is advising them of a simple reality. Sure, people can still waste time trying to get their pets to take a math test, but isn't there better ways to spend time?

I don't get this post. Why would you give a math test to your pets?
But not arriving or listening to the same conclusions, also arrived at through reasoning and logic. This is why the Bible/religion is useful to many, but not to all.

Of course not. Because I'm using logic, you're using something else. Something that says "don't test God" and "don't go against this thinking".

The Bible has been used to control people for a very long time. Often they had services in Latin so the common folk couldn't understand what was even being said. People couldn't read. Control and power.

But now people can read, and can look at what is written, but the powers that be will try and push certain aspects of the Bible and ignore others. The right wingers push the anti-gay part, but don't push the anti-cheating on your spouse.

They wouldn't vote for Trump if he were gay. But they will vote for him when he cheated on all his wives.

Have you ever thought about getting to know Jesus, focusing on his humanity? For example, what is his favorite color? On a modern outdoor patio, would he choose the recliner or the hanging egg chair? If he picked a garden flower, which would he choose, which herb would he choose to pluck and sniff? What's his favorite Johnny Cash song, does he prefer badminton or pickle ball? (Remember, being fully human, he has preferences.) Which (non-religious) item would catch his attention in your home? Do you ever think of Jesus in these terms?

There is no Magical/Mystical/Mythical Sky Man and his Bastard Son never existed.
Again, that is how you are reading the modern English through the lens of modern Western culture. Try the original language through the lens of Biblical cultures.

Here's what I've found.

"13 And God said to Noah, "The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth has become full of robbery because of them, and behold I am destroying them from the earth."

"The end of all flesh has come before Me" "and behold I am destroying them from the earth."

Doesn't look promising, does it? Still looks like "genocidal maniac"

"God said to all flesh, that the earth is full of flesh, and that the earth is destroyed:"

This is a translation app, seems to say it's destroying Earth.

ק֤ץ כל־בשר֙ seems to say "end all meat" or "kill everyone"

You're saying it means something different. I don't think so.
Rather convenient, don't you think.

A) You can't test God
B) It's beyond evidence

It's all been set up in a way that so people can't fight back. The control and power is there for those who have it, and you're not allowed to say otherwise.

Just like dictators use to keep their populations in control in the modern day.

I'm using logic and reasoning, but you're telling me I'm wrong.
No, I'm not telling you anything, merely observing. You can test God all you want, I'm merely pointing out its fruitless. Spinning one's wheels isn't the best way to move out of a rut. Next, why do you want to fight back and who are you fighting with anyway? Finally, you are not being controlled, but being assured of freedom.
I don't get this post. Why would you give a math test to your pets?
Why would you test any being that is beyond all tests? It makes more sense to give a math test to a pet than to give God a test.
No, I'm not telling you anything, merely observing. You can test God all you want, I'm merely pointing out its fruitless. Spinning one's wheels isn't the best way to move out of a rut. Next, why do you want to fight back and who are you fighting with anyway? Finally, you are not being controlled, but being assured of freedom.

It's fruitless because there is no God?

"you are not being controlled, but being assured of freedom."

That doesn't make sense. God doesn't provide freedom.
Why would you test any being that is beyond all tests? It makes more sense to give a math test to a pet than to give God a test.

Why would humans create a fictional character, and then make the rules that it cannot be tested?

So you can't figure out that it's fictional, of course.

It's the perfect way of controlling people.
Of course not. Because I'm using logic, you're using something else. Something that says "don't test God" and "don't go against this thinking".

The Bible has been used to control people for a very long time. Often they had services in Latin so the common folk couldn't understand what was even being said. People couldn't read. Control and power.

But now people can read, and can look at what is written, but the powers that be will try and push certain aspects of the Bible and ignore others. The right wingers push the anti-gay part, but don't push the anti-cheating on your spouse.

They wouldn't vote for Trump if he were gay. But they will vote for him when he cheated on all his wives.

I'm using faculties of observation, what I have observed, what people of the Bible observed.

Who has used the Bible to control you, and in what way were you controlled? I'm curious.

Keep in mind Latin was once the common language which is why Latin was widely used.

While some do, most are bored by the sexual peccadilloes of others. They're boring. And have nothing to do with national policies. Studying a candidate's sexual habits to decide on how to vote is as practical as studying favorite menu items or choice of houseplants. Some actually study policies and what they hope their candidate will accomplish when it comes to national government. I tend to favor those who want to shrink government over building more of it.
There is no Magical/Mystical/Mythical Sky Man and his Bastard Son never existed.
True. God is not a magician, and his Son is ever existing (note present tense vs past tense).
I'm using faculties of observation, what I have observed, what people of the Bible observed.

Who has used the Bible to control you, and in what way were you controlled? I'm curious.

Keep in mind Latin was once the common language which is why Latin was widely used.

While some do, most are bored by the sexual peccadilloes of others. They're boring. And have nothing to do with national policies. Studying a candidate's sexual habits to decide on how to vote is as practical as studying favorite menu items or choice of houseplants. Some actually study policies and what they hope their candidate will accomplish when it comes to national government. I tend to favor those who want to shrink government over building more of it.

No one has used the Bible to control me. I'm not a Christian.

However Christianity was used by the powers that be. The Pope was a VERY POWERFUL DUDE back in the day. Think Henry VIII, he had to separate from the Catholic Church in order to get divorced. The Pope controlled kings.

But let's look at the common man, because, quite frankly, that's who was controlled the most. The best story I have of this is with Edward VII of England. He was having an affair, before he was king, and he was essentially told, "it's okay, as long as the plebs don't find out about it". He was going to become the head of morality, the church that said "don't fuck around when you're married" and that's what he, and a lot of the rich did.

But the whole morality was to keep the poor people in their place. To throw morality at them and hope it worked.

Latin was, once, a common language in Rome. Latin was never a common language in England, for example. But the church used Latin in England for a long time. 70% of all books published in the 15th century were in Latin, a language most people in the 15th century couldn't understand.

People didn't need to understand it. They'd go to church on a Sunday, listen to some Latin and be told by the Priest that they'd go to hell if they did this, that or the other. Why would they need to know how to read the Bible?

Thing is though that SEX is a very important part of politics. We think a dude who's fucking around with someone else is morally inept and shouldn't be running the country. Usually at least.

I couldn't really care less, a man wants to sleep with another consenting adult, I couldn't care less. But the religious right DO CARE. It's important to them.
Here's what I've found.

"13 And God said to Noah, "The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth has become full of robbery because of them, and behold I am destroying them from the earth."

"The end of all flesh has come before Me" "and behold I am destroying them from the earth."

Doesn't look promising, does it? Still looks like "genocidal maniac"

"God said to all flesh, that the earth is full of flesh, and that the earth is destroyed:"

This is a translation app, seems to say it's destroying Earth.

ק֤ץ כל־בשר֙ seems to say "end all meat" or "kill everyone"

You're saying it means something different. I don't think so.
I'm not a fan of going in circles. We already discussed this. God created a good world with good people. By design, goodness, not wickedness will prevail because God is good and wickedness can no more prevail over goodness than darkness can prevail over light. Interesting that some appear to feel that since evil and wickedness cannot survive goodness and love, this makes goodness and love the bad guys.
No one has used the Bible to control me. I'm not a Christian.
Your vision is that billions are or have been controlled by the Bible...and you are that very rare exception. Personally, I've never met anyone controlled by the Bible or any other holy book.
I'm not a fan of going in circles. We already discussed this. God created a good world with good people. By design, goodness, not wickedness will prevail because God is good and wickedness can no more prevail over goodness than darkness can prevail over light. Interesting that some appear to feel that since evil and wickedness cannot survive goodness and love, this makes goodness and love the bad guys.

You wanted to talk about the original meaning. You're not talking about the original meaning.

You don't want circles? Then talk about what I wrote.

You say God is good, the Bible says God isn't good. It's that simple.

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