Iowa deli co-owner caters for Obama visit, but his T-shirt tells another story

Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.
Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.

I disagree. He wore the shirt because he disagrees with what Obama said, and took it personally... As many small business owners have. Obama disrespected him, so I think he is entitled to return the favor... It's called Freedom of speech.
A damn good thing it was for a Democratic event and not a Republican event or he would have been arrested!!!! This is a perfect example of which Party really believes in free speech, the Dems, and which Party only lies about it, the GOP.

Wrongly Arrested Bush Protesters Talk About Their $80K Government Settlement On Hardball | Crooks and Liars

On July 4th, 2004, Jeffery and Nicole Rank attended an public Independence Day event in Charleston, WV where President Bush was to speak. Despite the fact that the event was open to the public and was held on public land, the Ranks were arrested for wearing anti-Bush t-shirts. On Monday's "Hardball" the couple told their astonishing story of being arrested, the charges that were filed against them and eventually dropped and why they decided to sue the United States government -- a suit they thankfully won.

Secret White House Manual: How to Stop Anti-Bush T-Shirts - ABC News

The settlement, in which the government admitted no wrongdoing, came after the disclosure of an allegedly "sensitive" Presidential Advance Manual, which laid out the White House’s meticulous efforts to protect the president and his public image from dissent. "As a last resort, security should remove the demonstrators from the event," the manual instructs. The government turned over a heavily redacted version of the manual to the ACLU in the course of the lawsuit. The first step to keeping demonstrators out of events, the manual tells the president’s event staff, is to encourage the Secret Service to "ask the local police department to designate a protest area…preferably not in view of the event site or the motorcade route." Watch Brian Ross’ ’04 Investigation on "Good Morning America" Inside the event space, the manual advises, White House advance personnel should preposition "rally squads" that can swarm any protesters at the event and "use their signs and banners as shields between the demonstrators and the main press platform." The rally squads can be formed using "college/young republican organizations, local athletic teams, and fraternities/sororities," the manual notes. The squads can "lead supportive chants to drown out the protesters (USA!, USA!, USA!)," it suggests.
Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.

I disagree. He wore the shirt because he disagrees with what Obama said, and took it personally... As many small business owners have. Obama disrespected him, so I think he is entitled to return the favor... It's called Freedom of speech.

Did I say he shouldn't have the freedom to say whatever he liked?
No, I said it was disrespectful.
First of they guy has freedom of speech, secondly, it was a dumb business decision and three it was disrespectful to the President and the office he holds.
Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.

I disagree. He wore the shirt because he disagrees with what Obama said, and took it personally... As many small business owners have. Obama disrespected him, so I think he is entitled to return the favor... It's called Freedom of speech.

Did I say he shouldn't have the freedom to say whatever he liked?
No, I said it was disrespectful.

I think you have to respect a person before you can be disrespectful to them.
Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.

So exercising free speech to criticize our politicians, one of main reasons we have free speech, is something that is disrespectful and shouldnt be done?
Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.

So exercising free speech to criticize our politicians, one of main reasons we have free speech, is something that is disrespectful and shouldnt be done?

Criticize politicians all you want, I never said it shouldn't be done. I saying if I was serving or making lunch for say George W Bush I wouldn't wear a t shirt attacking him.
I am not saying I would never wear the t shirt or I would never attack him. I am saying I would have enough respect to not do at that moment.
But I do love how some are trying to say I want to limit this man's freedom of speech.
I disagree. He wore the shirt because he disagrees with what Obama said, and took it personally... As many small business owners have. Obama disrespected him, so I think he is entitled to return the favor... It's called Freedom of speech.

Did I say he shouldn't have the freedom to say whatever he liked?
No, I said it was disrespectful.

I think you have to respect a person before you can be disrespectful to them.
My point is obviously missed by people like you.
Did I say he shouldn't have the freedom to say whatever he liked?
No, I said it was disrespectful.

I think you have to respect a person before you can be disrespectful to them.
My point is obviously missed by people like you.

Your 'point' makes it hard for you to wear a hat. Obama has spent 3 1/2 years disrespecting large swaths of the American public while you cheer him on. For you or ANY liberal to now become the arbiter of respect is ludicrous.
Did I say he shouldn't have the freedom to say whatever he liked?
No, I said it was disrespectful.

I think you have to respect a person before you can be disrespectful to them.
My point is obviously missed by people like you.

Not at all. You are suggesting the guy should be civil. I was suggesting Obama burned that bridge by insulting him publicly for being a small business owner when he said "you didn't build that"... "People like you", indeed.
First of they guy has freedom of speech, secondly, it was a dumb business decision and three it was disrespectful to the President and the office he holds.

It was appropriate because Obama doesn't respect the office he holds and has lowered it worse than Clinton did.
Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.

Garbage, it's the perfect time to show the idiot what you think. It's too late then for them to hire another caterer. Respect is earned, and Obama has earned none.
Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.

But the deli owner is EXACTLY the person Obama was disparaging with his "you didn't built that" comment. He was right to take offense and he was right to use his 15 minutes to tactfully tell Obama to go fuck himself and take his Marxist book learning about free enterprise back to wherever the fuck he came from

That says it all! People who actually work in the private sector, especially those with any bottom line responsibility know how repugnant Obama's remarks were and this Deli owner was clearly offended by Obama's outrageous anti-business remark. It's perfect!

Obama Flufflers and their Context Filter will tell us the polar opposite.

Did you notice the part where it said co owner? The other owner is an Obama supporter and registered democrat.

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