Iran and the Nuclear Bomb

Dude, I have a feeling you'll always be incomplete. This thread is suppose to be about Iran having nukes. Not about religion or foolish babble.
Then provide evidence their program has been weaponized.

The last 3 NIE's, said they haven't.
Look, there is a disconnect here. I am repeating what Netanyahu said. " Iran is 3/4 there. We won't let them get to the finish line. " It doesn't matter if Iran has, or does not have a nearing capability. Israel percieves one.

I presume that Iran will take it to the brink, and then capitulate - with subterfuge no doubt.
Look, there is a disconnect here. I am repeating what Netanyahu said. " Iran is 3/4 there. We won't let them get to the finish line. " It doesn't matter if Iran has, or does not have a nearing capability. Israel percieves one.

I presume that Iran will take it to the brink, and then capitulate - with subterfuge no doubt.
If this is an issue regarding Israeli perception of Iran's program, then the problem is with Israel, not Iran. Why aren't you questioning Israel and demanding that they come up with some proof to back up the things they are claiming? Are you just going to blindly accept everything they say as true? Or think everything they do is okay?

You don't go bombing a country over what you "think" is going on! Not to mention how immoral it is to attack someone that did not attack you first.
This dialog is moot. Israel will not allow Iran to get a nuclear bomb. Prepare for the ramifications of that reality.

A state cannot indefinitely bomb into submission any and all who disagree with them. It doesn't always work, as the US has found out in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. What if a radical government came to power in Pakistan, and those in power there started to make noises about Jews getting out of Palestine? Bomb them also- a country with a nuclear stockpile? How about Saudi Arabia? They could no doubt buy their way into the nuclear club, and again we have a country ripe for turmoil and radical takeover. Bomb them too? S.A. supplies a good chunk of the world's oil, and Israel would soon find the limits of bribing US senators if they threatened the reliability of this resource.

In short, Israel will have to negociate in good faith at some point, and the longer it waits, the more the stakes go up. Much better to do it now.
This dialog is moot. Israel will not allow Iran to get a nuclear bomb. Prepare for the ramifications of that reality.

A state cannot indefinitely bomb into submission any and all who disagree with them. It doesn't always work, as the US has found out in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. What if a radical government came to power in Pakistan, and those in power there started to make noises about Jews getting out of Palestine? Bomb them also- a country with a nuclear stockpile? How about Saudi Arabia? They could no doubt buy their way into the nuclear club, and again we have a country ripe for turmoil and radical takeover. Bomb them too? S.A. supplies a good chunk of the world's oil, and Israel would soon find the limits of bribing US senators if they threatened the reliability of this resource.

In short, Israel will have to negociate in good faith at some point, and the longer it waits, the more the stakes go up. Much better to do it now.
You cannot negotiate with those who intend on eliminating you!
Iran can do what it wants, and so can Israel - niether of us have to like it. I support Israel 100% - good, bad, and ugly.
The fact remains that Israel will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons.
Look, there is a disconnect here. I am repeating what Netanyahu said. " Iran is 3/4 there. We won't let them get to the finish line. " It doesn't matter if Iran has, or does not have a nearing capability. Israel percieves one.

I presume that Iran will take it to the brink, and then capitulate - with subterfuge no doubt.
If this is an issue regarding Israeli perception of Iran's program, then the problem is with Israel, not Iran. Why aren't you questioning Israel and demanding that they come up with some proof to back up the things they are claiming? Are you just going to blindly accept everything they say as true? Or think everything they do is okay?

You don't go bombing a country over what you "think" is going on! Not to mention how immoral it is to attack someone that did not attack you first.
Iran has threatened Israel; to wipe them off the map. I don't know if you take threats seriously, but Israel is surrounded by enemies - they do.

I hate Islam - hope that answeres your question.
Don't be diverted by the Leftist Loons: Prior to Czechoslovakia, Germany had not "invaded" another country. Unless Iran's nuclear weapon capability is eliminated by Israel, we will have no other choice than to station our own nuclear missiles in Saudi Arabia and other friendly countries in the area.
Why don't you prove the "capability" exists mother-fucker, before you start shooting your war-mongering mouth off?

Riddle me this.........Why the hell do Libs get upset and call every one a Warmonger when we talk about possible threats like Iran.

Iran has admitted to using Centrifuges and trying to enrich Uranium. Do they need that Chit to make Corn Flakes brother..

Oh, they are doing it for PEACEFUL reasons. They need it for MEDICAL REASONS.

Yeah right. If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumps.
BTW Billo

Be glad I'm not in charge Lib as I'd blow those sites off the Face of the Earth.

But that's just me. Call me Mr. Warmonger Sir.

Iran supports Terrorism PERIOD. Letting them get the bomb is STUPID. They have vowed to destroy Israel, and their weapons hit them all the time as they supply them.

Israel has the right to self defense even if it means hitting Iran to prevent a Nuke from being built. They have hit suspect Nuclear sites before and they will do it again.
The Iranian Regime can not and will not get nuclear weapons, have no doubt about it!

As the whole world know by now, there are several reasons for this, one of these reasons being Iran is one of the world's leading state sponsors of terrorism through its financial and operational support for groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. Iran could potentially share its nuclear technology and know-how with extremist groups hostile to Israel the United States and the West.

I feel sorry for for Iran’s long-suffering, oppressed people.... but I certainly don't feel sorry for one of the most vicious regimes in the world...they deserve what is coming to them.
the iranian regime can not and will not get nuclear weapons, have no doubt about it!

As the whole world know by now, there are several reasons for this, one of these reasons being iran is one of the world's leading state sponsors of terrorism through its financial and operational support for groups such as hezbollah, hamas, and others. Iran could potentially share its nuclear technology and know-how with extremist groups hostile to israel the united states and the west.

I feel sorry for for iran’s long-suffering, oppressed people.... But i certainly don't feel sorry for one of the most vicious regimes in the world...they deserve what is coming to them.


This dialog is moot. Israel will not allow Iran to get a nuclear bomb. Prepare for the ramifications of that reality.

A state cannot indefinitely bomb into submission any and all who disagree with them. It doesn't always work, as the US has found out in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. What if a radical government came to power in Pakistan, and those in power there started to make noises about Jews getting out of Palestine? Bomb them also- a country with a nuclear stockpile? How about Saudi Arabia? They could no doubt buy their way into the nuclear club, and again we have a country ripe for turmoil and radical takeover. Bomb them too? S.A. supplies a good chunk of the world's oil, and Israel would soon find the limits of bribing US senators if they threatened the reliability of this resource.

In short, Israel will have to negociate in good faith at some point, and the longer it waits, the more the stakes go up. Much better to do it now.

You cannot negotiate with those who intend on eliminating you!

Nonsense. The Arab world had proposed peace on a very generous plan. The PA has adopted it. Iran? A fool that didn't have the backing of the "religious" rulers has fallen by the wayside. Plans are on the table, the problem is Israel will not negociate.

Iran can do what it wants, and so can Israel - niether of us have to like it. I support Israel 100% - good, bad, and ugly.

Clearly. The question is why? No one regime is spotless and untouchable. Not Washington, London, or others. Is it because of feelings of racial or ethnic superiority? These kind of things don't hold up in the light of modern day science.

The fact remains that Israel will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons.

Are you a military analyst? According to some that are, and are reported in some of the more reputable media outlets, Israel, short of all out nuclear war, cannot stop an Iranian bomb. Various saber waving pronouncments from Israel and the US have caused Iran to disperse and harden its nuclear program extensively. Some suggest that only a ground invasion can completely stop the Iranian program. Others have suggested that an air strike would have to continue for weeks or months. Even the latter scenario is beyond Israel's capability. What are you basing your claims on?
It is a maxim that..."If any state forms a great regular army, the bordering states must imitate the example, or submit to a foreign yoke".

But, Iran will be allowed to get a nuclear weapon during Barak Obama's term in office.

While Iran builds a bomb, Obama spies on us.

What a jackass. Hint: NK got a nuke during the Bushter's admin. ? : what happened
A state cannot indefinitely bomb into submission any and all who disagree with them. It doesn't always work, as the US has found out in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. What if a radical government came to power in Pakistan, and those in power there started to make noises about Jews getting out of Palestine? Bomb them also- a country with a nuclear stockpile? How about Saudi Arabia? They could no doubt buy their way into the nuclear club, and again we have a country ripe for turmoil and radical takeover. Bomb them too? S.A. supplies a good chunk of the world's oil, and Israel would soon find the limits of bribing US senators if they threatened the reliability of this resource.

In short, Israel will have to negociate in good faith at some point, and the longer it waits, the more the stakes go up. Much better to do it now.

You cannot negotiate with those who intend on eliminating you!

Nonsense. The Arab world had proposed peace on a very generous plan. The PA has adopted it. Iran? A fool that didn't have the backing of the "religious" rulers has fallen by the wayside. Plans are on the table, the problem is Israel will not negociate.

Iran can do what it wants, and so can Israel - niether of us have to like it. I support Israel 100% - good, bad, and ugly.

Clearly. The question is why? No one regime is spotless and untouchable. Not Washington, London, or others. Is it because of feelings of racial or ethnic superiority? These kind of things don't hold up in the light of modern day science.

The fact remains that Israel will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons.

Are you a military analyst? According to some that are, and are reported in some of the more reputable media outlets, Israel, short of all out nuclear war, cannot stop an Iranian bomb. Various saber waving pronouncments from Israel and the US have caused Iran to disperse and harden its nuclear program extensively. Some suggest that only a ground invasion can completely stop the Iranian program. Others have suggested that an air strike would have to continue for weeks or months. Even the latter scenario is beyond Israel's capability. What are you basing your claims on?
Netanyahu! It is a very disturbing, but a simple perspective: If Iran gets nuclear bombs they will use them on Israel. That is what Israel believes; better not allow them to get them - simple deduction, irregardless of burden.

What happens after they strike is anybodies guess. I think when Israel makes it clear to the USA that a strike is eminent, all of a sudden Iran will capitulate, mixed with deceit.

Make no mistake, Israel can, and will take out Irans nuclear capabilities - catastrophically if necessary.
BTW Billo

Be glad I'm not in charge Lib as I'd blow those sites off the Face of the Earth.

But that's just me. Call me Mr. Warmonger Sir.

Iran supports Terrorism PERIOD. Letting them get the bomb is STUPID. They have vowed to destroy Israel, and their weapons hit them all the time as they supply them.

Israel has the right to self defense even if it means hitting Iran to prevent a Nuke from being built. They have hit suspect Nuclear sites before and they will do it again.
I'm sorry, but there are only 2 legal ways one country can attack another country:
1. if you, yourself are attacked and are doing it in self defense
2. you have UNSC authorization to do so

And you be glad I'm not President, because this is what I would do to bring peace to the ME within 90 days:
  • I would tell my UN ambassador that we will no longer be protecting Israel from being held accountable for war crimes, with our veto
  • I would put a moratorium on all weapons shipments to Israel
  • I would freeze all Israeli assets in US banks
  • I would outlaw AIPAC within the continental United States
  • I would tell Big Ben, that he has 90 days to get his fuckin' ass out of the OPT. That includes the IOF and all their lunatic settler insurgents
On the 91st day, I would send in the marines to drive those god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. Then I would create a DMZ along the Green Line and shoot any mother-fucker entering it from either side.

Have a nice day!
Iran has threatened Israel; to wipe them off the map.
That's not true. Their (now former) President didn't say that. Their former Ayatollah did (the one they used like a piñata at his funeral).

I don't know if you take threats seriously, but Israel is surrounded by enemies - they do.
That's a direct result of Israeli aggression against its neighbor's.

So they sleep in the bed they make.

I hate Islam - hope that answeres your question.
I don't care!

I'm a white, Irish Catholic and couldn't give a shit about Islam or Judaism.
Riddle me this.........Why the hell do Libs get upset and call every one a Warmonger when we talk about possible threats like Iran.

Because you don't make up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations.
Hypothetical: If you were on a Island with someone who threatened to kill you when you slept, would you not defeat that intention, before you slumbered?
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The Iranian Regime can not and will not get nuclear weapons, have no doubt about it!

As the whole world know by now, there are several reasons for this, one of these reasons being Iran is one of the world's leading state sponsors of terrorism through its financial and operational support for groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. Iran could potentially share its nuclear technology and know-how with extremist groups hostile to Israel the United States and the West.

I feel sorry for for Iran’s long-suffering, oppressed people.... but I certainly don't feel sorry for one of the most vicious regimes in the world...they deserve what is coming to them.

"Terrorism" depends on perception. Who gets to decide whether a group is "terrorism" or "freedom fighters"? The U.S.? Are we able to just define people at will as good and evil? These matters depend greatly on perception. Iran feels Hamas and Hezbollah are fighting for a good cause, for freedom from oppression. It is a COUNTRY'S RIGHT to arm and fund who they feel supports their interests and the interests of the greater goods. America does the EXACT same thing; always has.

Indeed, Iran's people suffer many injustices. That being said, it is NOT OUR PLACE to deal with that. They will one day rise up and move towards more liberal, democratic ways. Or maybe they won't, so be it. That is their choice, not ours.

What exactly makes you think Iran is stupid enough to give nuclear technology to a bunch of militia men? Do you think Iran trusts Hezbollah with a nuclear device that could end the human race? Hezbollah could turn around and use it on Iran, who the hell knows? It's completely illogical to think that Iran will do anything but sit on their nuclear device and use it as a way to keep us out of their affairs. It's the IDEA of a bomb that is important to them, not the bomb itself.
Riddle me this.........Why the hell do Libs get upset and call every one a Warmonger when we talk about possible threats like Iran.

Because you don't make up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations.
Hypothetical: If you were on a Island with someone who threatened to kill you when you slept, would you not defeat that intention, before you slumbered?

Despite your statement being "hypothetical", it puzzles me how such a question has anything to do with the current situation between Iran and Israel, or Iran and America. The quotes you have stated where Iran wants to "wipe Israel off the map" have largely been disregarded as misquotes or exaggerations. Or, even more so, have been taken out of context, where FORMER president Ahmadinejad, whose opinion is IRRELEVANT now, said something along the lines of "If Israel was to try anything, we would wipe them off the map." That's a promise of retaliation, not pre-emptive strike.

To answer your question though, I'd slumber. "There's nothing to fear but fear itself"; it leads people to irrational behavior. President Roosevelt, with that quote, was even smarter than most people give him credit for.
Look, there is a disconnect here. I am repeating what Netanyahu said. " Iran is 3/4 there. We won't let them get to the finish line. " It doesn't matter if Iran has, or does not have a nearing capability. Israel percieves one.

I presume that Iran will take it to the brink, and then capitulate - with subterfuge no doubt.
If this is an issue regarding Israeli perception of Iran's program, then the problem is with Israel, not Iran. Why aren't you questioning Israel and demanding that they come up with some proof to back up the things they are claiming? Are you just going to blindly accept everything they say as true? Or think everything they do is okay?

You don't go bombing a country over what you "think" is going on! Not to mention how immoral it is to attack someone that did not attack you first.
Iran has threatened Israel; to wipe them off the map. I don't know if you take threats seriously, but Israel is surrounded by enemies - they do.

I hate Islam - hope that answeres your question.

What about Islam do you hate? What do you feel when you see a Muslim walking down the street?
The Iranian Regime can not and will not get nuclear weapons, have no doubt about it!

As the whole world know by now, there are several reasons for this, one of these reasons being Iran is one of the world's leading state sponsors of terrorism through its financial and operational support for groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. Iran could potentially share its nuclear technology and know-how with extremist groups hostile to Israel the United States and the West.

I feel sorry for for Iran’s long-suffering, oppressed people.... but I certainly don't feel sorry for one of the most vicious regimes in the world...they deserve what is coming to them.

"Terrorism" depends on perception. Who gets to decide whether a group is "terrorism" or "freedom fighters"? The U.S.? Are we able to just define people at will as good and evil? These matters depend greatly on perception. Iran feels Hamas and Hezbollah are fighting for a good cause, for freedom from oppression. It is a COUNTRY'S RIGHT to arm and fund who they feel supports their interests and the interests of the greater goods. America does the EXACT same thing; always has.

Indeed, Iran's people suffer many injustices. That being said, it is NOT OUR PLACE to deal with that. They will one day rise up and move towards more liberal, democratic ways. Or maybe they won't, so be it. That is their choice, not ours.

What exactly makes you think Iran is stupid enough to give nuclear technology to a bunch of militia men? Do you think Iran trusts Hezbollah with a nuclear device that could end the human race? Hezbollah could turn around and use it on Iran, who the hell knows? It's completely illogical to think that Iran will do anything but sit on their nuclear device and use it as a way to keep us out of their affairs. It's the IDEA of a bomb that is important to them, not the bomb itself. .

One good reason is that Iran is a sponsor of Hezbollah which is actually helping the Iranian block fighting the Sunni rebels in Syria.
Hezbollah has received weapons from Iran and it is certainly conceivable that Iran would use this group for its own Islamic strategical purposes by passing on some nuclear device.
The assumption that Iran only wants to become a nuclear power for strategic rather than offensive purposes, may not even be likely in view of the fundamentalist belief of the ruling theocracy.

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