Iran Hits Two Oil Tankers, What Will/Should Trump Do?

It never fails, if a Republican is President, Satan himself could attack American Interests and dimocrap scum would side with him.

I know dims don't follow news that doesn't include their genitalia, but Iran has been spotted loading armed missiles (torpedoes) onto their light-attack boats.

And the US and Britain have been sending troops and equipment to the Region for over a Month.

And General McKenzie told ABC last week that he believed an Iranian attack was imminent.

the Lying Cocksucker had a chance to end Iran from within shortly after he took Office. Instead, he went on an apology tour, telling the word what people Americans are and left the rebelling Iranians to deal with Iran's murdering troops.

Thanks to the Lying Cocksucker, this beautiful woman will never have children, never have a family of her own.


Because dimocraps are cowards. Always have been, always will be.

I hope Trump begins unrestricted warfare against Iran starting tomorrow

So Trump breaks peace agreement...

Ships get attacked (we don't know by who)

But lets have a war...

We got it... Got young men, they need to get killed... And if they don't Trump can call them names when they get home...

When you goto another needless war this time, could you properly fund the Vet Affairs before hand... You get awkward guys who survive and burden the taxpayers with there problems... Those f*ckers could have just died...

By the way it doesn't take much bravery sending someone else son or daughter to war... How many of the Trump kids are going to see action?

Compare that to Biden? He at least had skin in the game...
Re-instate the peace agreement...

Trump asked for escalation... He got it... Are ye not happy...

Trump great at stiring it up but where were these ships escort?
Classic traitor rooting for the enemy.

Hang on Trump.... Trump was the man with the big talk... But were was the actual security for these shipped, Nowhere...

Trump is all talk... We don't even know who did this... We better ask Putin...
There is no proof at this time. No eyewitness reports. No affirmative or denial from Iran. Yet...IRAN!

Iran seems to be denying it.

‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened’: Iran’s FM on tanker ‘attacks’ in Gulf of Oman ‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened’: Iran’s FM on tanker ‘attacks’ in Gulf of Oman

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If she floats, she is a witch. If she sinks, she is a dead witch.

I don't see why Iran would go after Tankers in the Gulf... Totally against there interest... Israelis and Saudis would be the big winners...
They wouldn't. The same as Assad doesn't gas his own people, and Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and there were no huge mountain military complexes in Afghanistan manufacturing chemical weapons.
It's another bullshit ploy to get you to support another bullshit war.

Don't know about Assad but the others were all manufactured... As was Vietnam war...

But anyone thinking a bit of Chess would know that the Saudi bombing a Norwegian Ship and pinning it on Iran is perfect for them....

Does anyone think Trump will listen to the Intelligence Services..

First attack
Assad did not order Syria chemical weapons attack, says German press

Second Attack
Small Problem... How do you know it is Iran?

Well duhhh, Iran has been starting and causing and threatening death to America since the Shah days. I will take their word for it, OK?
Iran would not be threatening death to America if we hadn't funded a coup against Mohammad Mossadegh in the 1950's to re-install the Shah.
Iran would not be chanting death to America if we hadn't (CIA), along with Mossad helped form and train the Savak to suppress their religious leaders and torture/imprison thousands of citizens.
Iran hates us because they TRIED to be Democratic and do it the western way and we fucked them.

Most of the Zionist boogiemen have been self imposed.
Be it the Shah, Saddam, Osama & Hamas too.

Well, I know Israel helped create and fund Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO.
Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It

The Shah was just an US/Israeli puppet.

I don't know about Osama or Saddam.
You know what the media has fed you and you parrot it for them.

Which media?
What Will/Should Trump Do?

A quick in and out, smear every boat that floats in the gulf, then carpet bomb every imam compound we know about. It's overdue anyway.

Small Problem... How do you know it is Iran?

You can't trust the Intelligence services, look they must have been lying over Russia...

It could be a number of other players - Quatar, Russia, China, Isreal, Saudi...

By the way Carpet Bombing is a War Crime...
--------------------------------- UNLESS the USA does the Carpet Bombing . I mean , whatch you gonna do 'E.T. ??
It never fails, if a Republican is President, Satan himself could attack American Interests and dimocrap scum would side with him.

I know dims don't follow news that doesn't include their genitalia, but Iran has been spotted loading armed missiles (torpedoes) onto their light-attack boats.

And the US and Britain have been sending troops and equipment to the Region for over a Month.

And General McKenzie told ABC last week that he believed an Iranian attack was imminent.

the Lying Cocksucker had a chance to end Iran from within shortly after he took Office. Instead, he went on an apology tour, telling the word what people Americans are and left the rebelling Iranians to deal with Iran's murdering troops.

Thanks to the Lying Cocksucker, this beautiful woman will never have children, never have a family of her own.


Because dimocraps are cowards. Always have been, always will be.

I hope Trump begins unrestricted warfare against Iran starting tomorrow

So Trump breaks peace agreement...

Ships get attacked (we don't know by who)

But lets have a war...

We got it... Got young men, they need to get killed... And if they don't Trump can call them names when they get home...

When you goto another needless war this time, could you properly fund the Vet Affairs before hand... You get awkward guys who survive and burden the taxpayers with there problems... Those f*ckers could have just died...

By the way it doesn't take much bravery sending someone else son or daughter to war... How many of the Trump kids are going to see action?

Compare that to Biden? He at least had skin in the game...
------------------------------------ Volunteer American Military VOLUNTEERED for the job of fighting War if it is decided to fight War . The decision of WAR or NO War is probably President Trump's decision 'E.T.' !!
Small Problem... How do you know it is Iran?

Well duhhh, Iran has been starting and causing and threatening death to America since the Shah days. I will take their word for it, OK?
Iran would not be threatening death to America if we hadn't funded a coup against Mohammad Mossadegh in the 1950's to re-install the Shah.
Iran would not be chanting death to America if we hadn't (CIA), along with Mossad helped form and train the Savak to suppress their religious leaders and torture/imprison thousands of citizens.
Iran hates us because they TRIED to be Democratic and do it the western way and we fucked them.

Most of the Zionist boogiemen have been self imposed.
Be it the Shah, Saddam, Osama & Hamas too.

Well, I know Israel helped create and fund Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO.
Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It

The Shah was just an US/Israeli puppet.

I don't know about Osama or Saddam.

Osama was more like a financier rather than the leader... Think of soccer jersey with a main sponsor... Osama really wanted the US to stop propping up Saudi regime initially but he got sent to jail... They then emptied the jails and sent them to Afganistan where the Religious guys kind of got into there heads while the US financed the war... It was load of screw ups rather than deliberate...

Saddam was backed by US... He want Kuwait to pay protection money for fighting Iran... After the war Kuwait told his f*ck off and he was only a son of a wh*re... He actually rang up US to get permission to invade, either he thought he got it or he got it and the public backlash was too bad... But again more of a screw up...

You can't beat incompetency...
Re-instate the peace agreement...

Trump asked for escalation... He got it... Are ye not happy...

Trump great at stiring it up but where were these ships escort?
Classic traitor rooting for the enemy.

Hang on Trump.... Trump was the man with the big talk... But were was the actual security for these shipped, Nowhere...

Trump is all talk... We don't even know who did this... We better ask Putin...
Why dont you tell us, you traitors know everything?
What Will/Should Trump Do?

A quick in and out, smear every boat that floats in the gulf, then carpet bomb every imam compound we know about. It's overdue anyway.
Our last cakewalk cost us 4,500 dead along with 6,000 double amputations. This ain`t cartoons kid, it`s real people dying.
We know what obama would do -- Preemptive surrender. But what will Trump do?

We know he is opposed to Foreign Wars. Hates them.

Iran has called his bluff, will he respond in kind??

Of course, the only decent news about almost anything comes from the Foreign Press. The American Press stopped being in the news business decades ago --

Oil tankers hit in fresh 'torpedo attack' in Gulf of Oman amid Iran tensions - live updates


I think Trump wants a war, he wants to have “wartime CIC” in the history books after he is dead and gone.

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We know what obama would do -- Preemptive surrender. But what will Trump do?

We know he is opposed to Foreign Wars. Hates them.

Iran has called his bluff, will he respond in kind??

Of course, the only decent news about almost anything comes from the Foreign Press. The American Press stopped being in the news business decades ago --

Oil tankers hit in fresh 'torpedo attack' in Gulf of Oman amid Iran tensions - live updates


I think Trump wants a war, he wants to have “wartime CIC” in the history books after he is dead and gone.

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The problem for the OP is this didn't happen under Obama, it happened under Trump...

Iran knew there was a carrot and a stick... Trump doesn't know the players and is clueless on what he is doing... He might attack but he could be attacking the wrong country, they like false flags down there...

The main problem is Obama was playing Chess and Trump is playing Snap...
Trump Supporters only understand Snap and don't understand Chess...

geez dude, wake the F up. Obozo gave Iran billions of our money (never approved or appropriated by congress) including 5 billion in cash on pallets. and what did he get in return? NOTHING. He wasn't playing chess, he was playing kiss the terrorist ass.
It never fails, if a Republican is President, Satan himself could attack American Interests and dimocrap scum would side with him.

I know dims don't follow news that doesn't include their genitalia, but Iran has been spotted loading armed missiles (torpedoes) onto their light-attack boats.

And the US and Britain have been sending troops and equipment to the Region for over a Month.

And General McKenzie told ABC last week that he believed an Iranian attack was imminent.

the Lying Cocksucker had a chance to end Iran from within shortly after he took Office. Instead, he went on an apology tour, telling the word what people Americans are and left the rebelling Iranians to deal with Iran's murdering troops.

Thanks to the Lying Cocksucker, this beautiful woman will never have children, never have a family of her own.


Because dimocraps are cowards. Always have been, always will be.

I hope Trump begins unrestricted warfare against Iran starting tomorrow

So Trump breaks peace agreement...

Ships get attacked (we don't know by who)

But lets have a war...

We got it... Got young men, they need to get killed... And if they don't Trump can call them names when they get home...

When you goto another needless war this time, could you properly fund the Vet Affairs before hand... You get awkward guys who survive and burden the taxpayers with there problems... Those f*ckers could have just died...

By the way it doesn't take much bravery sending someone else son or daughter to war... How many of the Trump kids are going to see action?

Compare that to Biden? He at least had skin in the game...

the obama/Iran deal was not a peace agreement, it was a surrender to the terrorist regime including sending them billions of our money to use for further terrorist attacks. Damn, you libs are stupid.
What Will/Should Trump Do?

A quick in and out, smear every boat that floats in the gulf, then carpet bomb every imam compound we know about. It's overdue anyway.
Our last cakewalk cost us 4,500 dead along with 6,000 double amputations. This ain`t cartoons kid, it`s real people dying.

so should we just stand aside and let them attack oil tankers?
The main problem is Obama was playing Chess and Trump is playing Snap...
Trump Supporters only understand Snap and don't understand Chess...

Barry didn't know a King from a Queen...he married a man didn't he? Trump is way too smart for your ilk...that's why you hate him for trapping you in your own hoaxes...fool's mate.
Why dont you tell us, you traitors know everything?

They know how to cut and run. They know how to blame others for their failure.

They know how to hate everything that is good and decent in this world.

What will Trump do?

I think he gathers information, makes sure of what's-what. Iran's Foreign Minister is denying Iranian involvement. But he is not 'in the loop' inside Iran, as hard as that is to believe, it is true. Iran is a bunch of 7th Century morons running around with 21st Century weapons.

What should Trump do if it turns out Iran did it?

Hit them incredibly hard. Destroy every last one of their Military ports, destroy every Iranian Navy boat/ship they can find within the next 7 days and then -- Just stop.

While we're doing it, go silent. Say nothing to anybody. Hit them so hard they will never recover. Then -- Nothing.

They start their bullshit again, hit the interior. Crush their Republican Guard from the air, wipe out their electrical grid, bomb their Air Force into rubble and then do -- Nothing.

No talk, no diplomacy. Nothing.

Will he??

I think it is more than possible. I think that, at this point, Iran is in seriously deep Kimchi.

If they want to exist through the Summer they need to kiss some ass. Soon

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